
Let’s Read The Word

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Beyond The Bridges Of Love

Beyond The Bridges Of Love




To others, love is just a mere word, but to her it meant something more. There might not be princes in royal carriages or knights in shining armour in real life, but one thing was for sure, there was and is True Love and she was set on finding it no matter what. Even if it means she going Beyond The Bridges Of Love.

“ Hey you filthy trash, how dare you walk out on me whiles I am still talking to you? Do you know who I am, you stupid stinking poor thing? ” Alexis heard the young lady yelled over her shoulders and suddenly stopped.

That’s it!

After letting out an exasperated sigh, she spun around and headed towards the table where the lady and her friends were seated, with smiles gleaming on their faces.

Seeing how happy they looked, Alexis smirked.

Wait till you see what’s coming your way.

All this time she had been controlling her temper and had had to put up with her rude remarks over and over again as she served them, however at this point, she had completely lost the last bit of patience she had.

In fact, she had lost her last bit of patience the very first moment the bitch and her minions started insulting her, she just didn’t want to cause any chaos by wanting to retaliate but since they seem to be in so much need of trouble, as a good person that she is, she wasn’t going to deny them the request.

She would be so much as happy as serve them the trouble they so much needed on a silver platter in double pairs even if they want to.

With her face boiling with rage, Alexis approached their table and without a moment’s thought dumped the entire food she was carrying on the tray unto the young lady’s head.

Caught off guard by her actions, the young lady suddenly looked up at her, stunned and completely speechless.

After eventually coming out of the shock, she got up, furious and enraged, “ You loser, how dare you pour food on me? ” She screamed, whiles pointing at Alexis, who was just standing there with an accomplished smile on her face.

At this point, the screams of the young lady had attracted the other customers and soon enough everyone’s attention was suddenly directed towards them.

Seeing the look on Alexis’s face and how she stood there unwaveringly, most of the customers were shocked and some were left intrigued.

Everyone in the restaurant, if not most of them actually knew who the young lady she had dumped the tray of food on was so it was with no doubt that her indifferent attitude made them all surprised.

“ You bastard, you dare disrespect our young miss? How dare you? ” Alexis heard one of the girls suddenly exclaimed, however, she paid her no heed and kept her attention focused on the young lady who was sulking in anger.

“ Do you think that just because you’re from a rich home you can bully anyone you like? Who the hell do you think you are? ” Alexis asked, eyeing the lady with sheer disgust.

The customers, upon hearing her talk so wildly to the lady felt that she was too over-confident for her own good.

For someone who was just a waitress, they felt like her show of braveness was only going to put her into so much trouble one way or another and they were proven right, because just at that very moment, the restaurant’s supervisor suddenly showed up, with another waitress scurrying behind him.

The moment he got to them, he landed a slap on Alexis face before barking at her, “ You fool, how dare you insult and disrespect a customer? Do you have any idea who she is? ” then turning to the lady he said in a much softer and respectable tone, “ I’m really sorry for what happened miss Halls, she’s a new employee and doesn’t know much about the job that’s why. Today is actually her first day here. ”

“ Oh, I see.... ” The young lady beamed, looking all pleased, “ No wonder our poor girl had no idea who I am. Seems she’ll need help with that, girls. ” She said and motioned towards her friends.

Suddenly one of them stood up and said, “ This is out young miss, Abbie, the daughter of Clinton Halls, the manager of this restaurant. ”

Upon hearing her words, Alexis who still hadn’t gotten over the shock of the slap she received from the supervisor suddenly looked up at the people in front of her and scoffed, “ So what if she is the president’s daughter? What right does she have to bully people? ”

“ Oh so you’re still talking, ” The supervisor snapped at her, his earlier calm face now glowing red with rage and fury, “ Even after insulting the manager's daughter you still have the guts to be talking? Who are you to dictate what she does or does not do? You’re just a low class nobody and you have no rights to talk when rich people are talking. In fact you have to apologise to miss Halls right now. ”

As he kept on ranting and ranting, Alexis just watched him with a stupefied look and shook her head severally before finally letting out a loud silly laugh, “ From all the madness you are displaying here I’m already convinced you people are dumb but then you must be so dumb enough to think I would ever stoop so low as to apologise to someone like you. I don’t care who you are, my dear. You know, you can be the daughter of a king for all I care or the daughter of the wealthiest billionaire the world has ever known but to me you’d be nothing more than a delusional spoilt brat. Now get that into your thick empty skull and disappear out of my sight. ”

Upon hearing her words, the customers were more shocked than before.

They have met stupid people before but never in their life have they met one who was as stupid as her.

“ I see you’ve decided to prove stubborn. ” The supervisor grinned, “ Since you’re not ready to apologise to miss Halls, then you might as well kiss your job, goodbye. ”

“ Says who? ” Alexis demanded, her face full of bewilderment. “ You’re nothing but a mere supervisor here and I don’t think you have the right to fire any one because you’re as much as an employee as I am. Why don’t you call the manager to come over instead. I’m sure he would know the right to do in this situation. ”

“ Alright fine, I’m calling him. ” The supervisor said and was about to dial the managers number into his phone when the other waitress who had come with him stopped him.

“ You don’t have to worry your self, sir. I’ve already notified the manager about what is happening and I’m sure he is on his way. ” She disclosed.

Ever since she and the supervisor got there, Alexis had noticed her giving her mocking looks every now and then, however she completely ignored her as if she never even existed.

Although she hadn’t met her before, the moment she showed up at the workplace, the former completely behaved like they were both sworn enemies for a long time so she wasn’t at all surprised by her actions.

In fact she had been expecting it all along. She just never thought it will be that soon.

Seconds after she was done talking, a commotion was heard from the doorway and suddenly the manager walked into the restaurant.

At this moment, everyone was prepared to watch a good show.

Whilst most of them felt sorry for Alexis, some just hoped she would be fired.

“ Who is the one so daring enough to go against my beautiful daughter? ” The manager, a bald short man asked the moment he walked up to them and with ready eyes, the young lady immediately pointed to Alexis.

“ It’s this piece of garbage dad. She kept on insulting me just because I kindly rejected the food she wanted to serve us and then she went on to pour everything on me without any provocation. ”

Immediately upon hearing her words, everyone’s jaw suddenly dropped in utter shock.

They had all seen and witnessed all what had transpired between both of them and it’s clearly not what she was saying.

They know she’s lying to cover up her crimes however nobody wanted to speak up and get into trouble with the Halls family so they all just kept quiet and decided to keep on watching the show.

“ What the hell? Nobody messes with my daughter and go scot free. No.... never. Don’t worry my dear, I’d take care of this. ” After assuring her, the manager suddenly turned towards the Alexis, ready to fire her, however, immediately his eyes landed on her, his expression drastically changed.

“ Hello, Mr Halls... ” Alexis greeted warmly with a smile.

At this point, droplets of swear begun to run down his entire body and at that very moment he felt as if he was placed in a hot and burning furnace. His breathing became hard and he began to shake vigorously. “ Miss.. Miss.. miss Alexis, is it really you? ”

Confused by his actions, the young lady immediately asked, “ Who is she, dad? ”

“ Someone you wouldn’t want to mess with. ”