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Days and Nights

Days and Nights



Short romance

"Sophia Thompson had just endured a nasty relationship and she vowed never to be caught in one again but when the handsome Jasper Woods boards the same train as Sophia, she's having a hard time keeping him off her mind.In a series of events, both of them ended up falling in love. All was going well until Jasper's ex, Makayla came into their lives and this time around, she was pregnant and she claimed that Jasper was responsible.Heartbroken and dejected, Sophia left the party. On getting home, she met her family in disarray. In the midst of all these, Sophia remained strong but the question is how long would she weather the storm even when everything was falling apart." "Bai Suxin, why are you so cruel?"

It all started in a train station. Jasper Woods, a tall muscular man with Chestnut hair and eyes as blue as the ocean stood up with a frown from his seat at having been delayed. His train was an hour late and his girlfriend, Makayla would be so angry. They planned on visiting her parents to make known their intentions on getting married and now, the stupid train was going to arrive late.

Jasper kicked a loose stone, hitting the edge of the chair in the process. He paid little to no attention to the dark haired beauty, listening to some music on her iPad.


Sophia Thomas hummed to the tune of Sia's chandelier as she tapped her feet, waiting for the train to arrive. She was going to be late to the fundraising event for the homeless children but she didn't mind because her parents would make sure everything went smoothly. Sophia was of medium height with raven dark hair, an oval face and a cute dimple at the side of her cheeks. She was attractive and usually gained the attention of both men and women. Though beautiful, she had no luck in the dating sector as she was a victim of several break—ups, the last which she was just barely recovering from.

Her last boyfriend, Aiden was a total douchebag, a conniving self—centered man who always loved controlling her. At first, she was too blind to see his true behavior, falling hopelessly in love until she caught him with her best friend, Emma. For weeks, Sophia was crushed. Her parents and friends tried consoling her but she was too hurt to accept their comfort until one day, she snapped out of her sorry state and forgot about the whole fiasco.

Now, she treaded carefully not wanting to be a victim again. Her phone lit up, signalling that she had a new message. Scrolling to her message icon, she discovered it was from her dad. They were worried that she hadn't arrived yet. Smiling, she sent a quick text explaining the situation.

A noise attracted her. Looking up, she stared at the man who idly kicked stones in apparent boredom. She noticed him earlier but gave him a fleeting glance and now, he was disturbing her peace. Though, she hated to admit it, he was very handsome with a face that looked sculptured and well—built muscles which was as a result of a day or two at the gym. She quickly went back to her phone before she was caught staring at him.

The sweet voice of the train attendant filled the air, announcing that the train would arrive in the next fifteen minutes. Sophia heaved a sigh of relief, happy that at least she could make it to the fundraising. She didn't want to miss it especially as the mayor would be in attendance and would graciously make some donations. Jasper on the other hand, couldn't wait for the train to get here soon. He knew that Makayla was angry but there's nothing a pack of her favorite chocolate wouldn't do. And so, with that Jasper walked into the duty shop at the corner of the train station in hopes of finding Makayla's chocolates.

Few minutes later, the train arrived in all its glory. And so, tucking the chocolates into his coat pocket, Jasper stepped into the train just as Sophia did. They bumped into each other, Jasper apologized immediately but Sophia scowled, heading into the train without a word.

"Rude much", Jasper said as he also made his way into the train.

The train was quickly occupied and Sophia was left standing, having no place to sit. The only seat that was available was the one beside Jasper, she had no choice but to take it if she didn't want to stand throughout the one hour journey.

"Do you mind?" Sophia said.

Jasper moved towards the window seat while Sophia took the seat by the edge, accidentally bumping into an old man who scowled before moving further. Jasper wasn't going to give up his favorite spot not especially to this rude girl who feels like she's the queen bee. Few minutes later, the train left the station, heading to the city center. Sophia was going to miss the quaint little village where she spent the last six months educating children and adults on how to live a more healthy life. The program was part of a course she had to take before graduating college. She missed the food, the hospitality throughout her stay and of course the children who adored her. A lone tear slid down her cheeks, remembering the handmade bracelet the children gifted her as a parting gift. She quickly dabbed her eyes as she didn't want Jasper to know she was crying. It was an experience she would never forget in a hurry.

Jasper noticed she was crying but couldn't quite figure out how to ask her. He didn't even know her name let alone asking her that question. She basically ignored him and was more focused in tapping her phone. Peeping in, Jasper discovered that she was scrolling through some pictures of her and a bunch of kids who all smiled widely. They looked cute and he almost said that out aloud but quickly sealed his lips before he made a fool of himself.

The train powered on and soon, it began to rain. May in Chicago was the heart of the raining season. There was snow and a bit of sun but the rain was more prominent. The gentle pitter patter of the rain as well as the lull of the train made most passengers fall asleep but not Sophia and Jasper who were in their own world's, thinking about where they were heading to. Jasper wished his girlfriend, Makayla wouldn't throw a fit when he arrived but he knew that was like wishing for a unicorn.

Makayla had a temper, on countless occasions he broke up with her due to this but at the end, he came running back because he was madly in love with her. She was attractive no doubt and he hoped their relationship would progress into marriage but deep down, he knew it was on shaky grounds and he was the only one trying to salvage it.

"Rough day?" a voice said.

Jasper turned to the girl sitting beside him, staring like an idiot. Her voice was soft. Taking a closer look at her face, he discovered that her eyes were a dark shade of green. There were light freckles on her face but that only made her all the more beautiful. She had wavy dark hair that fell in loose curls at the end and lashes so long he thought they were fake. This girl was not only attractive but drop dead gorgeous. As if only realizing he's been staring, he coughed trying to cover up his awkwardness.

"No... Not really?" He said finally.

Sophia stared at him, clearly not believing his lie. She was experienced enough to discern truth from lies and this handsome young man, sitting beside her was clearly a liar. She decided to leave him alone. After all, everyone had their crosses to carry. She went back to her phone, replying a series of texts from her friends who were all worried at her late arrival. According to her friend, Joan, the fundraising was already in full swing. The only person that seemed to be missing was her. Just as she replied the last text, a new one popped up, this was from her school mate Harry.

H: Where are you?

S: I'm on my way Har, hold your horses.

H: Pfffft... Don't call me that again.

S: And if I do?

Sophia smiled at Harry's childish behavior. He wouldn't do anything and Sophia knew that. Harry sent off a series of emojis and signed out. Putting down her phone, Sophia closed her eyes a bit just listening to the rain and the hum of the train's engine. It was going to be a long ride.