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My New Life As A Vampire Girl

My New Life As A Vampire Girl




In a dark room, a young man lays drawing his last breath, thinking about how cool it'd have been if he was born a vampire.. This is the story of that young man after he died and began a new life as the vampire princess, Sarah Merridale.

As the curtain draws closed on the ending of one life, so too does it open for the beginning of another. Damien Knight was your average shut-in, in that all of this began with a failed interview after college at the age of 23, and fast forward 10 years to now he has yet to enter society again. Poor health brought on by zero exercise and sunlight plus loads of junk food led to the current situation: Damien is dying. As he draws his last breath, he thinks to himself about how nice it would have been if he were born as a vampire.

In another world, laying in a bed in an ancient abandoned castle, a most beautiful girl opens her eyes. This is Damien, or rather now Princess Sarah Merridale, last surviving member of the immortal vampire race and the first daywalker in the history of Amal the land in which her family ruled for endless millennia. Now, naught but the beasts of the land and monsters live here. And this is all because the holy church of the humans declared her kind monsters because they can't stand under the rays of the sun. That is until she was born. Luckily she is able to be outside during the day or one day she may draw attention to her true nature. And go out she shall, after all she now needs blood to live.

Rising up from the bed, she looked down at all of the dust and got up and began to twirl to shake the dust off of her dress. Walking up to the only mirror in the room, she appraised herself.

Unlike normal vampires who had red eyes and silver or white hair, she had ink black hair and cobalt blue eyes that seemed to shine with holiness. Standing at around 5 feet tall, she appeared to be 16 to 18 years old physically based on her bust size of approximately in the C range and her perfect beyond compare facial features. She had on a Gothic black dress and looked like a cold beauty to any outside viewer. She even had human shaped ears unlike the pointed ones that vampires and elves shared. All in all, no one would have a clue she's a vampire unless they caught her drinking blood.

Satisfied with her self evaluation, and glad she will blend in with humans, Sarah hurriedly made her way down the stairs of the tower bedroom she was in and rushed out of the front doorway. Once outside, it became apparent that centuries or millennia had passed since the castle was abandoned. Nothing remained of the city of Veld other then scattered bricks and small portions of the city wall viewable in the distance. With a sigh of resignation and acceptance of reality, Sarah continued to run out of the city and onto a dirt road that led west and hopefully to the city of Maran.

As one would expect, a beauty in a dress wouldn't go unnoticed on the road and by night fall, Sarah found herself camping with a merchant caravan. When offered a meal at dinner time, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the aroma coming from the food was absolutely to die for. Nodding eagerly when asked if she was hungry, a healthy stew was loaded into a deep wooden bowl before being handed to her. Thanking the chef, she immediately dug in and was flabbergasted at the flavor. It was heavenly! Wasn't she supposed to be a vampire? She'd already mentally resigned herself to the fate of having to drink blood and consume nothing else for all of her days, but never did she think she'd have even more of a liking to food than she did as a human!

However she soon learned that blood was still a necessity, and so, when the rest of the camp slept she snuck off into the forest and killed a few rabbits. Returning to camp satisfied, she used some ginger to cleanse her pallette and went into the tent set up for her and tried to go to sleep. Only to realize it was physically impossible! 'So, this is where the weirdness of my race comes into play again?' Sarah thought to herself.

Hours of boredom later and the residents of the camp began to stir. It was time to set off once more for Maran.

"Good morning Miss Sarah, I pray you slept well last night?" Said Jerry Sneif the leader of the merchant caravan and owner of the Merchants Guild of Maran. Sarah had introduced herself as Sarah with no house name and an orphan looking to start life as an adventurer. It was true that she intended to be an adventurer. Thinking about this Sarah smiled and nodded saying, "Indeed I slept quite well thank you for allowing me to travel with your group and borrow your tent last night. It was much appreciated." Smiling in relief, Jerry chuckled before clasping his hands and calling out to everyone to get ready to hit the road.

And so with a heart full of excitement and hope for the future, Sarah set off for Maran with the merchants guild with the aim of being an adventurer and with a recommendation from Jerry to boot. Upon arrival, the group queued up to be let into the city, when Sarah realized something: She didn't have any form of identification!