
Let’s Read The Word

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Alpha Love

Alpha Love




Brooklyn is an Alpha and has been independent since young. She doesn't look forward to finding her mate because she knows how dependent they are with each other and that's something she doesn't want going on. Brody is an Alpha and very demanding and possesive. When Brooklyn and Brody meet they're in for a roller coaster of their life. (lots of cursing lmao I love cursing)

I never really liked my family. Only my mother. She was all I wanted once I turned seven years old. That's when everything changed. I was the first born, meaning I was to be Alpha. But that didn't matter to my father. He planned for my brother who was a couple month younger than me, he planned for him to be Alpha. It just doesn't work that way. That isn't how the moon goddess plans it. The first born of an Alpha was the Alpha—to—be when the time comes. This is something that has ran through my head for years, the annoyance of the situation has made me on edge about everything.

From the age of seven I was abused, bullied, raped, and it's because of my father. Because he was Alpha it was easy to get everyone to hate me, to use me, their future Alpha. He would even beat on my mom blaming her for making me. He wouldn't let her close to me at all. He made sure that we never at least made eye contact.

My innocence was taken at age eight without hesitation. Nobody cared, only one person, Jason. He was with me and did his best to protect me. He was the Alpha sons from the territory in the town over. He was the only person I could talk to and knew everything about me. He knew the ins and outs of me. He have seen all the scars.

He was the only person I thought I could trust. At age 13 I left my pack with Jason, he was 15. I couldn't take it anymore. He decide to take me under his wing and treated me the way I should be. Now that I think of it he abandoned his pack for me, he didn't have to do that, but he still did.

At age 14 he taught me how to fight and helped me pick up the pieces of my fucked up life. He was the only one to actually look me in the eye and see how broken and fucked up I was. He didn't care about that at all, he didn't mind. He just wanted the best for me.

At age 15 we gathered a well rounded pack. We trained every morning to make sure we were the strongest pack of them all, well with what we had. I of course being the Alpha I am lead them to victory, with Jason on my side. Of course we argue about who is the rightful Alpha,

Don't tell him I said this but he is the rightful Alpha

but he lets me win every time.

My beta, Jazzy, was like my sister. Jason and I saved her from being killed by some hunter at the age of 14. Ever since that day we were thicker than honey and glue.

My third command, Faith was her sister. She joined us once she found out where she was. Faith was older than us and took in as our guardian.

At age 16 my pack, the Blood Moon pack, was the strongest pack out there. I wanted us to the most dangerous, deadly pack ever, but you can't have everything you want, right?

Jason, Faith, Jazzy, Luke, Jazzy's mate, Roland, Jordan and I were the best of friends. We were nothing if we weren't together. Well not really, but it was unusual to see one of us not with the other one.

I don't believe in a weak person. Even if you have been through hell in back. Omega's aren't real. It's all in the mental and emotional baggage when people make you feel smaller than everyone.

Now at the age of 19 we ruled the world. Just kidding. We were strong, but very hidden. We didn't give our location out to anyone out of the pack besides Tom.

Good things happen to good people. Who said I was ever good... Kidding again. ;


I roll my eyes as Jason runs my way, attempting to tackle me. attempting. At the last minute I flip kicking him as he lands on his ass.

"You bitch!!" he exclaims huffing.

"Well kind sir, good language." I say calmly smiling as he stands up. "Fuck you. I could never get you." he growls irritation clear on his face. "That just shows you who alpha." I smile boldly at him.

"You are so full of shit." He flips me off making me laugh.

"Jason, you let your anger get the best of you." I tsk him much to his annoyance. He just glares at me going in the pack house. I follow suit heading in the kitchen. "What did you do to Jason?" Faith ask rubbing her temples.

"Nothing, just proved to him I'm a way better Alpha."

"Brook, you know how sensitive he is about the Alpha shit." she mumbles a smile on her face.

There was a crash and I smirk. Jason is having another one of his tantrum.

"What the hell Jason? " Jazzy yells clearly in the same room as he is. She comes in the kitchen frowning.