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Silver Fang

Silver Fang

Author:Eddie V. Master



Blurb In a world where darkness loomed, and the howls of werewolves echoed through the night, there was a legend that spoke of a rare creature, a werewolf with fur as white as snow. It was said that this creature possessed a heart of gold, silver fangs, and would never harm a soul, unlike its vicious counterparts who preyed upon humans for their own selfish gain. One fateful day, a little girl, no more than eight years old, found herself lost in the heart of the woods. As she wandered, she could hear the eerie growls and snarls of a pack of grey werewolves drawing closer, their eyes gleaming in the darkness. Terrified and alone, the girl huddled in a small clearing, surrounded by the pack of grey beasts. She could feel their hot breath on her skin, their claws scraping against the ground, ready to pounce. Just as she thought all was lost, a flash of white caught her eye. Suddenly, a white werewolf leapt down from a nearby tree, its movements swift and deadly. The creature attacked the grey werewolves with a ferocity that left the little girl in awe. Despite being outnumbered, the white werewolf fought valiantly, tearing through the pack with ease. The grey werewolves tried to stop him, but he was too powerful. In the end, the white werewolf saved the little girl from certain death. As the girl watched in amazement, the white werewolf turned to her and spoke, "We will meet again, little one." From that day on, the little girl never forgot the white werewolf who saved her life. She knew that there was still hope in a world filled with darkness and despair. She knew that even in the midst of chaos and destruction, there could still be goodness and light.

The full moon shone bright in the midnight sky, casting an eerie glow over the dense forest. The rustling of leaves and snapping of twigs echoed through the stillness, sending shivers down the spine of anyone who dared to venture into the dark, foreboding woods.

As the night wore on, the wind picked up, and the trees began to sway, their branches scraping against each other like bony fingers. A chorus of nocturnal animals could be heard in the distance, their haunting calls sending a chill down the spine.

Suddenly, a howl rang out through the night, loud and piercing, causing a flock of birds to take flight from their perch in a nearby tree. It was the howl of a lone wolf, and it sent a wave of fear rippling through the forest.

As the moon cast shadows across the forest floor, strange shapes and figures seemed to lurk in every corner, watching and waiting for their prey. The rustling of leaves turned into a faint whisper; the snap of twigs turned into a muffled footstep.

Every sound, every movement, seemed to be amplified, sending the heart racing and the mind reeling with fear. The forest was a place of unknown horrors, a place where the darkness could swallow you whole, leaving nothing but an empty shell behind.

For anyone caught in the forest on such a night, it was a night of terror, a night of survival, a night to remember for years to come.

Heaven's small frame shook with fear as she stumbled through the dark forest, her tears blurring her vision. She had been wandering for what felt like hours, calling out for help, but there was no one around to hear her.

Suddenly, she heard a low growl coming from behind her. She turned around and saw a pack of large, snarling wolves creeping towards her. But as they came closer, she realized with a sinking feeling that these were no ordinary wolves.

Their fur was matted and dirty, and their eyes glowed a menacing red in the moonlight. And then, as if in response to her terror, the wolves began to transform before her very eyes. Their bodies contorted and twisted, fur giving way to flesh, and within moments, they were no longer wolves but rather towering creatures with human-like features and razor-sharp teeth.

Heaven tried to back away, but her feet were rooted to the spot. The pack of werewolves circled her, their snarls and growls filling the air. She closed her eyes, praying for a miracle.

Just as the werewolves closed in on her, a blur of white descended from the trees. The pack turned to face the newcomer, and for a moment, the forest was silent.

The white werewolf stood tall and proud, its fur gleaming in the moonlight. Its eyes burned with a fierce determination, and Heaven felt a glimmer of hope.

But the pack was not intimidated. They snarled and bared their teeth, and the air was thick with the scent of bloodlust.

The white werewolf let out a deafening roar, and the fight began. It was a dance of death, a battle between two opposing forces. Teeth clashed and fur flew as the werewolves attacked each other with savage fury.

Heaven watched in awe as the white werewolf fought, moving with a grace and power that was otherworldly. Its movements were like a symphony, each blow hitting its mark with precision and force.

But the pack was relentless. They were determined to take down their foe, to claim the forest as their own. And so, the fight raged on, each blow taking its toll on both sides.

In the end, it was the white werewolf who emerged victorious. It stood, panting and bloody, as the pack retreated into the shadows. The forest was silent once again, save for the sound of the white werewolf's heavy breathing.

Heaven approached the white werewolf tentatively, and it turned to face her. Its eyes softened, and she could sense a deep wisdom and compassion within them.

The white werewolf regarded Heaven for a moment longer, its eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and understanding. Then, with a deep voice that resonated within her very soul, it spoke.

"We will meet again, little one," it said. "But for now, you must leave this place. The forest is no longer safe."

And with that, the white werewolf disappeared into the trees, leaving Heaven alone once again.

But she wasn't afraid anymore. Something within her had shifted, and she felt a newfound strength and resilience. She knew that she would find her way out of the forest and back to civilization.

As she turned to leave, she caught a glimpse of the white werewolf's form disappearing into the darkness. She hoped that one day, they would cross paths again.

With newfound determination, Heaven began walking back in the direction of the car crash. She stumbled a few times, her tears blurring her vision, but she kept going.

When she finally arrived at the site of the crash, her heart sank. Her parents were still in the car, their bodies still and lifeless. She fell to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

Minutes later, she heard the sound of sirens in the distance. The police had arrived. She looked up to see a group of officers running towards her, their flashlights scanning the area.

"Heaven?" one of them called out. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, still crying. The officers rushed to her side, checking her for injuries. They comforted her as they took her away from the wreckage and into the safety of their patrol car.

It was a long and painful journey, but eventually, Heaven was taken to a hospital where she was treated for minor injuries and given a clean bill of health. She was then placed in the care of her relatives, who took her in and gave her a loving home.

The memory of that night in the forest would haunt her for years to come, but she would never forget the white werewolf who had saved her life. And in the darkness of her dreams, she would hear its deep voice, reminding her that she was never truly alone.