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Rebellious Angel

Rebellious Angel

Author:A. C. Laris



It all began with a promise While his good friend lay in his arms dying, the last words that came from his lips were "Please find Brienna and take care of her." He was entrusted with his friends' young daughter. With that promise, Gavin has come to realize that he agreed to more than he bargained for. He never imagined this young child could grow into a such a defiant beauty bent on avenging her fathers death. She fought with him, disobeyed his every command , had a rebellious nature that unnerved him but, with it all conquered his heart. The day Brienna's father died she swore the man responsible, Lord Alrec Defoe would pay. She vowed no one stand between her one desire. Until her heart betrayed her and became an ally to Gavin. Between ardent battles of wits and fiery words. Her defiance angered him. But, her beauty and passion melted his heart. Slowly but surely she was going to lose this battle of the heart to him.

England, 1145

Hazel eyes watched her opponent. Stepping sideways to the right, he tapped the edge of her sword; Taunting her to make her move.

They walked in a slow cirlce one waiting for the others move. In a silver arched slice, he lunged forward. The soft gasp and squeal of her voice escaped her lips as she reacted quickly dodging the attack.

In a swift movement of an eye blurring spin that none expected , she swept her sword low, catching her opponent by the heal and watched with triumph as he fell on his back to the soft grass beneath them.

Astonishment froze on the young girls face as she watched him go down. For a moment he simply stared at the blue sky above him. The heavy chuckle and applause of his observer and soft giggle of his opponent came to his ears. Her triumphant giggles of laughter celebrating her victorious win, brought him up on his elbows.

"I did it!" she giggled twirling around in circles and jumping.

"Little imp," he said with a grin shaking his head. "When did you learn that move?"

"Papa taught it to me," She beamed with pride.

Harold Du'Montclief looked over his shoulder to the teasing smile of his brother, before he mockingly gave him a bow.

Brienna walked closer and extended her hand to her uncle. With a wicked grin he pulled her to the soft grass beside him and tickled her mercilessly. In a crumpled heap of chuckles, giggles and laughter. The slow rumble on the ground brought them up from their play.

Hugh and Harold stood dusting his clothes off, they heard the slow hoof beats of approaching horses. They watched the familiar riders come close. Over one hundred men on horses all dressed in armor with shields in a long line from the keep followed.

Two front riders walked their horses close.

"M'lord t'is time, we are ready when you are," one of the riders announced.

With a stern nod, he turned to look at his daughter. He watched his brother rumple her hair and give her a kiss on her forhead.

Sad hazel eyes looked at him. With a soft reassuring smile he knelt before her and pulled her close into his warm embrace.

"Must you go, Papa?" she asked softly.

Misted eyes looked at her.

"Aye, I must princess. It is a war out there and I must fight alongside the king," he spoke softly.

Tilting her chin up he met her sad eyes with determined gaze trying to coax her beautiful smile he loved.

"While I am gone, you are to be on your best behavior. Am I clear?"

Nodding her head she agreed.

"Aye, but I am not promising anything," she pouted.

With an amuzed chuckle of his men that stood near he pulled her in his warm embrace with a laugh. He kissed her on her forehead and hugged her tight.

Standing he clasped her hands in his and walked her over to her horse. He sat her above the large steed and handed her the reigns. With a wide smile of reassurance from them all, she turned her horse around and in a slow trot she rode off towards their home. He watched her disappear beyond the gates. Slowly he turned to look at his vast holdings.

With a deep breath he turned and mounted his horse. Unsure of how long this war would last, he gave one last glance at his home before turning and giving the signal and riding off with his men to war.


England, 1146

"Come now child you must clean up before your father arrives," Quickly Alice grabbed Brienna's hands and walked through the corridors to her chamber.

The keep bustled with everyone doing work to get ready for the arrival of Lord Hugh and his guests. Throughout the keep the smell of food filled the air. Barrels of ale were pushed by young men thru the courtyard while horses were pulled to the nearby stables.

It was the arrival of Lord Hugh from a victorious battle and he was finally coming home after 18 months of a grilling crusade. A feast in his honor was being prepared and everything must be perfect.

Brienna sat in a warm tub of water as Alice her nanny scrubbed her clean. Diligently she rinsed Brienna's long tresses of raven black hair.

"I don't understand why do I have to get ready, Alice it is almost nightfall and I will be sent to bed soon anyway," Brienna pouted.

"If you must know child yer father is arriving soon and comes with guests. We can't have him see the young lady of the keep looking like an urchin can we now?" Alice poured water over Brienna's head.

Maude a shy servant girl accompanied by two other servants walked swiftly into her chamber to assist Alice in dressing Brienna. Silently with smiles they pampered and dressed the beautiful young maiden of the keep.

Standing before the mirror a cleaner version of herself looked at her before Alice sighed.

"You look everything like your mother dear, may her dear soul rest in peace," Alice cupped her hands on Brienna's cheeks looking into her beautiful eyes.

From the moment Elizabeth bore Brienna she has watched her as her own and taken on the responsibility on raising her when she fell ill and died.

Lord Hugh swore he would not mar the image and memory of his beloved wife with another, claiming the keep was filled with enough help to raise his child.

Looking down at her gown Brienna sadly asked Alice if she remembered her mother.

"Ay Lass, she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and your father loved her dearly," She beemed.

"I cant remember much of her, Alice ." She said.

"Of course you cant remember her child, you were a wee babe when she passed away."

Standing back they all looked at her.

Regardless of all her mischievous ways she was a beautiful girl. The eyes were all of her mother but she had her fathers ways. Tough as an ox and stubborn as an untamed stallion. But all the while sweet in her own nature.