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In Chains

In Chains

Author:Jenny Amy


Short romance

After being dumped by his fiancée at the aisle on his wedding day, Cassidy Gray swore to bring justice upon the female race by bringing down his wrath on any woman that happens to cross his path. He uses every form within his means to inflict pain upon women as that paves to quell his inner demons. Jane was the short term hop jobs kind of girl. She just couldn’t get her life together and tends to always have a misstep and now she was once again kicked out of her job and desperate for a new job in order not to be on the streets... What happens when her only hope was to work for the country’s most revered ruthless wealthy man?The both are of diverse values and yet.......

I watched as she strutted out of the dining room into the kitchen. Fuck!, with that ass, I can't help but harden up.

I shook my head and quickly chastised myself at my train of thought.

Yes, she was hot especially with that red hair cascading down her body, and will fit just the perfect picture I had in my head for a submissive, but...

She wasn't my type.

"Dad, would you come to my school tomorrow?" Luke asked bobbing his head about in excitement.

"Luke that is why you have your nanny. She attends to all those matters from now okay?, you know Dad has to work" I said casually even though I knew it would ache him.

"Okay...But other kids parents would come and not their nannies" he whined for the umpteenth time making me roll my eyes in my sockets.

"Buddy are we going to go down that lane again? Those parents are jobless and obviously in need of what to keep them busy," I explained sadistically to him already bored from our discussion.

I suspected he was about to say something else and raised my hand to halt him.

"Table manners Luke..."

"Am sorry Dad, just that the other kids laugh at me. They say my Dad doesn't love me"

"Well you know I do love you. So their opinion doesn't count. They're just dumb and stupid just like their parents." I reassured him roughly reaching forward to ruffle his golden coils.

That got him as he showed off his toothless gum and giggled before going back to his food.

We were in silence for a while. When I finished, I drank my milk and brought out my iPhone to send a few emails to some clients.

While I was at it, Luke finished and ran off towards the kitchen to meet with the housekeeper leaving me to my peace.

My phone rang immediately and I picked up to answer Randy.

"Hey, Bud," I growled into the phone

"Hey...What sup?" he asked

"Am good. Just here trying to sort out some mails"

"Okay. Stacy told me about the girl which she referred to you for the job. Just want to know if you saw her.." inquired Randy from the other end.

"I saw her," I replied monotonously

"okay. How is she?" he surged on making me cringe inside.

"Bud I just met her today so I can't really tell...Whats are the questions about Bud I know you" I responded to him sensing an extra meaning to his inquisition. He never asks about my employees so?

"Nothing man. Just want to make sure she's at the right place...and that you like her"

"I don't like my employees seem to forget. So what's so special about this one" I lashed at him languidly.

"It's fine Bud. Bye," he said simply...

"Rand..what the fuck?"

He cut the phone cutting off my words

The fuck?

What was with this guy today?

Just after the call, the new girl walked out of the kitchen with Luke trailing after her.

I dropped my phone on the table. My eyes followed her as she walked gently like she couldn't hurt a fly towards the stairs.

"Miss..." I paused to think of her name.

"Jane Clarke" she reminded me

"Miss Clarke I need to speak with you immediately" I informed her watching as different shades of emotions passed through her face.

She nodded and spoke something to Luke who stood his ground as though contemplating what she said.

"Upstairs now Luke!" I barked at him. He immediately turned and dashed upstairs leaving the two of us. I saw the way she looked at me when I had ordered Luke out.

Well, it's not like I cared one bit about her feelings.

"Sit" I used the same tone on her to make her understand I meant business.

"For you to work for me, I need you to understand that certain strict rules are guiding this household which you are required to follow to the core especially if you envisage working with me for a long time," I noticed the way she kept her eyes down to her hands which she was fiddling with.

"Therefore when you come to work tomorrow I'll give you the document which I expect you to sign before you can officially start your duties" I finished off my eyes stuck intently at her.

I appreciated the way she was cowering even though there's a fire I see in those beautiful eyes of hers.

With time. I knew her type. They appear fragile but once spooked unleashes the fire within them.

"Okay Sir" she squeaked standing up to leave as I waved my hand in dismissal going back to what I was doing. I stole a glance at her curvy backside as she ascended the stairs taking into cognizance the sway of her plumpy hips.


Was this retribution?

How can one woman have such great assets and now she happened to be my employee?...

More like shoving what I hated most in my face....sleeping with my employees.

Fuck to hell!

This temptation was too great. At first, when I saw her, I was hypnotised by her beauty.

I just hope she didn't notice. I know how most females feel they can take advantage of an unsuspecting male just because they feel they are their weakness.

But God forbade that happening to me. I was never going to allow any female to ride me. Not when there are several of them hunting for picks.

I huffed and stood up from the chair to walk towards the living room having lost concentration on what I was doing initially.

I plopped down on the sofa and tuned into my favourite channel_Aljeezera. I needed to get information on what was going on recently in Iraq.

My phone beeped again and I looked at it seeing my mother's name pop up on the screen.

I rolled my eyes wondering what she wanted this time from me.

"Mother,"I said picking up

"You silly boy! How do you even sleep at night with all these uproars you cause where ever you go?"

What is it this time mother?" I inquired boredly not relating to whatever she was saying.

"Haven't you seen the blogs? What in fuck name is that social media manager of yours even been paid for?" she boomed at the phone. I was already typing away on the phone trying to discern what she was on about...

"Shit!" I exploded diving off the couch.

The fuck?

I ran upstairs to my room even as my mother kept talking on the other side which I have obviously lost interest in. I opened my laptop and types in my website calming my face as I stared at my long time Achilles looking back at me in her exotic fixtures.

How can?

All these years I thought she was dead and all of a sudden...

And then of all the things to do to spite me, it was to be the face ambassador of his sworn enemy.

My jaw clenched hard as I slammed the desk in fury.

She just wouldn't stop haunting me.

She had wreaked havoc on me and now she was back to complete where she stopped and still...

I cursed myself as my eyes trailed back to her in admiration.

How could I still have feelings for such a devious woman? A gold digger. A betrayed!

I need to remind myself more often henceforth that she was the harbinger of misery because I know her...

She would come for me yet again.

She has always had that confidence in her_that she could have whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted it...It had been my undoing in the first place so now he had to be prepared. I can't let her win again the second time.


I flipped my laptop close and picked up my keys. I needed to visit Randy.

We need to visit the club.

My groin was already aching for release coupled with this new development. I needed to have my sanity in check lest I unleashed on someone nearby.

I reached my black Audi and slipped in powering the ignition. I zoomed off the garage towards Bettleville boulevard.

I passed by a wine bar and decided to stop to grab a bottle of something hot that could burn away all the aches I felt .

I entered the bar and walked straight to the counter to sample the assortments of drinks on display.

Suddenly I heard a screech beside me and turned to behold an elegant girl who kept jumping up as though she just witnessed the descendants of Christ from heaven.

"Oh my God Mr Trevor. I Am super excited to see you. Can we take a selfie?" she careened even as I gave her body a delightful sensual perusal.

"Of course" I responded cheekily already deciding what to do with her.

She came close and took a selfie with her iPhone from different angles.

After she finished she thanked me profusely still wiggling her lashes at me. I smiled and picked up a drink striding to the pay port to meet an awed cashier that nearly swooned from seeing me. I became so peeved I had to toss the bill at the counter and walked off the shop bugged to the core.

Why will they always behave like I wasn't human like them?

Fucken losers.

I slipped into my car and dropped the drink relaxing back on my chair.

The wait begins...

Not for long anyway as the object of my patience sauntered down the stairs leading to the shop with a bag. Obviously her purchase.

The moment she climbed to the last step, I honked my horn to get her attention making her blush. I signalled her to come forward, from the car.

She walked to the passenger's side and quietly slid in broad smile plastered all over her visage.

Cheap meat.

"You know, I bought this beautiful tasty drink and thought maybe it would be tastier drinking it with an equally beautiful girl" I breathe out slowly leaning towards her in my perfect playboy practised gesture.

She giggled and nodded being all I need to start up my engine. I reversed the car and zoomed back home Randy totally forgotten.