
Let’s Read The Word

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Cold Blood

Cold Blood




Prieto owns the biggest resort in Asia known as East or where the sun rises but behind the fame and fortune lies a secret. Under the big hotel, down in the deepest darkest basement hides the lucky charm. Bern Helsinki ,the eldest son of Prieto. A man so gorgeous with a greenish orbs, pale skin, muscular body, and iridescent scales. A face similarly to greek gods but with the taste for blood. Caiden Zhang, a 23 years old taking his internship in East Mountain Beach Resort. He is on the hunt to find the snake man who he think captured his sister.

Prieto owns the biggest resort in Asia known as East or where the sun rises but behind the fame and fortune lies a secret.

Under the big hotel, down in the deepest darkest basement hides the lucky charm. Bern Helsinki ,the eldest son of Prieto. A man so gorgeous with a greenish orbs, pale skin, muscular body, and iridescent scales. A face similarly to greek gods but with the taste for blood.

Caiden, a 23 years old taking his internship in East Mountain Beach Resort. He is on the hunt to find the snake man who he think captured his sister.


Bern Helsinki Prieto

-the eldest son, born with unique yet deadly beauty. The wealth and charm of the family. Hidden in the hotel basement and sometimes wonder in the deepest part of the forest.

Caiden Zhang

-A 23-year-old intern, who wants to seek justice for the disappearance of his sister five years ago. He believes about the cryptic living in the East Mountain Beach Resort and he think that monster took Camille .

Camille Zhang

-Caiden's older sister and Mix ex-fiancé. Five years ago she was noted as a missing person and up until now nobody knows where she is.

Mix Labsan

-Camille ex-fiance and Caiden's best friend. According to him, he witnessed how the snake man pulled Camille into the darkness. Stayed in an asylum for three years and now work as a writer.

Venice Prieto

-The youngest Prieto. The eyes and ears, she will do everything to protect the name of the clan and their business.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the writer's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Trigger warnings: abuse, murder, crime, and death.

Please If you find yourself uncomfortable with these topics I suggest skipping some parts or not to read the whole story.

Ps. I don't support any type of abuse nor crime, If you somehow know someone experiencing those, don't hesitate to help or ask for help.

Thank you and please do enjoy reading~


5 years ago

January 29, 2015

Caiden shoved his head on the book he was reading, he needed to study hard to pass each college entrance exams he planned to take. A loud groan escaped from the young man's mouth, frowning he looks at his sister, Camille, who is currently packing her clothes.

Camille and Mix have been planning to take a couple of vacations before their wedding next month.

Luckily, Caiden can't come since he has a lot of pending tests this week and of course he does not want to be a third wheeler. He hates looking like air between the two!

"Do you have to go?" the younger asked.

Camille paused before turning to Caiden, the younger insisted her to take a break from all her work, and now here he was questioning his sister's decisions.

"I thought you liked the idea?"

The man looked down, took a deep breath, and after a few scratches on the back of his head, he faced his sister. He is worried and it is plastered all over his face, something about this trip is making him afraid to let his sister go.

A warm embrace traveled all over his body ‘and then an assuring smile etched from his sister’s lips, she looks like an angel.

"Don't worry about me, I'm going with Mix. What you need to worry about is your math, go ace those entrance exams, and if you do I promise you I will take you to the Maldives."

"For real? You're not joking, right?!" He can't believe what he heard, his eyes are all wide and his jaw dropped forgetting about the fear he felt earlier.

They've been planning to go there but they can't afford a trip, so hearing the place pumped him up.

"Ok, fine I will focus on my study now. Take care always. Tell Mix if something happens to you I'll skin him alive."

"No need to be brutal," Camille chuckled and continue packing.

That same night, Camille and Mix took a flight to Phuket.