
Let’s Read The Word

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It is about love, fantasy, superpowers, and it is relevant to unseen creatures that are very known even before many years ago. There are many instances that some people deny it and turn themselves def and dumb to the issues of the fairies and other unseen creatures that have been experienced by other people. It is very sad to say that nowadays most people never believed in the power of any kind of unseen creatures and other unusual things that are happening around us because of the technologies. We are more focused on the things which are temporary in this world but we never realize that there is a power beyond all our imaginations like the power of the Almighty God and the power of the devil. It exists but others denied it because they haven't experienced what others have experienced. Like for instance, there was a man who suffered a very unusual illness, and other scary things that were happening to himself like there were various kinds of insects that came out from his body like nose, ears, and eyes. Then he went to the doctor and had checked him out but there were no results that could be found. There were no findings, no result and the doctor was so confused about the man's disease. But they never realized that it was the power who made it. It is the evil power that ruins the life of that person.

Unfortunately, they were estranged from their parents because the boy's parents are opposed to his beloved girl. After all, it is difficult for them to accept their son's girlfriend because the girl is not fit for their wealth and their pride. What the boy's parents did was they forced their son to get away from his girlfriend and they brought their son to the province away from his girlfriend's place just to separate them. But the boy's parents didn't know that their son's girlfriend was already pregnant. Gin loved his girlfriend so much more than the love of his parents. One night when Gin slept in his room, suddenly a blackbird appeared outside his window and peeped at him while he was sleeping soundly. The bird suddenly transformed into smoke passed the window and entered his room and when the smoke was nearly close to his bed it became a large man with his head to the ceiling wearing a hoodie pitch-black dress but it seems like smoke and then he touches the head of the boy. Gin's girlfriend suddenly appeared holding a baby boy and held his hand and hugged him tightly. When Gin hugged her, his girlfriend suddenly disappeared and then he was startled awake and it was all just a sweet dream but lonely. So Gin decides to run away from his parents and is planning to go to his beloved Anna. So did Gin. One day, since her parents were going to the mall for grocery she immediately took the opportunity to escape her parents? He went to his parent's room and searched to get some money for the fare. When he lifted the foam from his parent's bed, he was shocked and stared at the 700 dollars he saw. So he took it, he packed his things and left a letter with his parents on the pillow.

“Dear mom and dad, I love you, I only did it because I like what I did, I mean it, and I love the girl you hate. I hope you will forgive me for what I have done, if you only knew that I am always sad when I do not see Anna, I feel like I will be ruined by kindness and it breaks my heart so badly. I hope you understand if you love me just leave me alone, I can manage myself, I hope you forgive me for my decision. Very respectful and very loving, your dear son, Gin. ”

Suddenly his mother and dad sobbed in tears as they read his letter.

While Gin was on the bus, he was so excited to see his beloved and he could not understand how he felt like he could urinate or have diarrhea with the super fun and excitement he felt. When Gin saw the corner of the place where his beloved lived, he immediately got out of the bus. When he came down he walked a few meters away and he saw the basketball court near Anna's house. When he arrived at Anna's house which was fenced with bamboo and also had a bamboo gate, he called Anna.

Gin: “Anna!, here I am.

Anna's mom came out, and she was surprised by what she saw,

Anna’s Mom: Oh why are you here Gin? Do your parents know this?

Gin: No, I know they won't let me either.

So Anna's mom quickly opened their bamboo gate and let Gin in. Gin drops his bags and asks where Anna is

Anna’s Mom: She’s in the back Gin, doing the laundry.

Gin: Thank you, mom,

Gin called her mom because he loves her daughter and he was ready to marry her. When he opened the kitchen door, he saw his beloved was doing laundry and was sweating. Anna looked up, she saw her dear boyfriend and quickly stood up and she hugged Gin so much and they both hugged tightly and they cried with so much joy and love. Anna caressed Gin's face and said

Anna: you're now a daddy Gin, I'm pregnant my love.

Gin: Oh? I love you, Anna! hahaha, Yes! I'm a dad! I'm a dad!

Gin cried out in joy and lifted his beloved with great joy and they danced.

Anna's mother cried too while witnessing her daughter with so much joy at that time.

8 months ago, they said goodbye to Anna's mom for a long ride on the Mountain called Mt. Fairy, it seems that Anna can exercise because their child is about to come out next month. So they prepared a few things and food so that they would not be wasted and hungry when they arrived at Mt. Fairy. They rode a tricycle and when they crossed the big bridge a gigantic rock in the form of a huge hand appeared on them. They got off the tricycle and when the tricycle left, suddenly shook violently, estimated to be an earthquake of 9.1 intensity, and in great fear, Anna hugged Gin tightly.

Anna: What happened Gin! "Frightened", she hugged Gin tightly and shook her knees so frightened and they sat on the ground.

Gin: Don't be afraid of my love, I'm not here to leave you.

When they saw the tricycle just crossing the bridge, the bridge suddenly broke and collapsed and the tricycle fell into a high precipice and the driver must have died because it was so high and so dark at the bottom that you could not see anything but pure trees and rocks with a little water flowing.

"Gin and Anna were even more nervous and scared by what they saw."

Anna: Gin! The driver! The driver might be dead! “Cried, Anna”! Anna sobbed in tears as she stared at the cliff high up. Gin just hugged his beloved tightly.

It was getting dark around and Anna was nervous and she wanted to go home and see her dear mother and be able to rest in their little home. They could be bothered with what happened because how could they get home while the big bridge that crossed the other mountain was broken. Gin hugged Anna again and stroked her back because Anna didn't stop crying. As they walked some kilometers away, they saw a small bamboo house-lighted hut with a lamp. When they got closer to the house it had a small staircase. Gin called if there was anyone.

Gin: hello! Knock Knock! Is anyone here?

And suddenly peeked out the small window, an old lady with white hair and also dressed in white with a little bonehead necklace she wears. When the old woman looked out of her window, she saw Gin and Anna. She asked why they were there. And Gin said,

Gin: Good evening grandma, I'm sorry for the disturbance, we are from the Vegan province, and we have come to this place to be able to breathe fresh air and can exercise by walking. You know, I like an adventure with my wife because she is 8 months pregnant so it could not be hard for her to deliver our first baby sooner but, unfortunately, when we crossed and already stepped on Mt. Fairy suddenly it shook with great force and the huge bridge was damaged. Nothing we can stay for now grandma, I hope you help us and maybe we have to stay temporarily at your house if it is okay with you until our baby comes out?

Old lady: Is that so, no problem, but the important thing is that we have to work together to find food so that we always have food to eat every day.

Gin: Alright, grandma, I don't have a problem with that.

Old lady: okay please come in now.

The couple entered the small hut, when they entered, they saw that there were many hanging skulls of animals, goats, dogs, and other animal skulls that they could not determine what kind of animals were hanging on the wall and ceiling of the old woman's house. Gin asked if there was anyone else with the old lady in her house.

Old lady: I'm the only human here but I have my companion and she's not human, she's a friendly unseen creature. You will not see her if she does not allow herself to appear to you. Because she has the power. Her name is Garish. My name is Kisha, and I am 6 hundred years old. I have been here many years ago, I am also one of the guardians of this forest to protect Nature which was created by the most powerful Creator who created us all.

Gin and Anna's furs stood on end slightly at what they heard, Anna held Gin's hand tightly and she glanced at the boy. Gin slowly caressed the back of his beloved. There, Gin also started telling their love story of why they got together at a young age. Gin is 25 years old and his partner Anna is only 16. Gin narrated all the events of their lives. About a few hours ago after they talked, the old lady excused for a while to get some food for dinner.

As Gin and his partner were lying down on the bamboo floor, he could hear something rustling on the roof of the house as if it was crawling. Gin looked at his wife, she was already sound asleep because she was so tired. Later, Gin heard someone climbing the stairs again. When he looked at the door he saw that he was a little bit scared and thinking about scary creatures or a white lady floating. Then he realized it was Kisha the old lady and he was surprised.

Gin: Huh! I thought who is that?'' You scared me, grandma.

Kisha: Yes, it's me son "she smiled", don't be afraid, you are in good hands. I brought some food for dinner.

Gin: That looks, delicious grandma. What is that?

Kisha: Of course, this is grilled wild deer and it is delicious.

Gin: Hey! That's good grandma. Exactly right, I have never tasted that thing all my life.

Kisha: Actually, it's the best and now you can taste it. Wake up your darling now and let's have our dinner.

“Gin woke up his beloved and Anna woke up and said,

Anna: Wow it looks delicious grandma ah,

What is it?

Kisha: That's a wild deer, there's a lot of that here and that's what we often hunt here, and you

can hunt here a lot more like that and other creatures you haven't tasted in your whole life.

"As Gin patted the animal's leg, it tasted so good and he asked,"

Gin: How did you catch this grandma?

Kisha: I ​​have a lot of snares and I

made around here in the woods for food I do every day. I will teach you how to make snares and I have many more. It is very useful and crucial for you to learn, especially when you live in this kind of place. I will teach you so that you can use it wherever you go. Just the condition, just be a good person all the time and don't change your behavior. I will teach you more than you could ever imagine. Many mysterious things in this world that can not be explained by science and ordinary humans.

Gin: no problem grandma, I will be a good boy for you and of course for my wife and my beloved baby.

Later the night came and they went inside as well. The old lady Kisha went to the back of her room and they could see what Kisha was doing inside because her room had no door and only hung a white curtain and it was thin. The old lady lit a black candle and she sat down and she was reading a small booklet and they couldn't understand what she was reading as if another language was being used. As Anna and Gin listened to what she was reading, their furs slowly stood and the wind blew cold, and it was there that they witnessed the appearance of Kisha's companion a white wolf that floated just like smoke that penetrated the wall from the back of Kisha's house then went directly to her bedroom and there sat the white wolf-like smoke next to Kisha, as they saw the incident Gin and Anna seemed dizzy and hypnotized as they witnessed and Gin thought that what he saw on TV shows was true. His beloved Anna hugged Gin tightly and Gin also hugged her tightly and caressed her back. And Gin said to his beloved,

Gin: Don't worry dear, I'm just here next to you, I won't leave you no matter what happens.

A few hours later because of their extreme fear Gin and Anna fell asleep. Kisha tapped Gin on the cheek, and she woke him up.

Kisha: Wake up Gin, and we're going to have dinner, wake up your darling too.

Gin: Huh! I'm surprised at you grandma, ok I'll wake up Anna.

Anna awake and said,

Anna: Hmmm .. ok I'll stand up.

And they followed Kisha as if they had seen nothing terrible last night.

And when they sat down at the kitchen table, the big whole grilled chicken opened up to them and Anna was just amazed at how big it was and Anna asked what kind of chicken was served on the table. Kisha said,

Kisha: It's not chicken, my dear, it's turkey, do you know what a turkey is?

Anna: Yes, I know turkey but I have not eaten a turkey before "Anna laughs at the same time"

Kisha: That's alright. Ok, it's so delicious, I added it with delicious and natural ingredients from my crops.

Anna: Wow! I admire you, grandma, even if you are alone here you are still amazing. The food here is very tasty and fresh unlike in a crowded place like in the city because the food is not mixed with chemicals, so there is no doubt that you will live a long life here. Seems like I liked living here too, grandma.

Kisha: really? That's good. You can still discover a lot here if you just get along well with me and other creatures not seen here.

Gin: Of course grandma, it's really necessary, but sometimes we can't relax here because we're so scared.

Anna: Yes grandma, sometimes we can't help but get nervous and our knees shake.

Anna laughed out loud at the same time


Kisha: Oh no! You will also get used to it and you will also enjoy it here one day.

After they ate, Kisha and Anna rested upstairs as they sat on the floor and talked. While Gin washed the plates made of bamboo, he also took water from the jar. As he looked at the jar it was strange, it was oval-shaped with very shiny and cold water in it. And it's colored brown. Gin climbed to the top and stood next to them and also sat on the bamboo floor. Gin also asked Kisha,

Gin: Where will we get water grandma when the water in the jar runs out?

Kisha: I'll show you tomorrow where we can fetch water when we run out of water from the jar. After a while, they were asleep soundly.

Early in the morning, when Gin woke up, he heated water and mixed coffee