
Let’s Read The Word

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Luciano Knight 'Analise James'. The woman who owns my heart. Romance is not my thing when everyday I have a new girl to warm my bed. She is special and just watching her work in those small dresses serving drinks makes me fall for her deeper than ever. She is my perfect and will become my precious possession. Looking at her gives me peace. I have been keeping an eye on her for two years now. She works as a waitress in my club. And soon she will be mine. .................................. He gave her everything but stole her freedom and broke her soul.


Luciano knight is the Italian Mafia King. He never shows anyone mercy. He is ruthless and never thinks for a second before killing someone.

Analise who works in club and is becoming a designer never thought that her life will take a drastic turn when Luciano takes her.


"Strip". He ordered making me look at him with wide eyes. He wants me to strip. Tears start falling from my eyes.

Utter fear clouds my sense. Does he think of me as a stripper? "Please I-I can't".

"STRIP". He yelled and I flinched. My hands trembling.

'Please. D-Don't make me d-do this. I am your w-wife not a s-stripper". I say to him begging. The only thing I am left with is respect.

I can't lose it. If me accepting this marriage can save my respect, then I accept it.

Suddenly the room echoes with his loud laughter. He is laughing. It is not an actual one but in reality he is mocking me with it. I look at him with fear and shock.

"Seriously Ana? Now you are my wife. Just two minutes ago you were asking for freedom". He comes near me and abruptly folds my arm on back.

"Ahhh". I screamed from pain when he folds it more. I beg him with my tears.

"If you are accepting this marriage then accept the fact that you are not leaving. Stop begging around for help because you will not get any". He says before leaving my arm.

I try to back away from him when he holds me by my waist and start kissing me furiously.


"Hey, girl. Two bottles of scotch here." 

It was just another day at work at the "Knight club". This club belongs to a successful billionaire. There are some rumors of him related to mafia too. But these are just rumors not reality so who cares.

I hate this job because I am a waitress here. The dress I am wearing is too revealing for my liking but I have no other option.

I hate it when people coming here look at me with hunger in their eyes as if they are wolves, and I am their prey.

I earn great salary and people coming here are rich, so I also get good tips. Job is a need to fill stomach and with this money I also fulfill other expenses. So, in short, I can't leave this job despite me hating it.

I am nineteen years old. I have blonde hair and a good height. My hair is long and reaches below my waist. My color is fair. Parents are dead and their inheritance is enough to complete my education.

We were not too rich but we were stable.

They were the best parents one could ask for. But one night when they were going to meet someone special an accident occurred, and they were no more.

Their bodies were unrecognizable and badly burned.

I still can't forget that scene. Not a day passes without me thinking what if my parents were alive. Everything would have been so much better.

It is not like I am living a miserable life. I have a nice small apartment which consists of one room, a small kitchen and a small living room. As far my as education is concerned I am becoming a designer.

Now it's 2: am and my work here is over. I change my clothes and get out of club and the cold air is blowing. It is quite common nowadays because it is mid-February.

Club is not crowded today. There are only ten to fifteen people outside the club except for guards. Music can be heard if you are not standing far from club.

I walk away from the club in this cold night. Streets are empty with no signs of any human here. Despite how busy New York streets are during the day, nights are always silent here.

Sometimes it is scary to go out at this time but everything is necessary. I can't see any taxi so it means I have to walk again today. I am walking the road alone when I hear some footsteps behind me.

I freeze up. With deep hesitation I look behind me and to my luck no one was there.

Considering it my illusion due to lack of sleep I start walking but this time faster. Suddenly someone grabbed a handful of my hair and I screamed.

"Shut up, you bitch! Let me taste this hot body of yours" I scream again.

"Please let me go". I plead. He was going to slap me but a shot rang in the quiet atmosphere making me startled.

I see blood and start crying hysterically.

I was in shock. The person who was going to rape me was now lying in cold blood. It is the first time I am seen someone being murdered. A silhouette comes near me and before I could do anything a syringe pierce my skin on neck.

I try to concentrate but slowly I lose consciousness and fall limp on the road.


"Ahhh!" I cry in pain when I open my eyes. My body hurts. My head hurts. I clutch my head in my hands. Everything hurts. I sit up with much difficulty and focus my eyes around me and see that I am laying on a king-sized bed.

The decor in this room is quite manly. Everything is grey and black. There is a big window showing balcony. Rays of Sun is coming through windows and is enlightening the room.

This room is big and spacious.

But the real question is WHERE I AM? Whose house is this? What I am even doing here? With great difficulty I get up and reach the door which I assume is an exit.

With my weak hands I start banging on the door. "Help! Help Me! Is somebody there?" I hit the door continuously but no one comes. The fear brings tears in my eyes. What if I am somewhere bad?

After sometimes I stop and sit on floor besides bed while crying. Fear is too much and this headache is making things more difficult.

What if someone is going to rape me or sell me to sex traffickers? Oh, God! Please help me. Heavy tears leaking from my eyes.

As I was too engrossed in my thoughts to notice something, I hear a voice. A voice of door opening and someone entering behind me.

Fear engulfed me in its best way and I started shivering. I am going to get killed now. I don't want to die. Then a voice echoed bringing me back from my horrible thoughts.


How does he know my name? Mustering up the courage I look back at the most beautiful face with most captivating eyes but I can see the darkness hidden behind those eyes.

Glancing at him I see him staring back at me.

"Seems like you are awake-"

"Please! Let me go. Don't kill me. I am thankful to you for saving my life but please let me go. I will not tell anyone-"

Before I could complete my sentence, I hear a sharp sound. He slapped me on face and it is painful. He grabs my jaw with such a force that I think it will break anytime.

By this time tears are freely escaping from my eyes.

"Do not I mean do not ever interrupt me when I am speaking and about you going back let me tell you something. YOU ARE NEVER LEAVING ME. YOUR FUTURE IS WITH ME AND NOBODY ELSE"

He pinches his nose as if controlling his anger. He roughly grabs my arm and pulls me up from the floor. He then throws me on bed.

"Here! I have brought you medicine for your headache so take it now". I think for a moment and with shivering hands I pick up glass and tablet and swallow it quickly. I will do anything for this headache to end.

"Good Girl! Now you sleep and when you will wake up, we will talk about things clearly." Soon my eyes become heavy and sleep takes over me.

Fluttering my eyelids open I try to see the room clearly. It seems like its morning. I look down and is surprised to see that I am wearing a white silk night gown. It reaches almost to my knees.

Where are my clothes? I wonder who changed me? Thinking that what if a man saw me naked makes me uneasy.

My muscles are sore. I think it is because of not moving for some time. I get up and walk towards the door. Will it open? Maybe, maybe not.

I twist the door knob and with surprise it opens. I have to think quickly whether to go outside or not.

'You should go outside maybe you can escape' my brain tells me.

Ok! I am going. I open the door and see a long hallway. Walls are covered with painting. I am in mansion not a small one but a big one. I continue to walk and find stairs.

It looks like a ghost with appear soon. Silence here is deadly. I reach the bottom of stairs and hear some voices.

I follow these weird sounds and find myself in a magnificent dining room.

Wow! The long struggle I did was just to find the devil sitting in main head chair. I could have found the front door. He is reading newspaper and looks up and he smiles.

"Come, Analise! I have been waiting for you "He said. "Look! I just-" I start saying but his warning glare made me shut up.

With great fear I walk towards him. "Sit." He says and like an obedient dog I sit in a chair on his right. May hap if I listen to him then he will let me go.

"So, do you like your new home?"

He asks with eyebrow raised in deadly voice.

"This isn't my home" I speak in meek voice. He chuckles. Suddenly two maids appear and place breakfast in front of us. What he wants from me?

The maids look quite young. Do they know that he has kidnapped me? 

If they know then they should me. Right?

He starts eating. Being in this situation food is the last thing I want. I don't have appetite. I just want to leave this place. He looks up from his plate and growls.


"I am not hungry" He leans back and look at me while thinking. I don't move to pick up utensils but I should have. He comes close and smack me so hard on face that I see stars.

Tears fill my eyes. It is hurting so badly. He starts eating again. 

"I am not going to say again' He claims.

With trembling hands, I pick up utensils and start eating. Tears are continuously flowing out from my eyes. I am sure my cheek will bruise later.

He finishes and wait till I am finished.

He doesn't talk anymore. Then I am escorted back to that room. I fall on my stomach and start crying. What can I do except this?

How will I even leave this place?