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Bet!(They All Fell For Her)

Bet!(They All Fell For Her)

Author:Beekay Writes


Realistic Urban

Meet Emily Brown, seventeen year old highschool drop out who lost the only people she called her parents. She was taken from the streets by her late guardian. When they died, she was back again on the streets again. Working as a pizza deliverer. She was kicked out of her workplace cause of a little misunderstanding....... And she found a work vacancy at a big place, With the people she's been dreaming to work with when she makes it. Will she get the job? Will fate be of help to her? There are good and bad moments. Sweet and sour moments Memories that can never be forgotten.... Find out in this intrudging story.......

Chapter 1


Chapter 1


"Emily out! I don't ever wannna see you near my shop! Leave!!!!!” Boss Diana yelled loudly at me in the presence of customers and colleagues while I just sat on the floor crying

" Ma'am, I don't know anything about this, I wasn't there when it all happened" I cried in pains

"She's the mastetmind boss, she's the one behind it!" Cindy, one of the workers said

I've known her to be my rival, she competes with me and try to get all the good commends

She do say ever since I stepped into the shop, all eyes weren't on her but me

I know she's the one behind this shit going on right now, but who am I to talk

"Leave now! Are you deaf?! Boss diana screamed and I left with tears, but I believe God'll make a way

Well, I'm Emily Browns, a seventeen year old, orphan that was taken from the streets by her guardians. I lost them few months ago to a fire accident and I was back on the streets again cause the house was taken by the family members and the don't want me and I stopped school cause of that

" Watch your way girl!"


"Oak, have you told Rowan to make the announcement known?" Evans questioned zipping his drink

"Yeah, I already did" I replied concentrating on my phone

"Now, let's wait for the reply" He said and went to sit on the couch near to the door

"Yeah" I said and concentrated back on my phone

Opps! My bad, haven't introduced myself. Well, I'm Oakley Davis, seventeen years old, I'm the C.E.O of the golden members, yeah I'm the Boss Man

An artist with the two other crew members, Chester Edwards and Rowan Cooper

Evans Harris, the one controlling the dance crew with one member, Eliot Lewis and lastly, the only one who doesn't have a partner is Austin Hills, an actor


Enough of the crew introduction, now to myself. I'm a Playboy, JERK is my middle name

This handsome boy f*cks b*tches for fun

We still have a long way to go..

"Oak! Oak! Oak!” I heard that voice sounding like that of Rowan calling me

"Hey man! You zoomed off" He said staring at me

"Am good, just thinking about little things" I replied him standing on my feet

"Guess?" He said smiling sheeplessly

"You've got a b*tch to f*ck tonight" I muttered adjusting my shirt

"No man, one applied for the job one minute after announcing it and I told her the address" He said

"And I removed the ad" He added

"Whatever, just let me know when you employ someone" I announced and took my car keys approaching the door


With tears in my eyes, I saw a new ad on the billboard down the street, I moved closer to it just to have a good view of it, and.....OMG!!

Its the GOLDEN MEMBERS looking for a Personal Assistant, I wiped my tear and took a deep breath

If I apply and I get hired, I'll get to attend school with them and every things they enjoy

"This is a rare opportunity Emily" I said to myself placing my hand on my forehead

"But I don't have a phone to call or message the number pasted on the billboard" I said again, I wanted to give up but fortunately for me a woman was passing by and I ran to her

"Hi ma'am, can you lend me your phone please." I pleaded with my hands clapsed together

"Yeah, sure but do not take long" She warned and gave the phone to me

"Thank you ma'am, I'll be back" I said and went over to the billboard, dialing the digits on it

I placed it on my hear and i t rang twice then someone picked

Do you need any help?

I saw the vacancy on the billboard

Come to house 150, Golden Estate in 45mins

I'll be there shortly

He beat me into hanging up and I heaved a sigh of relief, I walked back to the woman with a smile

"Thank you ma'am." I said handing her the phone back

"I'm Elsie and you're welcome" She smiled

"Oh ma'am Elsie, I'm Emily." I said with a smile

"Take this" She said bringing out an amount of dollar from her bag

"Ma'am, you don't have to" I flushed

"Well, I'm insisting you take it, and you'll need it where you are going" She buried the money in my palms and pecked my cheeks

"See you again" She added and walked away

I was still atonished but I still managed to say a thank you

"Thank you ma'am Elsie! See you again too" I shouted and she waved at me

Phew! One burden down on my mind

I flagged down a cab and told him the address, he moved the car and in no time I was at the gate. I came down and paid him

OMG!!!!!! I saw.......