
Let’s Read The Word

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Royal Heir's

Royal Heir's

Author:Authoress Quinny



Prologue Ella Smith, princess of the Velaris Kingdom. Nicholas Williams, prince of the Merralith. They belong to rival kingdoms that seek a reason to call a truce. What could be better than a wedding for both future heirs? Princess Ella and Prince Nicholas. But what happens when the Williams aren't as pure as they seem and plan to assassinate Princess Ella. By the hands of Prince Nicholas himself. Things take a twisted turn when they fall in love. It's love against kingdoms. It's love against orders. It's two against all. Watch out !!!

Ella pov

I groaned, taking my heels off. It's not like anybody can see them under this huge ball gown anyway. 

"Ms. Ella?" There was a knock at my door. 

"Come in!" I called out. 

One of our housekeepers, Mrs. Elizabeth stepped in. "Your mother has requested you come downstairs to join her and her friends for some tea." 

"And would you mind taking my place, Mrs. E?" 

She chuckled, shaking her head. "I couldn't." I stood up, straightening out my dress. "Ma'am, your heels?" 

"They can go to hell," I smiled. She shook her head laughing while I walked past her, heading down to the garden where my mom is having tea with her friends. I walked over, standing beside my mom's chair. "You called for me, mother?" 

Yes, I have to call her mother. At least in front of people. 

"Dear, you must join us. In fact, we were just discussing your marriage." 

"Excuse me, my what?" I sputtered. 

"Not now, honey. Just for the future." 

I let out a sigh of relief, sitting down in one of the chairs, listening while making myself some tea. I squinted at the sunlight that was blinding us but none of the other women seemed to be bothered. 

"Honey, sit up straight," my mom whispered. I resisted an eye roll and straightened up. 

"Ella!" I looked up, spotting my dad calling me from the balcony. 

"Excuse me," I smiled, standing up and walking away. I entered the house. It's a castle but I act like I don't notice. It kind of freaks me out. 

I headed upstairs and to his study which has the balcony he was just calling me from. I stepped out, standing beside him. "Yes, dad?" He shot me a pointed look. "What, nobody's here. What's up?" 

He shook his head, smiling. "We just got word from Merralith." 

I groaned, "What have they said now?" 

"They'll keep this war going until we can come to a conclusion and call a truce." It's not a literal war but you get the point.

"How would we do that?" 

"Well, they have a suggestion." 

"Which is?" 

He sighed, turning to me. "By wedding you and Nicholas." 

I snorted, "Haha." He's not laughing. "Are you serious? Dad, I'm twenty." 

"You just turned twenty-one last week, Ella." 

I groaned, "Yeah, but... I don't want to get married yet." 

"Why don't you just meet him once? The last time you saw you were thirteen years old. See the boy once. Maybe you'll like him." 

"Dad," I sighed. 

"Then maybe you can know him and this war between our kingdoms can finally be over and I can step down in peace," he let out a breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

I stared at him, feeling the guilt taking over my heart. I smacked myself internally for doing this. "Okay," I said, accepting my defeat. He looked up at me with surprise. "I'll meet him. But no promises, dad. I'm not saying he'll be my husband," I scoffed. 

He nodded, chuckling before pulling me into a hug. "I'll arrange a meeting with them tomorrow, all right?" 

I nodded in understanding. "Then I'd best go pick a dress." I took a curtsey exaggeratedly before turning and leaving. I ran my hand through my hair, stepping into my room, closing the door behind me. 

Let me explain what my life is really like. I'm the 'princess' of the Velaris Kingdom. I can't believe that princesses, queens, kings, and kingdoms still exist because well for starters, I only got here when I was eighteen. Before that I spent my life in New York, growing up with my aunt. 

Apparently, she called quits on royal life and married an ordinary man. She seems happier than my mom, I'll say that. 

I was sent to stay with her at the age of six. I came back after my graduation thinking I can use it as an escape from college. I'm not an education, academics person, okay? And when I first got here, I thought it was really fun. Living like a full-blown princess. But now? It's just exhausting. 

Get up at nine every day, wear a gown every day, get ready for nothing, I can't meet my friends that often, I don't like any other princesses because, to be frank, they're all bratty and spoiled. So, I'm really just living in our castle, all on my own. And you know how they show you the pets royal families have. Dogs, cats, birds, whatever. Nope. None of that. Not even a fish. 

I reached for the intercom on the side of my bed, yes, we have to use an intercom for communication. I pressed down, saying, "Mrs. Elizabeth, could you please come up, I would need your help." 

"Coming right away, Princess Ella." 

I groaned as I let it go. 

Princess Ella. 

Ew. What the hell? 

She knocked on my door before stepping inside. "Yes, Miss?" 

"We are meeting the Williams tomorrow and I am required to pick a dress. Could you please help me try them on and perhaps decide on one?" 

"Of course," she nodded with a smile. We both looked through my closet and took out a few dresses and then I tried each and every one of them on and poor Mrs. E had to zip me up and down every single time. 

"I like this one, what do you think, Mrs. E?" 

"I think you look beautiful, miss." 

"Please, call me Ella. At least when no one's around," I smiled. 

She nodded. "All right, I'll iron this one for you and hang it up," she sighed, unzipping the dress for me. I went into my bathroom, changing out of the dress and into my pajamas. I handed her the dress and surprisingly, by the time I came out, she had put all the dresses back. She took it from me and excused herself. 

I plopped down on my bed, grabbing my phone. I'm forced to keep all social media private, nobody can know I'm a princess, not even my friends from New York and I'm not allowed to talk to any strangers online. It's like princess protocol. 

I was exhausted from wearing ball gowns one after the other so I called for some snacks and I got a... fruit bowl. I'm here craving McDonald's and I get a fruit bowl. I ate it and then lounged in my room for a long time. I opted for creative writing throughout high school so I keep that going as a hobby. I wrote for a while and then walked out and over to the library. It's massive and my favorite place in the whole palace. Sometimes I just walk around here. Which is what I'm currently doing. 

This is normally how my days go. Apart from the exceptions like tomorrow when I meet my supposed future husband. 

Our chauffeur opened the door for me once we arrived at their kingdom. It's about two hours away from ours. 

"And this is really necessary?" I questioned. 

"You agreed, Ella. Don't retreat on your words." 

"Yes, father," I sighed as we were welcomed into their palace. 

"Richard!" Mr. Williams said while coming downstairs. 

"Benjamin," my dad nodded stiffly. 

I elbowed him gently in the ribs. "Be nice," I whispered. 

"It's a pity your daughter has to teach you how to behave," Mr. Williams said snidely. 

I glared at him while he shook my father's hand. "I don't think it is," my dad retorted. 

"Considering my father taught me how to behave, I wouldn't say it's a pity," I smiled. "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Williams." 

"Mr. Williams?" Does he expect to refer to him as 'King' because I'm not going to. 

"I don't suppose you'll be calling me Princess Ella every single time," I chuckled. 

He glared at me but led us out into their backyard anyway. These stupid meetings are always in the backyard. 

"We're here to see your son, Benjamin. Not your palace." I pulled my lips into a thin line, biting back a laugh. 

"My son has gone for a drive. He shall be back in a few moments, there's tea set up in the backyard, Richard. We shall wait for Nicholas there." 

My dad and I looked at each other, both of us rolling our eyes. After about ten minutes of sitting there in awkward silence, all of us sipping our tea, the doors to the backyard opened. I squinted, trying to see his face but he's too far. 

"Here he is, Nicholas finally!" Mr. Williams exclaimed, standing up. 

"Are we supposed to-" 

"Yup," my dad whispered, standing up as well. I stayed seated. "Ella," dad mumbled. 

"Please?" I whispered. 

He shook his head, giving me a stern look. 

"This is Mr. Smith, they've come from Velaris to see you. And this..." I stood up when they turned to me. "Is his daughter." 

"Ella," I said. 

"Yes," his dad said. "She is the Princess of Velaris. And they're here to-" 

"See if I'm a suitable husband to the Princess of Velaris, correct? I'm Nicholas, it's lovely to meet you." He stuck his hand out for my father and then me to shake. 

My eyes locked in place with his as my lips twitched to smile. I shook his hand softly. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ella."