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She Is Delicious

She Is Delicious



She was dressed like a little girl in a fishing village. Her father was honest and filial, her mother was weak, and her brother was young. When her father was seriously injured and was about to die, her family was driven out by her cruel uncle. They were hungry and cold, and their disciples were everywhere... "Don't be afraid! She has the colorful God's Stone that can give birth to plants in her hands, and the spiced skills of her previous life are in her hands. Let's see how she, an eight-year-old girl, can challenge the taste buds of the ancients, improve the growing crops, and become a world-renowned expert!"

Lin Xiaowan's consciousness was hazy, and she could smell the unique salty smell of the beach. She could faintly hear the sound of waves hitting the beach. It must be a dream. It must be! Her hometown was in the inland area, and she had been exposed to the light of her younger sister when she went to college in the city of played. It was the only time in her life that she had seen the sea. How could she hear the sound of waves?

Lin Xiaowan tried hard to open her eyes, but they were always entangled by the thick darkness, like a nightmare—her consciousness seemed to be clear, but she couldn't wake up no matter how hard she tried.

"Second Sister, Second Sister! Boohoo... Don't die, Second Sister! Stone isn't hungry anymore, and stone won't eat steamed buns! Second Sister, wake up..." Lin Xiaowan felt a little weight and threw herself to her side, shaking her arm desperately.

"Second sister? That's not right, isn't it?" She was obviously the eldest in her family. When she was in junior high school, her parents died one after another. As the eldest sister, she dropped out of school and worked for two younger brothers and sisters. How did the older sister, who had been called "big sister" for more than 20 years suddenly become the second sister? She must have mistaken her for someone else!

"D*mn it! Didn't this child just pick up a steamed bun and eat it? He actually beat people to death! Xiaocao's body isn't strong to begin with. She was hit so hard that her head was bleeding today. Is she not angry?"

"She's still the child's eldest aunt! A single bun isn't worth much, yet she's using the child's head to hit the boat. I've never seen anyone so cruel!"

"Xiao Cao's father is a famous fisherman in the Shili Eighth Village. He knows how to hunt. The five new houses and new boats in Old Yu's house were all built by him. So what if the child ate a steamed bun?"

"I saw that the child was not very good, so I quickly called Xiaocao's mother back. I'm afraid I won't be able to see her again if I'm late!"

"Li osmanthus, you're really sharp-tongued. You even hit your niece so hard. We have to stay away from her, lest we accidentally offend her one day and get stabbed from behind!"


Lin Xiaowan's ears were buzzing, filled with the voices of all kinds of strangers. Gradually, her consciousness became clear. She felt that she was lying on the soft sand, and there was a burst of pain on her forehead. It seemed that there were a lot of people around her.

"It's a strange dream. When can I wake up?"

"What are you talking about! Don't you dare talk nonsense!! This damn girl stole the steamed buns I brought back from my parents' home. I just said a few words to her and gently pushed her, but she fell on the boat! I asked Hei Zi to invite a doctor, didn't I? Humph! Miss is in poor health, just like her mother, a sick man will only waste food!" A sharp woman's voice was screaming like a broken gong.

"Second Sister didn't steal steamed buns. It was Brother Hei Zi who dropped it on the ground and didn't want it! Second Sister saw that I was hungry, so she picked it up! Second Sister is not a thief!" The childish voice was very clear.

"You little bastard, you are so young, so you should learn to lie! Your Brother Hei Zi clearly said that it was your second sister who stole the steamed bun, but you didn't admit it! I just gently smacked her. Maybe she deliberately bumped into the side of the ship and escaped punishment with a bitter-body trick!" The woman's sharp tone revealed a sense of guilt.

"Dashan daughter-in-law, don't say that! There's a big bloody hole on the child's head, and he doesn't even have a breath left. He even accused the child of using the pained body trick! How old is he? How can there be so many twists and turns!" There was a faint anger in an old but vigorous voice.

That's right, that's right! This woman was really excellent. A piece of cake had beaten the child so hard that his head was bleeding, and he was a relative! Lin Xiaowan wanted to open her eyes to see how "top quality" this woman was, but her eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. She could not open them no matter how hard she tried.

"F*ck..." It was a tired voice with anxiety and heartache. Lin Xiaowan felt that her body was held up by a pair of thin arms, and a few drops of tears with warmth fell on her face.

What a warm embrace. It smelled like a mother. How long had it been? Since her mother died in a car accident at the age of fourteen, she had never felt so warm and comfortable. Even if she gritted her teeth and learned to be strong in life, Lin Xiaowan still had an impulse to cry.

"Little sister... has lost a lot of blood! Mother, now is not the time to cry. Go and get a doctor!" It was the voice of a little girl, at most in her teens. However, who was she calling sister? Could it be me? Lin Xiaowan suddenly had a bad feeling—how could this dream become more and more real?

Hiss—the pain on her forehead and the feeling of being held in someone's arms... This was definitely not a dream! However, how could Lin Xiaowan, who had been a virgin for twenty-nine years, suddenly become a "grass"?

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Here comes Dr. You!"

"Dr. You, save grass. Please save my daughter!" The woman who only knew how to cry in her arms finally raised her head and begged in a trembling voice. Her voice was weak and helpless.

"Put the child down, I'll help her stop the bleeding first..." Lin Xiaowan felt her hands gently wipe the blood on her forehead. The sharp pain when she cleaned up the wound made her body shake violently. She gently opened her eyes, and the glaring light made her have to close her eyes again.

"She's awake, she's awake! Xiaocao's awake!!" someone cried out in alarm.

Dr. You gently bandaged the little girl's wound and said, "It's good that she has woken up. But she is weak and has lost so much blood. She needs to rest for a while and get some nutrition to nourish the child."

Lin Xiaowan slowly opened her eyes and gradually got used to the brightness in front of her. When she saw everything around her clearly, she couldn't help but be shocked—why was there a circle of people dressed in ancient clothes around her? She remembered the voice just now... Was the dog-like time-travel plot falling on her head?

"F*ck, are you awake? Does it hurt? Tell me, do you still feel uncomfortable?" Lin Xiaowan turned her head and looked into a pair of caring and distressed eyes. "Uh... Is this her mother? She is too young and doesn't look much older than me."

"Sister, who beat you like this? I'll help you scold him!" This thin little girl, who looked less than ten years old, was her sister? Lin Xiaowan opened her eyes wide and looked down at herself—the little palm, the little body—she smiled bitterly in her heart. Could it be that God pitied her for the hardships of holding the family in her previous life and let her regain her incomplete childhood?

But God, at least you should choose a family with good conditions. The whole family was dressed in rags, their faces were yellow and thin, and they even picked up half of the broken steamed buns thrown by others to eat. They must be a little miserable, right?

Lin Xiaowan gradually recovered from the shock of time-travel. She took things as they came. In her previous life, her younger brothers and sisters had their own problems, so it was time for them to leave. However, she did not know if her younger brothers and sisters, who were far away from her, were crying for her sudden death.

For a moment, Lin Xiaowan was in a trance. She remembered that when she was 15 years old and was just two years old, her parents went to the market to sell vegetables as usual, but they both died in a car accident halfway. Her uncle and uncle helped her to hastily deal with her parents' funeral, so they left in a hurry, as if they were afraid that they would be involved by the lonely three children if they were late.

As the eldest sister, she dropped out of school on her own accord and used her thin and tender shoulders to carry the responsibility of taking care of her younger brother and sister. That year, her younger sister was 12 and her younger brother was just 10 years old.

In the past 14 years, she not only had to deal with the three acres of farmland in her family. In order to collect all the tuition fees for her younger brother and sister, she had to work everywhere. She was afraid that the boss would think that she was young, so he said that he was already 17 years old, but he just looked young.

She had sold vegetables, helped people sell fruits, served as a waiter, and worked in the factory... Later, a landlady of a spiced restaurant saw her hard-working honesty and sympathy for her, so she left her in the shop to help.

The service of the spiced restaurant was not bad. It was full of food and accommodation, and its salary was higher than that given by other shops. The landlady also taught her the unique skill of spiced vegetables without reservation. Later, the landlady planned to go back to her hometown and give her this famous spiced restaurant with good business at a low price. It was this small spiced restaurant that enabled her brother and sister to finish their junior high school...

The younger sister was sensible and felt sorry for her morning and dark work for her to go to school. After graduating from high school, she secretly followed the girls in the village to work in the south without taking the college entrance examination.

For this matter, Lin Xiaowan cried bitterly. She hated herself for not having the ability to delay her sister's future. With her sister's grades, although she could not get into a famous university, it should not be a problem for her to get an undergraduate degree.

His brother's grades had been at the top of the class since he was a child. When he was in junior high school, he jumped a level. When he was 15 years old and was still in senior two, he asked the head teacher to help him sign up for the college entrance examination in senior three. In addition to the first batch of military schools that had been accepted, all the students in the volunteer list were blank.

The military academy not only spared her tuition fees, but also gave her basic allowance. After graduation, she was assigned to the local army, and she was also a deputy general! She knew that her brother was doing this to relieve her burden!

In the blink of an eye, 14 years had passed. His sister learned by herself while working. She got a master's degree and became a white-collar worker. She also gained her own love.

His brother's performance in the military academy had always been outstanding. He graduated from the Jin City military region at the age of nineteen and became the youngest officer in the military region. Later, his tall and handsome brother, who was excellent in all aspects, was chosen by the vice commander of the JiaL military region and introduced to his little granddaughter. They fell in love at first sight.

When they got married, her sister also took her white-collar husband and one-year-old son to attend the wedding. Seeing that her brother and sister had a happy family, she was really happy, so she drank two more cups...

After the banquet, when she went down the stairs, she accidentally stepped on the air and fell down the stairs... When she woke up again, she became a weak little girl of the Yu family...