
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Estelle 123



Ava Greene’s life took an entirely different turn when she got a job as a nanny to a recently divorced billionaire’s three year old daughter. All she wanted was to earn enough money to support her family as she is the eldest of 3 children. She was in her first year at the university when her step father died. He has been the one taking care of her and her mum since her biological father disappeared. Since his death, Ava has usurped the responsibility of taking care of her mother and her two step brothers. She got a job as a nanny in her final year at the University, which sounded like the breakthrough she has been looking for all her life until she met her boss. Her job description is simple and the pay is fantastic, but her boss? Not so pleasant. She couldn’t stand the sight of her billionaire boss because of his character who, not so surprisingly, is also disgusted by Ava’s presence and is bent on making life unbearable for her. He can’t fire her because she came highly recommended. His daughter Amy, on the other hand is a very peaceful child and this made the job easy for Ava a little bit. The whole issue escalated when Ava was made to live with the billionaire and his daughter due to the distance barrier which is interfering with her job. She loves her job much that she could not think of quitting despite how unfair her boss is acting towards her. She received the biggest shock of her life when Alexander Stone, her boss came home one evening and asked the most shocking question ever “will you marry me? He asked with question marks on his face. Will Ava accept this proposal? Even if she does how will she cope with the fake marriage? Let’s find out in The love you hate

“How dare you cheat on me?” Alexander said with his eyes blazing with anger. “It was just a kiss,” Clara replied, not realizing the gravity of what she had done. She just cheated on one of the most successful billionaires in the country, her husband, Alexander Stone, and hell is about to be let loose.

“A kiss? Just a kiss? That was a bloody French kiss you slut!” Alexander bellowed. “You were so busy with work that you barely have time for me and your daughter, what do you expect me to do?” she replied, trying to make an excuse for herself.

“Don’t you dare bring Amy into this, you shameless slut,” Alex replied with a much louder voice. He didn’t know what else to do but he knew he was done with the marriage that night.

Alexander is an egoistic man and couldn’t bear the thought of another man dating his wife. “You know what?” he said after a long silence,” I am done with this marriage, we are getting a divorce.”

At the mention of the word “divorce”, Clara was shocked to the bone, she knew her husband would go crazy if he ever caught her cheating, but not up to the point of separation, that is not what she wanted for her marriage. Besides, he never cared about her that much, her face went pale.

“Wh…wh…why would you want to do that? I am your wife,” she shakily spurted out. “Did you just call yourself my wife? Alexander asked, “You know I never had the intention of getting married to you until you claimed you were pregnant for me, right? Which made us proceed with the wedding because of the fear of having a child out of wedlock”.

“So now it’s my fault? Clara said, almost crying. She couldn’t stand the thought of leaving her husband because she knew she would be left with nothing.

“I never said it was, but look where that got us, I didn’t have time for us because I didn’t care and the next thing is you had to cheat on me. Accept it Clara, we are not good together, the earlier you know that the better for you.”

“So you want to leave me because you caught me kissing someone else? When you know clearly it was your attention I was craving.” She said with a couple of tears trickling down her perfectly shaped cheek.

“Why are you trying to make this about me, it was you who cheated, Clara, what do you expect me to do? Apologize for cheating on me?”

“No I didn’t mean that but…..You…you…can’t leave me” her voice was breaking at this point and her eyes were filled with another set of tears that she could barely see who she was talking to.

“You cheated on me and you are about to get a divorce, pack your things, leave this house, and don’t you ever think I’m going to allow you take my daughter with you, Alex thundered and stormed out of the room.

Clara knew there was nothing she could do to stop this unfortunate thing from happening and if she doesn’t act fast she will be left with nothing by the time she signs the divorce papers.

Alex could not sleep that night, he knew the marriage was never going to work the moment he said the word “I do” at the altar 3 years ago. He was only 21 years old at that time, they never loved each other and he was just fooling around the night they had sex and she got pregnant.

His parents didn’t want him to have a child out of wedlock and he was forced to marry her. The fact that the marriage lasted for three years was surprising enough, but it was time to move on from that.

The only thing that seems to be an issue is trying to find someone to take care of his little daughter Amy. She is just three years old and he is not always around to look after her as he has a business to take care of.

Alexander Stone is the only son of Benjamin Stone, one of the most recognized business moguls in the oil sector. He is the heir apparent to his father’s position as the CEO of Stone Corporation.

Alex doesn’t want to wait until his father hands over the throne to him, he has always been a businessman and he has built his own empire from the scratch, Stone Communications, it is a telecommunication company which has been ranked the company of the year three times in a row. He knew his father’s company would still be his but he had to work hard so he could show his father how capable and reliable he is.

The following day, he got ready to go to the lawyer’s office and get the divorce processes done, he had made up his mind and there is nothing that can change that mind.

Alex is an arrogant and egoistic man, he would never allow himself to be cheated on, his ego was bruised and his pride just couldn’t let it go, besides, there was no love in the picture. Love was never in the picture.

On getting to the lawyers office, he was surprised to meet his soon to be ex-wife sitting comfortably at the lawyers desk like a shameless slut that she is. “This is about to get interesting,” he said to himself. He knew Clara must have gone earlier to the lawyer to seek advice on how to take his properties.

“Good morning Mr. Stone,” Barrister Mike greeted him as he was about to take a seat. He nodded in return and sat beside Clara. “Mrs. Stone explained what happened but I’d like to hear from you. “There is nothing to hear Mike, this marriage was never going to work, get the papers ready and let me sign,” he replied.

“Mrs. Stone here has some demands before she can sign the papers, if you don’t mind, let me read it for you.” “I knew you were not going down without a fight, " Alex said as he looked disgustingly at Clara, who was just sitting there without uttering a word.

“Go ahead Mike” he said while trying to adjust his seat. “Mrs. Stone would like to collect 3 million dollars from you for alimony and maintenance seeing you are the financially stable partner.”

“Do you think this is the right way to go about it Alex?” Clara asked, not sure if she wanted the marriage to end, at least not yet.

“What were you expecting from this sham of a marriage? And besides, you are the one who defaulted, remember, why don’t you sign this paper and let’s move on with our lives? That way it will be easier for both of us, and you are about to get three million dollars. So it is a win-win situation.”

Clara understood that she could never win an Argument against Alex, so she signed the papers and that was it.

Alex was thinking about how to get a babysitter for his three year old daughter and he called his personal assistant to make an arrangement for that.


Speaking on the phone with her friend’s sister who helped her get the babysitter job. “Hi Aunt Carmen”

“Ava darling, How are you doing?” Carmen replied from the other end.

“I’m fine ma, I am trying to get ready for the interview.”

“You already got the job description right? Just be yourself and be confident okay? Don’t be nervous, you will be fine.”

“I’m about to head out now, see you soon”

“Head out? It is 5:30 am in the morning, I bet he won’t have woken up by now, are you planning on waking him up? What are you, an alarm clock?

“I just want to get there a little bit early.”

“Why don’t you wait till a godlier hour before you go, so they don’t mistake you for an intruder?”

“I don’t want someone else to get the job because of punctuality, I can be very punctual too”

“I know, but 5:30 A.M in the morning sounds ridiculous, besides, I don’t think anyone else will be there, it is just you so you don’t have a competitor. The interview is just a form of formality, the job is yours.”

“Even though, I have to be there early because I want to impress my boss, so he will know I’m serious about this and he won’t change his mind about me” she said as she hurriedly dropped the phone and stepped out.

She got to the gate and it was locked. She had to sit at the entrance and wait for a few more hours before they could allow her to get in. She decided to sit down and wait a little longer, rested her head on the chair and she slept off.