
Let’s Read The Word

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Realistic Urban

What can I say? I am.......... Unwanted. Boring. Not loved. Unimportant to him I need to become stronger to defeat him I WILL TAKE BACK MY TITLE AS ALPHA!!!!! but what does that matter. I WILL BECOME STRONGER. I WILL BECOME FASTER AND MOST IMPORTANT, HE WILL BE DEFEATED Disclaimer****** I DO NOT OWN ANY MEDIA OR PICTURES ONLY THE STORYLINE!!!!

Ever heard the expression, "Life is like a box of chocolates." Well, I'm telling you now, that's a lie, LIFE SUCKS!!!!! Well, let me start from the beginning. My name is Coco and this is my story.

My name, as you probably guess is Coco Lockwood, my father is the Alpha of our pack, The Spring Lake Pack. and my mother is the mistress. Yup, you read right, mistress, you see when my father found his true mate, he was already married and had four children by our current Luna. Our pack consists of around 630 wolves with some on the way as expecting mothers are awaiting the arrival of their newborns. I have two friends who are really close to me, I guess you can say that they are in my close-knit circle. Kelly, she is the current Beta's daughter, a few years older than me although we are the same height and could pass off as sisters, we hang together all the time. She taught me how to hunt, train and even how to be Alpha one day. Then we have Darrel, he is like the older brother who everyone likes and wants to be. He's the type who will always be there when you have no one else who can, he is sweet and kind always, his Dad is the current third in command.

Now you know about the important people.....let me start the story

My mother is the best thing that has happened to me, I am thankful that I look like her. She has caramel color skin that just shines when you step in the sun, green eyes, Jet Black hair pulled back into a bun, that's my father's choice. She not skinny skinny, but she's not fat either, she has curves, a lot of them and for a 5"5 woman they fill her out pretty nice.

Now imagine a younger version of her, except she has Turquoise eyes with a hint of gray in them and Auburn mixed with Blonde hair and she is 5"11, thanks to her father and curves for days. That's me!!!!

My father is not bad looking but I hate what he has become and I especially hate that he is still married to his wife and allows her to talk to her any ol' kind of way, One day when he was out with my "siblings" she told her to scrub the floor of their bedroom, well my Mom went to begin and she got lost in his smell and lost track of time. She came back and beat my mother so bad she lost vision in her right eye, my father said nothing against her. To him, my mother is a slut, and his wife is his true mate, but the thing is everyone knows who she really is and tried to tell the Alpha but he just won't have it and banished the last four guys who complained to him about it, they are now rogues.

I hate to see my mother in pain, so I help her, but I have had my fair share of abuse too. The Alpha has caught me trying to help my Mother and he beat me for it, one time he even punched me and threw me across a room for it. I mean I would be locked in my room for days due to helping my Mother. That's another thing, he does not want me to call the woman who gave birth to me Mom, he rather I call the Luna "Mom", he tells me that she is my real Mom, but I know that's not true, we look nothing alike. I mainly wear sweatpants and a baggy shirt, due to the treatment of my father and it's convenient, but there are times


I wear the good clothes that Kelly gave me.

My Mother and I are not living the best life, but it'll do.

"Mother, where are you?" I call out to her, entering the house that she and I share. Its small and dark and stinks, kind of like a little shack. It was the Luna's great idea to put us in here, said it was the only available house left in the territory.

"Coco, is that you? It's so dark in here I can never get anything done. Turn on the light." I turn it on.

"Mom...I mean Mother, this is nice, you've turned our shack into a tiny house."


"Yes Mom I mean Mother, this is beautiful, but how do you do it?"

"I had help." She opens the door and the pack members are standing there. "They wanted to do this for us and their future Alpha."

"Who, me, oh no no no, one of Luna's children will be Alpha, not me."

One of the teens come up to me. "But you are our true Alpha and we will not follow that horrid woman or her children."

"Thank you, I feel flattered, but I don't want you to get in trouble because of me."

"For you Alpha we would be honored to follow you, besides the Alpha is breaking the law by having the true Luna out here and not in the house."

"WHAT IS THIS????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Luna appears and she is pissed. "Why aren't you all working, and who did this? I want it destroyed now." Just as she is about to shift, I step in front of the house.

"No, I won't let you. All we want is for you to pack up and go back to where you came from, you and your children." Various pack members start to yell out.

"Yeah, go back to where you come from."

"Leave our pack!!!"

"Coco will become our true Alpha." She tells her guards to go get something.

"Leave this pack and give it back to Ms. Lockwood and Coco." Out the corner of my eye, I see Kelly, she is beaten up, torn clothes, blood on her smooth white skin, her brown hair in a mess. All the light in her brown eyes, gone and is replaced with anger and sadness. The Luna walks up to her and pulls a knife and just when she is about to slit her throat, a gust of wind stirs up so strong that the knife gets tossed. My Mother pulls me aside.

"You shouldn't expose your powers like that, but I'm proud of you for saving her." Kelly's parents run up to her but are stopped when the Luna tells her sons to hold them down. This time my father has come out of the house to witness this scene. The next thing I know is that my father, the Alpha has killed her parents right in front of her and now turns his attention onto me.

"Kill her."


"If you really want to be Alpha then you will kill her at once. If not then you can give up your title to my son and become a rogue, you and your Mother."

"Then you'll have to make us all rouges then, we stand with Coco, she is the true Alpha and she is the true Luna." The Alpha looks and then walks away with his sons and Luna. I rush over to Kelly, she is a wreck now, having to see her parents die in front of her is enough to deal with. They were like a second family to me and now they're gone.

"I'm so sorry Kelly, I know how much they meant to you." The pack says their condolences and five men pick up the bodies and place them in the grass by the creek for a little funeral. The Alpha has gone too far, already he has killed 20 of our pack members for reasons unknown, I really think power has gotten to his head.