
Let’s Read The Word

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Battle For The Crown

Battle For The Crown




Sebastian Delaville. Half Demon and half human. Born from the passion between a Demon King and his human mistress. Being the illegitimate son and rightful heir to the throne of Duville, he must go on a quest with his three step brothers to find the horn of the mythical unicorn. The survivor of this quest gets the crown to the Kingdom of Duville. King Cyrus is faced with the burden of choosing one of his sons to succeed him and now he is faced with a greater trial when he discovers that his first mistress bore a son for him twenty five years ago. This illegitimate son, Sebastian is the true heir to the throne but his other sons, born to him by his queens and filled with so much hate for one another will never let what they call an atrocity to occur. They are set to end Sebastian's life because he suddenly becomes a threat to the crown. King Cyrus has no choice but to declare a battle for the crown. Each of his sons will go on a far away perilous journey to unearth the horn of the mythical unicorn. Whoever succeeds this quest becomes the next King of Duville. Sebastian is determined to win this quest and claim his rightful throne. Along the line he falls in love with a human girl, unfolds the mystery surrounding his mothers death and traces it to the castle. Now he won't rest until he has avenged his mother's death and wiped out every last one of the murderers responsible. With the thirst for vengeance flowing through him, Sebastian's demon side slowly takes over. Friends become enemies. Hidden secrets are revealed. In a Kingdom where no one can be trusted, where many wants him dead, can he succeed?

Twenty five years ago...

The harsh screams of a woman pierced the silent night as she laboured to bring her child into the world. She panted hard, her hair plastered to her face with perspiration. Her chest heaved upwards and her fists gripped the sheets hard when the next wave of pain hit her. There were three midwives in the room assisting her, two preparing hot water and clean sheets while the last one helped the woman in the child birth.

"One more push Evaleen",Beatrice the midwife said softly and wiped the moisture off Evaleen's forehead with a cool cloth. "The baby's head is almost out. I can see the hair. Your baby has so much dark hair. Just take a deep breath and push".

Evaleen gripped Beatrice's hand and whispered weakly. "Did word get to Cyrus? He should be here now".

"The King will be here soon",Beatrice said and smiled at her. "Word has been sent to him. Now just push one more time. Make it a big one".

Evaleen shut her eyes and pushed as hard as she could. A strangled cry escaped her lips and the baby slipped out of her smoothly. The piercing cry of a new born filled the air.

"It's a boy",Beatrice whispered with tears in her eyes. She quickly wiped the baby and cut the cord connecting him to his mother. The other midwives, Hanna and Mary bought the clean sheets to the bed, their eyes filled with awe at the tiny baby. Hanna wrapped him in a clean sheet while Mary cleaned up Evaleen.

"My baby",Evaleen whispered joyfully. "Bring me my baby. Let me hold him".

Beatrice gently placed the baby boy in his mother's arms and stood back to watch both mother and son with a smile. The baby ceased crying the moment he was placed in his mother's embrace.

Evaleen was filled with so much joy and pride. She stared at her son, born from the love between her and Cyrus, the King of Duville. And soon, Cyrus would make her his wife and his queen and they would spend the rest of their lives in the castle. She couldn't wait for Cyrus to arrive and share the good news with him.

"What will you call him?",Beatrice asked after a while.

"Sebastian",Evaleen whispered. She had her eyes on her son and then she looked up and smiled at Beatrice. "His name is Sebastian. And he will grow up to be a strong handsome man, mighty and valiant. Brave and feared by all who see him".

The midwives smiled at her. Evaleen was known for her fairy tales and fantasies. But they agreed with her nonetheless.

"He looks so much like the King",Mary said with a wistful expression.

"Yes. He does",Evaleen agreed. Sebastian then began to fuss and cry in her arms and Evaleen looked to the midwives for help. She had no idea what to do.

"He is hungry",Beatrice told her. "It's time to feed him".

She sat beside Evaleen and tugged down the neckline of her dress. Baby Sebastian clamped his mouth on his mother's breast and sucked hungrily. Evaleen gasped, her eyes filled with so much love for her son.

"We must move you to a much safer place",Beatrice said suddenly and got up from the bed.

Evaleen took her eyes off her son for a moment and frowned at Beatrice.

"But why? We are safe here".

"We are not safe here Evaleen", Beatrice shook her head as she began to gather Evaleen's things. "Once the news gets to the King, it will spread. And once his Queens find out you've born an heir for the King, they will set out to end the baby's life".

Evaleen looked down at her baby, his eyes closed as he fed. He looked so calm, without a care for the world around him. There was fear in her eyes when she stared back at Beatrice.

"What if Cyrus comes?",she asked worriedly. "He won't find us here. He needs to know where we are".

"Do not worry Evaleen",Beatrice assured her. "Hanna and Mary will stay back, in case the King comes. They will inform him of our new location. But we must hurry now".

Evaleen still felt weak from the strain of her delivery but the urge to keep her son safe gave her the strength she needed. She swung her legs over the bed and pushed herself up, her baby cradled in her arms.

"Tell Carl to bring the carriage around", Beatrice whispered to Hanna. Hanna rushed out while Mary helped Beatrice to tidy up the place and wrap Evaleen's things in a bag.

"Put this around the baby",Beatrice said and handed a thick shawl to Evaleen. "It will keep him warm".

Evaleen took her breast out of her son's mouth who was already asleep. She wrapped the shawl around him and pulled the top over his head to keep him warm.

The sound of an approaching carriage came from behind the house.

"Come on Evaleen",Beatrice urged her. "We must hurry".

The women pulled up the hoods of their cloaks and stepped out of the little cabin. The night air was cold and harsh against their skins. Evaleen hugged her baby closer to her bossom to keep him warm and followed Beatrice towards the carriage. She could already make out the outline of a horse yoked to the carriage.

"Carl please help us with the bags", Beatrice whispered to the man riding the carriage. Carl jumped down from his seat and grabbed the bags. Beatrice helped Evaleen into the carriage and then entered after her. Carl secured the bags to the back of the carriage and then shut the carriage door. He quickly climbed back into the seat at the front.

"Remember Hanna, Mary",Beatrice said softly to the other midwives through the window of the carriage. "If the King comes, you know where to direct him. And if anyone else comes, act natural and do not give away the news of the baby".

"Yes Beatrice",Hanna and Mary whispered. "Be careful. See you soon Evaleen".

"See you soon Hanna, Mary",Evaleen whispered back. "Be careful".

Hanna and Mary stood back and watched the carriage move away into the darkness.


Three months passed and King Cyrus never showed up. Evaleen was heartbroken. King Cyrus must have deemed her unfit to rule beside him and never bothered about her or her son. She struggled to feed her son and herself and kept hoping that one day, Cyrus would come find her.

One year went past with no sign of King Cyrus. Evaleen got tired of waiting and hoping. One fateful morning, she picked up her one year old son and a few coins for a carriage ride. She got to the path that led to the castle and waited for a carriage to arrive. Soon one came and she boarded it. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest as the carriage took her closer to the castle. She alighted and walked the remaining way on foot.

"HALT!",a guard yelled from the high post above the massive gates. Evaleen stopped and clutched her child closer to her.

"What business do you have in the castle?", the guard asked sharply.

She gulped hard before answering. "I am here to see His Majesty, King Cyrus".

The guards above laughed scornfully at her. "A peasant, wanting to see the King", another mocked. "You have such guts woman".

"What business do you have with His Majesty?",the first guard that halted her asked again.

"I...", Evaleen stopped suddenly. She couldn't tell them about her son. It would only endanger him. This meant she would never be able to reveal the identity of her son. If the Queens found out, his life would never be safe.

The guards laughed hilariously again at Evaleen's inability to form a word. "Leave peasant! And take your child away before we're forced to punish you for daring to ask of His Majesty".

Evaleen had no choice but to turn away. She walked back sorrowfully, her steps heavy and burdened. Life was all over for her.

Then Sebastian touched her cheek softly. She lifted her eyes and stared at him and he smiled at her, a wide happy smile. Tears filled her eyes as she smiled back at her son.

No! Her life was not over. She had her son to think about, and she would do everything she could to give him the best life. Her steps became energized and purposeful. Cyrus could go to hell. He had everything;riches, power, glory and much more.

But he would never have one thing she had. And that was her son.