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Alpha King's Human

Alpha King's Human




I looked out of the window. The huge window had bars on it. It was designed in a way only I could see outside world. That's what I could only do. I could never live there. Why? There were two huge arms wrapped around me like chains as I stared at the window blankly. "Mate, I can still feel your dislike towards me. Tell me, what should I do to gain your affection. I'll do everything you say or buy anything for you. I love you, mate. Name it" I stared at his wolf eyes filled with love which made my heart churn. I pressed my urge to puke and stared blankly at him. "Free me" "I told you. I'll never leave you. How dare you think about going away mate. I'll fuck you so hard that you won't be able to step out of the bed. Then you'll carry my pups. Let's see how you'll deny my love" He growled angrily. In a minute. I was lying under him naked... Again. ---

Welcome peeps! This is me your author Neets_2005. I am here again with a dark romance.

- If you can't read dark romance. Please don't read it. I do write light, cute romance. I have 3 of them : Mr. And Ms. Live-in

             My Incomplete Love

             One-shots of Love

- There will be slight mature content.

- This story will most probably have a sad ending. Again sad ending!

- I'll always welcome your plot ideas and advices. BUT! Don't expect that I'll always agree to them.

- I am pretty sure all readers have certain imagination about the stories they read. But, it's not necessary that the writer will have the same imagination. Respect that.

- I will NOT change my plot or ending. I have already warned about the sad ending.

- I am not Native English speaker. Even though all my education is from English. So, please if you're a grammar Nazi. LEAVE

- This story has dark themes. If you're uncomfortable. I am sorry but don't read the story.

Read below for the prologue.


It had been a miserable state. It had been a year since, werewolves took over the country The world is no longer what it used to be.

There is no country now. There are territories. Territories run by alphas. There are 9 main Alphas ruling the country. I don't know about other countries. They don't give information about that. They don't think it's necessary for us to know about anything outside our pack.

They didn't exist a year back. But, one year back. A alpha found a human as his mate. The mate being human was reluctant and the fact she was the President's daughter gave her benefits to hide more.

The Alpha was enraged. He went on a rampage announcing a war between the country and werewolves if it's mate was not returned.

The president deny to let go of his daughter even after pressure from all the citizens. He said that if he let go his daughter they'll get encouraged to do this to other humans too.

So, this led to war. The great werewolf war as it's now taught in the schools. Of course the war was won by them. They were far more strong than humans. They had advantages. They wouldn't die if not of silver. They were huge. There body was naturally built.

If his mate would have been a common girl, none of this would have happened. I know it selfish of me to say this. But, now there is no humanity. Everyone has to look out for themselves.

Now, I see the same person, now Luna as they call the Alpha Female walked with her mate's tight hold on her stomach. She was 4 months pregnant. The bulge of her stomach was huge. She was having triplets. This wasn't uncommon for most of the Luna's.

Yes, Luna. We have three human luna. The Alpha are extremely possessive and obsessive over there mates. I have heard the more there rank is, the  more possessive it gets.

It's a living nightmare for humans to be mates to the werewolves. You don't have a say in it. You have to submit to them. Being a mate does bring some benefits. But, none of them are worth having a chain in a werewolf around you 24/7 having no freedom to choose, nor to continue what you like to do.

In schools, now it is thought with all attention how important the werewolves are and how honorable it is for us stupid humans to be fortunate if we have a mate.

In every place you roam. You'll see propaganda. I once studied how Hitler spread the propaganda. But, I never in my life thought. I would get to live it. I walk to the coffee shop I am assigned to work at.

I work! I am 16 but, I have to feed my younger brother whom I love to death. Werewolves are assigned to look over and inspect our work. If there are any signs of rebel. They are immediately sent to Rehabilitation Center.

I have never been to one. But, from what I have seen. The person who goes there never returns and if he does. He is always praising werewolves. Saying how great they have done by taking over the country.

It's scary. Everything around me is. But, I don't lose hope. I don't because I have one reason left to live for. Yes, my parents died in The Great Werewolf War. But, they left behind my little brother for me to lean on.

I love my brother to death. I hate that he has to live his childhood in this way. I wished he's known that not always I had to work hard for my meals. I wished he'd known that once the country was a free and happy place.

But, he isn't the only person because of whom I am alive. There's Kevin. My love. We had dated when I was 14. We didn't think it was really a serious thing. But, after the country changed. We realized how much we were grateful to have each other to lean on. He loved me. It would be shown with his simplest actions like giving his meal to my brother because my brother was important to me.

He was the most adorable, beautiful, kind human I'd ever met. I loved him so much. He would always want to spend all his time with me after my parents died. But, this our most pure bond was considered illegal in eyes of the beasts.

They had banned dating in humans. For the fact, that the humans could be a mate and it would be impure of us to give our bodies to someone we love for someone we don't know if exists.

Earning money and ration was the hardest things to do in today's time. But, for Kevin it wasn't. Because, his parents were the Doctors of human mates. He would never have to work. He told me how everytime he'd swallow a morsel. He would feel guilty. How much he wished he could give me ration.

But, according to werewolves, we humans were lazy so we had to earn for ourselves. If we dated to share our ration we'd be in the Rehabilitation Center and I certainly didn't wish that happened to my sweetheart Kevin.

So, he would come and work here. Just, so that he could earn something and say "I can't wait to be 18 and get married. See, I am earning for you"

Sometimes, he would hide his meal and give to my brother. I would always ask him not to. I was scared that a beast would know.

"Attention to all humans! Tomorrow Respected Alpha King will be here for a mate hunt. Tomorrow Alpha of North India has to organize their human females to gather in the Corbett National Park. Humans shall behave and co-operate. A special notice to Alpha from Alpha King to not harm any female under any given circumstances "
