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CEO Husband Is Not That Tough

CEO Husband Is Not That Tough




  "Wife, it's getting dark..." "Yes, and then?" Is it time for you to fulfill your obligations? " A man insinuatingly suggested unbuttoning her dress to reveal eight honey-colored abdominal muscles and sexy mermaid lines. Summer couldn't bear it any longer, so he kicked out! It was said that the Third Young Master Leng was extremely beautiful and even more beautiful than a woman. Legend has it that the Third Young Master Leng did not like women, and was extremely disgusted with them. It was said that the Third Young Master Leng was the emperor of business. His killing moves were decisive and his methods were extremely ruthless. As expected, legends could not be trusted! The guy in front of her who kept losing his integrity was definitely not the legendary Third Young Master Leng!

"Is this Miss Sheng?" A stiff voice sounded out abruptly.

Sheng Xia raised his head. Unknowingly, a man in a suit and leather shoes was standing in front of him.

Like his voice, he had a rigid appearance, with gold—rimmed glasses, a well—groomed hairdo, and thin, slightly raised eyes that shone brightly.

Sheng Xia could not help but be taken aback, "You are …"

"My surname is He, I am a lawyer, you can call me Lawyer He." The man took out his lawyer's license and showed it to her.

Sheng Xia was even more confused. He was perfectly fine, why would a lawyer look for her?

She was a diligent office worker, she usually didn't arrive late nor did she leave early. Furthermore, she had never done anything to steal someone's money. Could it be that she didn't even know what she had done accidentally?

"Is it convenient to find a place to talk?" The Lawyer He asked expressionlessly.

"Oh, oh, okay …"

Sheng Xia followed Lawyer He into a coffee shop and sat down.

"Would you like something to drink?" Lawyer He asked, his emotionless voice sounding extremely cold.

"No need." Sheng Xia waved his hand and asked a little nervously: "May I ask why you are looking for me?"

Since she said it like that, the Lawyer He would not be courteous anymore. She took out a document from her briefcase and placed it on the table in front of Sheng Xia.

Sheng Xia was shocked, could it be that she had accidentally committed a crime and was sent a letter?

"This is the agreement personally prepared by Old Mr. Leng. Please have a look."

"Which Old Mr. Leng is it?"

Fortunately it was not a lawyer's letter, so Sheng Xia's heart calmed down a little.

However, when she saw the four bold characters on top of the "Marriage Agreement" and that Party A's name was actually hers, she immediately threw it out like a hot potato, "Wh, what Marriage Agreement? You're not a lawyer, are you? I'm telling you, I won't sell myself.

Furthermore, from his words, the other party seemed to be an old man?

As if he had seen through her thoughts, Lawyer He picked up the folder expressionlessly, "Don't worry Miss Sheng, the one who married you is not Old Mr. Leng, but his third young master … Leng Si. "

"Whether it's the old man or his son, I won't agree. "If there's nothing else..." Sheng Xia's movements suddenly stopped, his eyes opened wide in disbelief, "What you just said was … Leng Si? "

Lawyer He nodded expressionlessly, "That's right."

"How … How is this possible?"

That's Leng Si!

Even if Sheng Xia did not pay attention to the gossips in the news, the name of the man who was rumored to be the most mysterious man in the Jingcheng was still known to him like thunder to his ears!

Legend has it that the cold triplegia has a beautiful face, even more beautiful than a woman.

Legend has it that the cold triplegia does not have women, and was extremely disgusted with them.

Legend has it that the cold triplegia was the emperor of business. His killing skills were decisive and his methods were ruthless, causing the opponent to tremble in fear.

How could such a legendary figure want to marry such an ordinary girl?

Sheng Xia suspected that he met a liar.

Lawyer He's expression did not change as he took out a cheque and pushed it in front of Sheng Xia, "This cheque for five million is a deposit. Old Mr. Leng said that as long as you agree to marry Third Young Master, he will pay you 8888888 yuan as the betrothal gift. Old Mr. Leng has already signed this cheque. If Miss Sheng does not believe me, I can use it to deposit to the bank.