
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Zinny ligjt



Tears welled in my eyes. I definitely didn't expect him to find out the truth so soon but he did. The way he stared at me wasn't the way he did this morning. There was no love in his eyes anymore. Just pure hatred.... hatred for me. He walked towards me slowly. I wanted to move away from him but I couldn't bring my legs to move. They were literally rooted to the ground. I could feel life leaving me each time he took a step forward to me. His eyes getting redder by the minutes. So many emotions swarm in them. Hatred...anger... darkness... anything and everything bad . Finally he got to me and before I could say anything, he grabbed my neck in a firm grip. The tears in my eyes finally fell as I struggled to breath. My legs were no longer on the ground. I was choking while hitting his arm trying to free myself. "I'll make you pay dearly for her death"he said. a matter of fact, that sounded like a promise..a vow...that I am sure he will keep. ******* Lisa and Lia were twin sisters. They were literally identical. No one could differentiate one from the other not even their family. They were so close and loved each other until Lia was raped on their birthday. She blamed it on her twin sister. She hated her to her guts because she believed her twin sister planned her rape.. Lia died from poison. Who poisoned her? Still unknown Yet Lisa was blamed by everyone for her sister death. She had to serve in prison for it before being released. Things become more complicated when her sister lover and betrothed comes to marry her as planned. A cold and heartless billionaire who was feared by everyone Now she will have to take Lia place and marry him. How will things go for her when her sister lover realizes that she isn't Lia but just her twin sister? Find out.


Slowly she regained her consciousness. She tried opening her eyelids but they felt so heavy for her. After much struggle, she managed to have a little sight of her surrounding which was blurry in her vision.

Memories of 3months came flooding into her head. She finally remembered why she fainted and how she ended up there, on the cold bare floor.

Trying to sit up but the weakness she felt wouldn't let her. She had fainted due to starvation. She wasn't even aware that she has been that way for 6days with no one bothering to check up on her. The small room stank from her body odour. It's been more than a week since she bathed last.

Tears soon rolled down her eyes as she recalled how her life had drastically changed. Her life became sour and turned in the worst possible way for her. Nobody cared about her anymore. She was abandoned to face the guilt of what she didn't even do alone.

The door opened slightly and a bright light shone at her face but she didn't even have enough strength to cover her eyes from the blinding light so she squinted her eyes. Being in the dark room for six days made her get used to the darkness.

"Get up" a deep male voice commanded which shook the small room she was in. She felt her body shivering at the voice.

She managed to look at him and fear gripped her. It was the same guard who threw her here 6days ago and left her to starve. Not only that, he was the one carrying the boss order of Making her be in pains and hearing her painful cries.

"Didn't you hear me?" His voice boomed again.

Lisa tried to lift herself from the floor but was just too weak. Her body felt heavy like a log of wood.

The huge guard walked over to her and yanked her up forcefully before hitting her across the face making her fall back to the floor.

"Aaaahhhh" Lisa yelled in pain. The guard yanked her up again. It was a wonder how she got the strength to shout. She didn't even have an ounce of energy in her body.

"I hate disobedience. Next time I say do something, you do it with utmost obedience" he said coldly before dragging her out of the room by her hair.

Tears felled from her eyes as she was dragged out by the hefty guard. She dare not shout or cry outloud knowing fully well what Happened last time she did.

He opened a door before pushing her into a dark room. She fell again on the floor with a loud thud.

She cleaned her tears before hugging her knees. Her life was a living hell right now. Death was definitely better than this. Her life which was once full of roses turned sour overnight. She began reminiscing about the past.

It was just 4months ago she recalled when.....


It was evening when She walked into the room she and her twin sister shared. They lived a luxurious life. Even though their dad had passed away, the inheritance he left for them was enough up to their third generation. Her dad was a multi billionaire but unfortunately, the money he had wasn't even able to save him from the hands of death.

Lisa was utterly shocked as she looked around and found her sister ripping out the pages one by one from their album which held their childhood memories.

"Lia stop!" Lisa yelled at her twin sister who looked at her with rage. Lisa immediately walked to her and snatched the album from her ripping it more in the process.

"Get out. Stay away from me. Get out!!!" Lia her twin sister yelled hysterically. She was still traumatized by what had happened to her few months back.

Tears filled Lisa eyes as she was being yelled out. Lia was raped a few months back and that made their siblings and sisterly love to turn sour. Lia accused Lisa of being the one planning her rape because Lisa was jealous.

Everyone believed her because she was traumatized by the incident even though Lisa had tried to clear her name of the accusations. That's was when they were slowly breaking apart.

"Lia, what are you doing? You destroyed our album.....Our memories" Lisa said softly understanding her sister's predicament.

"Memories my foot. You are no longer my sister. Not after everything you did. You destroyed our memories a long time ago" Lia said angrily.

" Now leave" she grabbed Lisa arm and dragged her out of the room.

"Leave? How can I leave you in this state. Come on, let's talk things out" Lisa said softly while trying to approach her sister.

"No!! There's nothing to talk about just leave" Lia screamed suddenly making Lisa to halt in her steps

" Why are you doing this to me? We are sisters for Christ sake. Why do you hate me so much?" Lisa asked trying to control herself from crying but her cracked voice gave her out.

"sisters you say? Why can't you understand that you are dead to me Lisa. There's no ties or connection between us anymore. I hate you" she snapped. She grabbed her hand and pushed her out of the room before slamming the door against her face.

" Lia, please open the door. We can talk this out. Don't hurt yourself please" Lisa pleaded but her pleads fell on deaf ears.

"I hate you so much Lisa" she yelled from inside. "So much . Just leave.. " Lia yelled even more.

Lisa closed her mouth with her hand trying to control her tears so that she wouldn't cry out.

She rushed out of the house to the bar to grab a drink. Having your own sister hate you to her guts is the worst thing that could ever happen to anybody.

Each day, those were the words Lisa heard her sister say to her.

"I HATE YOU"..... The words kept ringing in her ears as she made her way to the bar and ordered her drink.

Within a few minutes, she was already drunk. She had low tolerance to alcohol unlike Lia.

"Another shot.... Now!!" She yelled at the bartender who lazily brought another round of whiskey for her.

Her eyes watched those who were on the dancing floor, dancing to the beats of the blaring music. But her mind wasn't there. Even though she was drunk, all she could think about was Lia who doesn't let a day pass without proclaiming her hatred to her sister.

Speak of the devil, her phone rang. Drunkily, she reached out for her phone in her pocket dropping her bottle of whiskey.

Her vision was blurry yet she could see the caller.

It was Lia.

She scoffed before answering the call.

"Lisa" her sister voice called softly. Lisa checked the caller again to confirm before rolling her eyes.

Wasn't it the same person who had been harsh to her? Why was she suddenly solemn.

"I need you Sis. Please come" lia said sniffing but Lisa didn't care or maybe the alcohol made her not to care.

"Why? So that you can tell me how much you hate me or yell at me and make me feel guilt like you've always done?!! To hell with you Lia" Lisa replied angrily before cutting the call.

Lia called multiple times which Lisa kept ignoring.


Lisa slowly made her way out of the bar back to her car. She felt more alive after drinking and dancing. She was still heavily drunk.

The moment she sat down in the car, she got out her phone to find a text message from Lia.

"Am sorry... For....for .. everything....and..mak...making you feel... guilty...and for.. accusing you of.. my rape...." Lisa read out loud drunkily. She rubbed her eyes trying to clear the alcohol which wasn't working. She could barely see what she was reading from the text.

"....I know....that I And please... forgive me.... Don't too much...when am gone. From your.... twin sister... Lisa" Lisa concluded but it took her a few minutes for the message to sink in. Her eyes widened on realizing the message.

".... don't miss me too much when am gone..." She read out again. The alcohol gradually clearing from her eyes.

"No no no no. Lia... don't do this to me" she immediately ignited her car and began driving home at full speed not minding the rules.

Soon, she arrived home and immediately rushed inside. She heard a loud scream and immediately climbed the stairs heading for her sister room.

Her eyes nearly popped out of the socket when she found Lia on the floor in her mother arms with foam coming from her mouth and blood running from her nose and ears.




The atmosphere felt suffocating in the mansion. Tears and wails could be heard loudly either from her mother or the neighbors who came to sympathetize with them. They cried hard like as though they loved Lia but in fact they didn't. They considered her to be rude and proud.

"How ironic" Lisa said out loud to herself as she listened to the loud crys of others downstairs which was becoming irritating to her. Her eyes were still swollen from crying all night. Her hair was tattered and her face pale.

She just stopped crying a minute ago as though her dam of tears was finished. Inside, she felt heavy heartened. Her heart was still crying for her sister who she lost last night.

"If I knew you'll do this, then I wouldn't have ignored your calls and texts" Lisa said soberly as she stared at the last picture of her and Lia since the others were destroyed yesterday.

She sniffed while caressing Lia face in the picture.

"Am sorry sis" she could feel tears brimming in her eyes again but before they could fall, a knock was heard on the door. She immediately wiped her teary eyes.

"Lisa... You need to leave" her brother Andy who had barged in without waiting for a reply said looking scared. He was panting real hard.

"Andy.... What's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost" Lisa commented confused.

" No time to explain. You need to leave now before they get you here"

"Leave? But why? Explain to me what's going on"

" The cops.. they're coming for you" he managed to say looking back and forth between the door and Lisa.

" The cops?" Lisa asked for confirmation. " Why would they be coming for me? I don't understand" she asked immediately he nodded confirming her question.

" Mom called the cops on you. She said you're responsible for Lia's death. They're on their way. You need to leave" he said panicking even more.

" Why would mom blame me for Lia's death? Am not responsible for it. " Lia said in disbelief. It didn't make sense to her.

"Mom found a letter in your room which Lia wrote indicating that you poisoned her and..."

" Wait what!!" Lisa's eyes widened as she didn't wait for Andy to complete his statement.

"Yes. I was also shocked" Andy admitted.

" Why.... why would Lia do that?"

" No time for this question. You need to le...." Before Andy could complete his statement, the door opened forcefully.

Lisa's eyes widened on seeing 2 cops and her mom who was looking disoriented.

"There she is. The one responsible for my daughter's death." Her mom said pointed at her angrily.

" What...!! "

" Miss Lisa Williams, you are under arrest for the murder of Lia Williams. Please remain silent for anything you do or say maybe used against you in the court of law" the officer ordered and the other officer cuffed her hands.

"No mom.. I didn't do it. I promise.... I didn't" Lisa yelled but her yells fell on deaf ears as she was carried away by the police.