
Let’s Read The Word

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Billionaire's Driver

Billionaire's Driver




He looks transparent and plain as a water of river but deep down under the shadows of his darkness he is that stealth ocean hiding the darkest secrets in it's depth. He is like a black colour who can absorb any colour into it and remain same in appearance until the colour is not white. She is just like that white colour , her heart is pure without any dark patch on it . She is strong , ambitious yet soft and cranky . Morals and ethics runs through her veins yet she is open minded in every manner . She can fight with big problems but small thing can hurt her similarly she don't need something big to be happy. This is the story about love and darkness. Both the things are totally opposite yet similar . One can never felt depth of it's own before been through other one .

A girl with very very long hair nd age of probably seventeen or eighteen years old just jumped down on the ground through the end of tunnel. She traveled through that tunnel which she found out mistakenly for the first time in her life because of her friends.

With the little candle holder she kept walking through the darkness with the small light of candle leading towards freedom which she never knew. She welcomed the daylight in her life, in all senses with the open sky over her head for the first time, before this she had seen the sunlight from the window of her castle where she has been kept as hostage.

For the first time she was greeted by the kindness just after she entered into the world of humans otherwise she has spent her life serving for witch though she have two friends dragon nd rabit but alas they are animals. She haven't been with humans.

She chose to discover more of life which she always have wished nd today she got a chance. As she was walking she heard the someone's Yelp nd she stopped to help the little girl who has mistakenly slipped into the trench, her life was hanging on the branch of a tree in between the way down to trench. 

Rapunzel helped her by giving her ankle length long hair, that little girl held them tight nd with their help she was climbing up, due to that pull Rapunzel fumbled but two warm, rough yet soft hands clutched her waist from behind holding her safe and that's how she saved a girl, she was about to see the ever so handsome or probably only handsome man in her life,

"Fuckkkkk" Nandini groaned in irritation due to sudden interference of her little brother . 

"Why the fuck u switched off the television?" She was huffing in the anger.  She can't bear anyone ruining her barbie movies. 

"U curse so much Di" her brother cringed at her cursing though he is not at all saint but he never curses until it's very frustrating. And credit to his self control he never had cursed in his house in his 16 yrs of life.

"She was just about to meet her prince charming u ruined my moment idiot ..... So ur reason should be worthy or else u r gone" she threatened him and he gave bored look to her , off course he is not scared of his sister.

"U have seen every barbie movie at least for infinite times so I will suggest start behaving like a girl of 23..... Then may be u can get rid of the tag 'Single For Life'" did her mother rubbed salt on her wound ? Yes she did.  Her mother came in the living room with money, bag and list of items in her hand , it's nothing new for Nandini because she knew her mother is over supportive than a normal middle class parent should be  , who tease their daughter for not having boyfriend ?. Crazy , but she loves her extraordinary mother and she can't help her mother by giving boyfriend related tensions which will add Masala into Aunties Gossip Club where her mother also can participate,  because she is already in love with someone who doesn't even know her existence.  

No she is not some stupid teenage fangirl but her love is as complicated as fangirl's love . 

"Before you two will team up against my barbies tell me what you want me to do ? ..... And I am warning you I am not doing any household work" she said seriously and they rolled their eyes at her. 

"I have already washed dishes after lunch ..... Nd don't worry we have stopped expecting such things from useless person like you" her brother mocked her because she never agrees for household work. She is tantrum queen of house, she is older sibling yet immature nd he is more understanding for his age. 

"I might admit u really have started using ur brain ...... So tell me what work I have to do?" She asked after getting up from sofa and stretching her arms in air while yawning .

"Nothing much just go to the vegetable market and bring all Vegetables that I have mentioned in list ..... And don't u dare to say no , it's ur type of work so better do it without any tantrum because we are out of vegetable stock in fridge" having no any option she nodded in agreement because roaming outside is her fav job. She went into her room to change her comfortable shorts. 

She got ready within five minutes, she didn't Changed her T shirt but just wore Jeans after pulling out her pajama shorts.  Then she gave few strokes of comb on her open hair, she applied Johnson baby powder nd then baby lip balm on her luscious lips. 


HALF NOTE  Music Company, 

Inside the cabin of Chairman, three responsible people who are obliged to follow the order given by their boss, were standing and their boss was sitting on his chair which gives him authority nd makes him powerful man present in the room where no one is allowed to disobey him. 

Manik Malhotra was sitting ever so royally in his Three Piece Black Armani Suit with one leg folded on other, back rested on chair pushing it back as per it's flexibility. His posture was ever so casual yet sexy enough to turn on, any girl. His confidence and power makes him stronger nd superior than everyone. 

There he was glancing on the written detailed description of the next album deal which his music company gonna launch, there are celebrities who dies to work with his company why won't they? afterall it's India's best music company, Half Note. He loves to be at number one position because winning runs through his veins and he hate loosing. No matter how much cunning he could be at times but he never lacks in his work, he hates incompleteness though his own life is incomplete mess. Calculating the profit he could make out from this album deal his smirk grew wider and just as per his habit, his long slender fingers picked up one cigar from the cigarette box while his other hand was busy holding the file. 

Placing one long cigar between his two fingers he just advanced his hand horizontally in front of the face of his new P.A Karan, giving him hint to lit it for him, so that he could just breath the smoke filling his lungs with it to his heart content then letting go the smoke in the air through his nostrils nd mouth.

Without wasting another minute Karan just took out the lighter from his pant pocket, following the command of his boss, it's a part of his regular duty. He is not at all clumsy but he didn't knew how it happened all of sudden that lighter slipped out of his hand and directly landed on the file. Pages started burning in the fraction of second making the fire alarms alert, alarms started buzzing creating the noise in whole building. But three people in that room witnessed the scary scene which was enough to choke air out of their lungs.

Manik threw that file away after the second lighter fell upon it, he started panting heavily seeing the fire in front of him. He started sweating more with each passing second, he couldn't care less about his stern image infront of his employees because all he could see was fire in front of his eyes. Though he had tried to overcome his fear for fire over the years but he couldn't achieved that milestone. All he could see was burning of the pages in that fire, before papers could turned into ashes they were wet due to water poured on them from above fire alarms. Fire indeed stopped in a minute but Manik's emotions didn't get controlled instead his eyes turned unexceptionally red as if flames of fire has touched them. Truth to be told it actually touched him awakening the dreadful memories he had lived. 

"I ..... I ..... Am Sorry" not knowing how to correct his mistake Karan admitted it. He knows there is no forgiveness for mistakes in Manik's life and he already prepared himself for the worse. He knew Manik's monster is awakened at the moment. 

Hearing the stammering voice of  Karan, Manik snapped at the real world. His eyes roamed on the scared yet astonished faces of his employees who were standing there seeing him getting all vulnerable. He controlled his urge to kill them for seeing him in weak state though he wasn't being so weak that they would mock but still whatever seconds his vulnerability stayed, it was embarrassment for his strong personality. 

"U go home ..... I will try my best to get the copy of same file if they have it ..... And if not then please give me some hours I will make another contract with the help of  lawyer" gathering all the confidence he has, Karan suggested to Manik and also tried to reduced his punishment if that's possible. 

Manik realised they all being spectators of the thing that file had burnt which not at all bothered him, in fact it didn't clicked into his mind untill now. So except Karan no one saw his vulnerability but just considered his actions as the reflexes which made him less worried about his image. 

"U better handle it on ur own ..... And file should delivered by u at my place before 10pm" without even waiting for his nod, Manik moved away from there. It was hard to digest for employees, that he let go of Karan so easily. Given to Karan's loyalty nd perseverance other might have accepted Manik's softness towards him but they are not at all ready to accept that Manik has forgiven or forgotten Karan's deed which scared them most. 

..............End ....................||

Let me know if you found any mistake.

How was the first chapter?

................... Aish ...................