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The Lycan's Reincarnation

The Lycan's Reincarnation




King Sebastian is a descendant of the first generation of the 'Lycano, his soul has a free pass to reincarnate quickly every time he gets old and dies, but this time it was different when he was killed by his mate Alpha Bernard, who was bent on ending a blood-sucking maniac like him. King Sebastian reincarnated again in the next generation with every memory fresh to him like the morning dew, he surge out to find Bernard but he hasn't reincarnated yet, King Sebastian endlessly looked everywhere for him until he was 26years old he died a sudden death with no reason, he reincarnated again in the next years and his life continued on a loop until a prophecy to came to him that he has to find his mate and claim him, only then he will escape the fate of dying at 26years. Fifty years had passed but it was futile even with his money, power and connections, yet as fate will have its way he will meet Bernard's younger sister by coincidence and picked a familiar scent which will attract him to the young girl, thinking his mate Bernard reincarnated into the body of the girl. At the end of the day, his assumptions were all wrong when he accidentally meets Bernard at the Autumn Pack, at that time Bernard didn't recognise him and Bernard already has a love interest with the Alpha of the Autumn Pack, "King Sebastian's worst enemy.


During the 13th century when the war between the Lycans, Shapeshifters, Werewolves and Witch was no way close to being over, Alpha Bernard the 25years old handsome and delightful young man met secretly with Athena the Leader of The South Witch council, at the premonition waterfall at the west in the middle of a snowing night.

The Lycan had emerged from the Nordic, to take over the central plain and system, where the rest of the folklore creatures existed peacefully and agreeably.

The Lycans are powerful, filled with agility, the accurate regenerative ability, they are humanoid wolves, and they have an excellent tracking ability.

The Lycan had taken over every land that has ever been owned by the shapeshifters, A deceiving creature like them didn't stand a chance, the remaining had to join Alpha Bernard to fight this inevitable war, The shapeshift were unable to provide what the Lycan King, Sebastian had wanted, A rageful beast like him always get what he wants.

King Sebastian, a 26years old melancholic psychopath being, with no humour for other mankind, had requested to take Delta Meriam, a 13year old girl, Alpha Bernard's younger sister who is yet to bloom as part of his 8th concubines.

Of course, Over Alpha Bernard's dead body he will give his kid sister as a peace treaty for an unsatisfied being like Sebastian.

They have been at war with each other for months but they have never met eye to eye not even once, Alpha Bernard had met with Athena for solutions.

"I want to meet King Sebastian in person and pretend to hand over my sister to him, while l will find a perfect opportunity to kill him." Alpha Bernard said.

Athena had felt reluctant to do Alpha Bernard's bidding, she was unwilling as she advised Bernard that he hands over the sister to him while she hands over the shadow stones to him, a peaceful ending.

" l doubt these are the only quirks Sebastian is looking for, take a look back at what happened to the shapeshifters, we are not anything especially if we are going to fight for our right, let's do it with dignity," Bernard said.

Athena thought that this wasn't a perfect opportunity for her to tell Bernard that he and Sebastian are fated mates and that Sebastian can be killed and burnt to death, but he will always be reborn in every generation, Sebastian is a descendant of the first generation of "Lycaon" the ones that angered the Gods and were cast down as punishment.

Athena knows that their destiny will be better off if they don't meet each other at all, but a will-filled and stubborn young man like Bernard doesn't care less as long as he can perform his duties as an Alpha and the members of his pack are defended safely.

" What if Sebastian is your Mate? Would you still kill him, Bernard?" Athena asked.

"The Goddess forbid such words, l can't have such a womaniser and blood lust maniac as my Mate, l will kill him the moment l set my eyes on him.' Alpha Bernard muttered with every sincerity in him.

Athena swallowed the future prediction she had seen in her dreams as words down her throat and went ahead to plan a losing battles with Bernard, she had brought the idea of bringing Sebastian out to the open so she can easily build a boundary to trap him, they have been fighting this battle for months, they are already outnumbered.

Alpha Bernard saw that this plan was sensible and agreed immediately to it with no second choices as it was the only thing to do at that moment, Little the both of them knew that they weren't alone at the waterfall, Jason a Were-Witch, a hybrid was listening to every conservation they have had, Jason is a son of a warlock who works for Athena, he has always had his eyes on Bernard, and he is one of three that knows about Bernard and Sebastian fate, his love lust for Bernard will never allow him to watch Bernard cuddle in another man's arms other than his, even though he knew It will be entirely impossible as it is an abomination for a man to lay with another man in the land, but he was still scared.

Since he knows all the next moves that are meant to be pulled on that day he went there with his plans and strategies, and everyone did well except Alpha Bernard who was bent on killing Sebastian.

The day had come and Alpha Bernard went there with his sister as agreed, but a foreseen trick was played on him as he refused to hand over Meriam to him not because he doesn't want to, but because he fell in love with Sebastian on sight, he immediately knew that he was his Mate as his wolf started whimpering excitedly his sleet grey colour hair that its length was beyond his shoulder level, hanging on both side of his face, his hazel blue colour eyes, his nose as the high line of his perfect face, his chilly reddish pink lips like he has iced on them, he was 6'6 feet at the dot as he is a few centimetres shorter than Alpha Bernard.

When their eyes met, both were lost in a trance, they both dazed out, King Sebastian's mind has gone blank as he set his eyes on the most perfect being he has ever seen, Alpha Bernard faded green eyes made him question his existence, his broad shoulders as his upright sexy posterior was exciting noticeable, his thick black hair with a standard mullet, he knew quickly that he has found his better half, and they are the kind to have a fated one once in a lifetime.


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''I don't want to fight you," Sebastian said.

Jason had seen how hesitant Alpha Bernard was, so he surged out to start a fight which left Bernard no choice but to kill Sebastian, after all, he is a heartless rogue who doesn't deserve to live after all he has done to their existence, he goes around killing people for fun, when he is bored and hungry since nobody is bold enough to stop him, Bernard has promised himself that he will be the one, the safest of his people and more importantly the life of his only family is at stake if he walks outs of here a coward because he got overwhelmed in a moment of meeting his so-called Mate, then he is not worth his title.

Athena had begun the incantation, Jason and Bernard joined hands in trying everything possible to kill Sebastian, King Sebastian surprisingly didn't fight back as he was defending himself not taking his eyes off Bernard, as he will disappear if he does.

Alpha Bernard had already made up his mind that after killing Sebastian he will surely kill himself so he can be reunited with him in the afterlife since they were enemies on earth, they can be friends and mate in their death.

After many hurdles the three successfully killed Sabastian, Alpha Bernard was very heartbroken that he howled out loudly not for victory, but for regret and agony, at that moment his Sister stabbed him with a silver sword directly to his chest from behind, and Meriam had fallen in love with Sebastian as well, a charming man like him that is a rarity, not many people have the opportunity to see him eye to eye especially if you are not a Lycan.

Meriam killed Bernard out of rage which was already too late for Jason and Athena to save him, Jason killed Meriam in return, and the rest of the subordinates fought themselves to death except Athena who is still alive to date.

Athena knew Sabastian was going to be reincarnated faster than Bernard, his soul has a free pass on the unlimited things he can do, rather Bernard, her friend might not even have a chance to be reborn in the next generation, his punishment for killing his Mate might likely not get averted too, Athena used the essence of her purity to take Bernard soul and put it in the imaginary pregnant woman she saw in her mind.


N/B: Hi, I'm Lame Ruler. Thank you for reading this book.