
Let’s Read The Word

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The Flames Of Eternity

The Flames Of Eternity




Book two to Lost and Found. This story follows Tristan and Jessica as they get to know one another. Tristan is a hideous beast, but he’s still Jessica’s mate. Will she learn to be able to love him for who he is? Or will his flaws ruin their potential relationship?

Jessica POV

I had returned home just in time for Katrina’s birthday party. I got ready quickly and made my way to the dance floor surprising Katrina with a hug. “You made it!” She shouted jumping up and down. I had missed her so much. My soon to be sister in law was one of my favorite people, and I had been looking forward to seeing her again.

Katrina took her time introducing me to her friends, but I was distracted by the smell of fresh rainfall. I looked all around to try and find the direction the scent was coming from and when I finally did my eyes were caught by those of a ghastly figure. I turned to Katrina, “Who is that next to my brother?” I asked her. “Oh, that’s Tristan, the guy I told you about who trained me.” She told me excitedly. That was Tristan? No way, that man looked like he could snap in half at any second. Not like some ultimate fighter. “What… is he?” I asked, slightly embarrassed. “He’s an elf.” She said. “I thought elves were supposed to be… beautiful. Not to be rude.” I felt horrible saying it, but I had never seen anything like him. She looked at me confused. “He is?” She looked at me like I was the crazy one. Was she seeing things? “Wait, Jess, what does he look like to you?” She asked an excited glint forming in her eyes.

“Honestly, he looks dead. Like a zombie.” I told her. For whatever reason, instead of being appalled by my lack of manners, she seemed excited by my observation. “No way!” She said to herself, taking my hand and pulling me towards the man. When we reached him she took my hand and placed it in his. “Tristan, I’d like you to meet Jessica.” She said Proudly.

Sparks soared up my arms as I touched his skin. The man looked at me with a strange look in his dead eyes. “Nice to meet you.” He said in a far off voice. My wolf roared to life in my mind. “Mate!!!!” She shouted. No. There’s no way. This… thing.. is my mate? But there was no denying the feeling in my hands, or the heavenly scent that came off of the man. Could I live with being mated to the walking dead?

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you to.” I told him, trying not to sound to stiff. “This may seem like a strange question, but what do I look like to you? And please, be honest.” He said Again with the weird question. “Well…” I didn’t want to be rude, but he asked. “You look a little rough to be honest.” I didn’t want to leave it at that, so I continued, “but Kat speaks highly of you, so I know you’ve gotta be great.” I decided to say. An enormous grin crossed the man’s face. What planet was I on where that could be taken as a compliment.

“Would you like to dance Jessica? If that’s alright.” He asked me, reaching a hand out. I wasn’t sure what to say, and honestly I was a little afraid. However, despite how scary he looked, this man was my mate, and I wanted to find out more about him. “Alright.” I said hesitantly, allowing him to lead me to the floor.

He was surprisingly strong. Despite how fragile the strange man looked, when we were dancing, he held me as though I was as light as a feather. If I closed my eyes, he almost felt normal. “You’re very beautiful.” He said abruptly. I felt color rise in my cheeks. “Sorry, I just, I couldn’t not say it.” He stammered out.

“Thank you.” I said. I wanted to return the compliment. “You’re an incredible dancer.” I told him. A broad smile crossed his face. “You think so?” I liked his voice. “I do.” I found myself saying in a flirty voice. What was I doing? Yes, this man technically was my mate, but could I really fall in love with someone who was as scary looking as him?

I had always believed that looks were irrelevant, but it’s not like he was just ugly. He looked like a zombie. I wanted a partner I could be close to, both mentally and physically. How would we ever be able to hold each other? How would I ever kiss him? The thought made me blush. I surprised myself by realizing that I did, in fact, want to kiss him.

“Would you like to go for a walk in the garden?” The man asked me. “I think that’s be nice.” I replied with a smile. Despite his outward appearance, so far he had been lovely company. We walked through rows of rose bushes and came to rest on a bench in front of a large fountain.

“I think you’re my mate.” The man said abruptly. His words caught me off guard. So he felt it to? I didn’t even know that elves had mates. I wasn’t sure what to say. “I know I must look absolutely terrifying to you.” The man turned his face. Despite how conflicted I felt, I found myself wanting to comfort him. “I can’t lie, you are a little scary looking, but you have been a good dance partner and talking with you feels good.” I smiled.

A slight frown graced his lips before it quickly dissipated. “Do you not feel it to?” He asked quickly. Looking as though he was preparing himself for rejection. Would I tell him? I hadn’t lied to him yet. “I.. I do. I just don’t know how to feel about it.” I said. He breathed a sigh of relief. “I understand this must be confusing for you.” He said.

“A little.” There was a pause. I decided to ask my burning question. “Why does everyone keep asking me how you look?” I said. More silence followed my question, then he finally answered. “Because I’m cursed.” He said. That didn’t really answer my question. “You’re cursed?” I asked.

“A long time ago, I upset somebody that I cared for very much.” He started. “I did something terrible and I received a curse because of it.” He looked like he was thinking of how to explain. “My curse was that I would be extremely beautiful to everyone except my mate. To my mate, I would be a monster.” He said.

It was starting to make sense. “I don’t mean to be forward.” He took me by my hand and looked me in my eyes. “I just can’t believe I’ve actually found you after all of this time.”

“I know I might look horrifying to you, but if you would please consider me. I have waited for you for centuries.” He smiled. His smile was actually kind of nice.

What would I do? I’ve always wanted a mate. But this wasn’t what I had in mind. I had pictured a handsome man, a house, and some kids. I hadn’t ever in my wildest dreams thought that something like this might happen.

But at the same time, the goddess paired me with this man. She knew what she was doing. I had always trusted her in the past, she had never done me wrong before. But this was asking a lot. How would we even work? Our bodies didn’t seem like they would be very compatible. What if his skin came off when I touched him. The thought of his lips made my skin crawl. Would I be able to do this?

“I’m willing to try, but I can’t guarantee anything. I don’t know what you look like to everyone else, but if I’m honest, you are quite a sight.” He looked at me strangely. “Forgive me, but I’ve always wondered what I would look like to you.” He said. “Are you sure you want to know?” I asked.

He nodded. “Well… honestly.. you look dead. Your skin is so pale, and flaky. Your cheeks and eye sockets are sunken and your hair looks like it’s falling out. You look like you just came out of a grave.” I whispered. His face fell. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make you feel bad.”

“No, no. I asked.” He said. “I knew it’d be bad, but I thought I’d just be ugly. I didn’t realize I’d be such a monster.” I put a hand out and touched his shoulder, I wanted to comfort him. He looked at me shocked. “You’re not afraid to touch me?”

I realized then that he was right. I wasn’t. “I just.. I didn’t want to see you sad. I wanted to make you feel better. I guess I’m not afraid of you.” I laughed. He smiled at me. “You have a lovely laugh.” I smiled “Thank you.” I said shyly. To be honest, so far he was a perfect gentleman.

We spent a while talking when we were suddenly interrupted by a commotion going on inside. “That can’t be good.” He said. He stood abruptly and turned towards the ballroom. “I need to go check on that. Please, be safe. I’ll find you in a bit.” He looked concerned. “Ok, I will. See you later.” I told him. “You be safe to.” I added without thinking. I was starting to like him.