
Let’s Read The Word

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The Lake

The Lake

Author:Emma Louise



She struggled for air under the water she had to think of away to get out, but how? The force of Joel pushing down on her and the current together were too strong for her soon she’d be out of energy and out of air! She had to keep going, she had to stay alive. The blurriness of the lake was all she could see, nothing past it, waving her arms and kicking her legs frantically. The force was pushing her down making it hard to escape that’s when it hit her he’d killed her friends now he was trying to kill her too he was going to succeed unless she done something and fast. She reached her hand out grabbing onto his leg trying to pull him down and pull her self up out of the water. Her clothes were getting heavier and pulling her further down soon she’d be out of air and dead at the bottom of the lake, she was a good swimmer she knew she was and so did Joel. Was this why he’d chosen too push her down to see whether she’d survive or die? How could someone she thought that loved her do this? Muffled voiced circled around the lake within the air above her as she tried to keep herself alive.

It’s the end of a tough year for everyone at Castle Gate High School as all the year eleven’s are taking their final few exams. Its party night and all of the year tens were celebrating down the local park.

“We’ll have to do something to celebrate the end of the exams.” Ginger said.

“Like what?” Radford asked curiously.

“Go on holiday.”

“Like where? We’ve got no dosh.” Marie said.

“Don’t worry we’ll think of something, we’ll just have to save some money.”

“I’ll drink to that.” Marti added.

They all raised their bottles, clanking them together. Swigging of their drinks, downing the in one, the buzz of a holiday excited them all, and they couldn’t wait till their exams were over.

“Ginger. Me, and your Dad have a surprise for you when your exams are over.”

“Great that means I’ve got something else to worry about.”

“It’s your last exam today isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” Ginger sighed.

“Good luck.”

“I’ll need it,”

“You won’t. You’re clever. I know you’ll get the grades you want, and when you do you’ll get the surprise.”

“Just make me feel bad Mom.”

“Don’t worry me and your dad will tell you tonight.”

“And what if I don’t get my predicted grades?”

“You will I have faith in you.”

“It’s nice to know someone has.”

“Go on before you’re late.”

“Okay.” Ginger sighed. “Bye Mom.”

“Bye Ginger. Break a leg!”

Ginger looked at her Mom disapprovingly, she hated that phrase ‘break a leg’ she probably would then there would be no surprise.

“What’s up Ginger? You don’t seem yourself in there like you were thinking about something rather then the exam.” Charlie said concerned.

“Mom and Dad Have got a surprise for me when I get my grades.”

“Sounds like a biggy.”

“It does.” Ginger sighed. “They’re telling me tonight.”

“You better go then.”

“Yeah catch ya later.’ Ginger said running out of school.”

“Where’s Ginger going?” Marie asked.

“Home. Her Mom and Dad have got a surprise for her when she gets her grades.”

“That’s nice I wish I had her parents, mine give a toss.”

“I’m sure they do.” Charlie replied.

“Any way. What did you want Ginger for?”

“We’re going bowling, coming?”


Ginger closed the door behind her. Ginger strode into the lounge where her Mom and Dad were sitting. “Oh-Oh, this doesn’t look good.” Ginger said, dropping her belongings on the floor.

‘Sit down Ginger me and your dad have got something to tell you.’

Ginger slumped onto the sofa, her Mom and Dad sitting on the opposite sofa.

“What’s up, what’s going on? What have I done wrong this time?”

“Nothing love.”

“Then what is it?”

“Your Uncle’s got a lodge house, chalet whatever you call it. It’s up in the Lake District and he said that you can go there once you get your results. It’s our gift to you from us for passing your exams. He said that you can stay down there for a few weeks, and you can take some of your friends. It sleeps up to ten people he rents them out during holiday season, and it’s not far from the lake you can always go down to see it if you like. All you have to do is take some money for food. What do you say?”

Ginger sat there unable to speak, and then jumped up flinging her arms around her Mom and Dad. “Great thanks mom, dad.” She said kissing them both on the cheek. ‘You’re the best.’ She said dropping her arms from around the both of them.

“See I told you she’d be happy.”

“This is great. I’ll have to phone my friends.”

“Aren’t you seeing them tomorrow?”


“Well then. You can tell them then.”

“I can’t I’m too excited.”

Ginger’s Mom looked at her with her eye brows raised.

“Okay.” Ginger sighed. “I’ll wait till tomorrow.” She said slouching down on the sofa.

That night Ginger tossed and turned wondering which of her friends to take with her on the holiday. She’d have to invite Charlie and Marie they were her best friends, then there was Marti and Radford they were a laugh they just had to go, but who else? She had to decide before she meet up with all of them tomorrow.

Ginger bounced over to her friends with a beaming smile painted upon her face.

“What you so happy about?” Radford asked curiously.

“Is this to do with your surprise?” Gemma asked

“What surprise.” Sarah asked curiously.

“The one she was getting when she got back home from her exam.” Gemma explained to Sarah. She turned to Ginger. “Well is it.”


“Well what is it then?”

“You never guess what you guys.”

“Enthral us.” Radford said.

“We’re going on holiday.”

“Stop playing with us, we can’t afford it.”

“We are honest; my Uncle’s got a chalet down in the Lake District. We’ve got it for the a few weeks after we get our exam results. All we’ve got to do is take some money for food and stuff.”

“That’s so cool you’re Mom and Dad are so cool.” Gemma said.

“I know, all I’ve got to do is to decide on who to take, the chalet caters for ten.”

“Are you sure you’re Mom will let you that many people?” Radford asked.

“I’ll square it with her. She’ll be cool she said I could take my friends.”

“Aint nine pushing it?” Gemma asked.

“Nagh, it’ll be fine.”

“Okay.’ Gemma said unsure. ‘So, who are you going to invite?”

“You guys, Charlie, Marie, and Marti. Who else?”

“You could invite Andrew he’s always banging on that he needs a holiday.”

“Okay that’s seven who else?”

“What about Kalvin, and Robin they’re a laugh.” Radford added.

“Sure you tell the guys and I’ll tell the girls.”

“Cool.” Radford said. ‘“I’ll catch ya later.”


Ginger, Gemma and Sarah went to find Marie and Charlie whilst Radford went in search for the guys.

Ginger, Gemma, and Sarah finally caught up with Charlie and Marie who all where as exited as them.

“What shall I take?” Charlie asked.

“Anything or everything in your case.” Ginger replied sarcastically.

Charlie liked to match everything up perfectly. Noting in her wardrobe didn’t match, not even her glasses.

“We have to accessorize Ginger or we won’t know what to wear with what will we!”

‘I suppose not.’ Ginger replied, thinking. “Tell you what we’ll go shopping and get some new clobber, for the holiday.”

“Good idea. I’ve seen at least five pairs of shoes I like.”

“I don’t think we’ll be wearing shoes Charlie, more like trainers!”

“Well, okay. I’ll buy some trainers then.”

They all laughed as they turned down the road to Ginger’s to discuss the holiday in more detail.

Ginger and her friends were in school for the very last time to pick up their GCSE results. They entered the hall where they were to collect them. They’d waited for almost an hour after waiting for Charlie to change at least three times before deciding what too actually wear.

They all sat down in a line side by side, the results were handed to them by various year ten tutors. They teared the envelopes open, smiles floated across their faces, happiness in the air amongst the four friends getting the grades they’d been predicted at the start of the year. Ginger felt that it was an accomplishment as did her friends, also knowing the holiday was more than just a prospect now, it had been two months ago that the surprise had been sprung on Ginger, but had seemed a life time away. All the excuses to meet up and make arrangements to go shopping had finally paid off.

Ginger, and her friends walked out of the high school for the last time never to see the place where they’d studied for the last five years, and many of their friend would soon be their acquaintances. Many of them were going to collage, some of them together some of them to other campus’s. Some were starting work, whatever came after today they’d all be together on this holiday.

Ginger closed the door behind her, she strode casually into the living room faking a sad face which she was so good at.

“What’s up Ginger?” Her Mom asked curiously.

Ginger stood in silence playing on her Mom knowing she’d fall for it. She loved to make her Mom think before she gave her good news.

“It’s your exams isn’t it? You didn’t get the grades you wanted. I’m sorry.”

Ginger raised her head, a sneaky smile grinning.

“What are you so happy about?” Her Mom said confused.

“I passed. I got them all. A stars and A’s.”

Ginger’s Mom threw her arms around Ginger. “Well done. I knew you could do it.”

“Yeah even with a holiday at the end of it all.” Ginger added

Ginger’s Mom dropped her arms from round Ginger. “Oh yes, the holiday have you decided who you’re going to take?”


“How many?”

“Nine, ten with me.”

Ginger’s Mom’s face dropped, she raised her left eye brow.

“Well you said I could take my friends.”

“I did.”

‘And you said there was room for ten in the chalet.”

“I did.”

“Please Mom, everyone knows now.”

“Okay.” She sighed. “I’ll phone your Uncle.”

“Thanks Mom.” Ginger said smiling.

Ginger’s Mom left the room to call her brother. She returned a short while after a brief chat consisting of “Yes”, “No”and “Okay.”Ginger looked at her mom as she entered the room.

“Good news Ginger your Uncle has agreed that you could take all of your friends as long as you behave your selves.”

“We will Mom.”

“Your Uncle is putting on a mini bus for you and your friends. It’s picking all of you up Saturday, here. You better tell your friends, it’ll be here at eight o’clock sharp.”

“Thanks Mom.” Ginger said bouncing up off the sofa and into the hall.

Ginger called all of her friends making arrangements with the next to meet her outside her house at quarter to eight Saturday morning.