
Let’s Read The Word

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The President's Peachy Wife

The President's Peachy Wife



She, Xu Taoer, is timid in character and average in looks, yet she's forced to marry the devil of the jewelry world. For a year-long engagement, she underwent a splendid transformation, yet increasingly lost herself in the process. He, Shangguan Si, is the CEO and chief designer of A-City's number one jewelry conglomerate, a devilish man. His identity is forever an enigma. Two years ago, he was coerced into marrying her, plain as she was. When he began to harbour feelings for her, he discovered that she was no longer an innocent. Could someone dare to touch his beloved wife? He swears that he must find that adulterer!

It was already quite late, and a graduation party that had been specially prepared for the graduates of Tai Arts University had just concluded. Xu Tao'er received three hundred yuan from her manager. This was her payment for playing the violin for four hours.

Although this was not enough to cover the cost of a drink for the graduates, for Xu Tao'er, it was equal to two weeks' lunch expenses.

It was hard to imagine that within Tai Arts University, where sports cars were constantly moving in and out, and designer brands were found everywhere, there were students like Xu Tao'er who struggled for a few hundred yuan.

However, she did not think it was disgraceful to work part-time jobs. Besides, she was about to start her fourth year in university, she believed that she would soon get a formal job.

In fact, Xu Tao'er had been running a low fever all night. While she was playing the violin, she didn't feel unwell, but the moment she relaxed, her head started to feel heavy and painful.

"Twelve o'clock?" Xu Tao'er glanced at her watch, then realized it was already very late. "Oh no! I wonder if I can still catch the last night bus... If I take a taxi, I would have to pay an extra hundred yuan..."

As Xu Tao'er was rushing forward with her violin, she suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure in a sports car parked by the roadside. His tall body leaned on the steering wheel, the smell of alcohol wafted from his body, and he seemed to be drunk unconscious.

The young master? Wasn't he supposed to leave with his girlfriend? While Xu Tao'er found it strange, her heart inevitably began to thump. You should know, she had been secretly in love with Yi Xingchen for over a decade, and she was his dedicated maid.

However, since Yi Xingchen was the dream of all the girls in the school, she only dared to tell this secret to her best friend, Xia Ran.

"Young master, young master... are you okay? Young master!" Seeing that Yi Xingchen did not respond after calling him for a long time, Xu Tao'er looked around, hailed a taxi, and used a lot of strength to stuff him into the car.

"Where to?" the driver asked.

"To..." Xu Tao'er hesitated, if the master knew that the young master was this drunk, he definitely would be furious. But where could they go? After a moment, she gritted her teeth and replied with a blushed face, "The nearest hotel."

"Hotel?" The driver glanced at them and chuckled with a mischievous grin, as if he was saying how open the youngsters nowadays are.

At the hotel, after Xu Tao'er hurriedly paid for the ride, she struggled to carry Yi Xingchen to a room. Clearly, audible ridicule came from the receptionist.

"It's my first time seeing such an artistic man, pity his girlfriend is so plain looking, what a waste!"

"That's right, to have to sleep with such an ugly woman surely qualifies as a sacrilege!"

"Who mentioned she's his girlfriend? Maybe she's his maid, or that woman just took advantage of his drunkenness to mount him, against his will!"

"Mhm! That sounds right, truly revolting!"


Xu Taoer helplessly released a sigh. She was ordinary, true, but was she as unbearable as they depicted?

Reaching a hand to unlock the door, Xu Taoer heaved Yi Xingchen onto the bed, then hurried to get a towel to clean his face. All of a sudden, she felt her hand being gripped, an electrifying numbness coursing through her instantly. "You, young master…"

"My head... hurts..." Yi Xingchen's throat vibrated slightly, his hoarse voice held back the pain.

“Wait a moment. I'll go buy some hangover relief medicine.” Xu Taoer quickly pulled out her burning palm, rushed out with the speed of a whirlwind.

After purchasing the hangover relief medicine, Xu Taoer was still extremely nervous. She was initially running a fever, and with the added stress, she was in a state of dizziness, her mind unable to function properly.