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The Age Of Leviathan

The Age Of Leviathan

Author:Twilight Stars



A story of a wild princess that takes on more than she bargained for with a man from another kingdom. Fighting, loyalty, betrayal and bloodshed all in the name of being the best. Who will rise to the top, and who will fall into oblivion?

The flames grew bigger around her, it matched her oh so fiery red tresses. The flames danced a forbidden dance, it reflected from her eyes like a mirror. A glimmer of darkness hid behind those eyes of hers, the heat radiated from those flames to caress her porcelain flesh. Icecess was known for being a Badass from her many brothers and sisters.

Although she was a princess, she didn't act like it. She acted more like a warrior who had a sharp tongue than a proper ladylike princess. There were many who hated and despised Icecess, mainly because she talked too much crap for a woman, or well for anyone.

Although, the men and woman who knew her well enough. They knew that wasn't the only reason they hated her, it just so happened they lost to her in combat. As sad as it was, embarrassing to most all who lost. They thought Icecess was too smug, that she was going to challenge the wrong man one day and die in a manner befitting such a brazen upstart. They all waited for that day, but dare never spoke such words out loud. The king would have their heads for such speech.

Those crimson eyes gazed around, a small smirk played upon those ruby lips. As anyone could see, Icecess's favorite color was Red. She noticed the flames were dying down, becoming bored she stood to her feet from kneeling. The bouncing of those medium size breasts had her eldest brother staring, she heard him a few feet from her. A small scoff left those ruby lips.

"Stop staring you moron, you'll get even more moronic than you already are."

Like sparks on the tongue from the forging of heavy metals, Icecess was quick to snap some venom off toward her eldest brother. She wasn't very liked, although she more than disliked her family as well. She was passed over for succession because she had three brothers and three sisters. She felt herself was better fitting for the throne, her mother nor her father or even oldest brother deserved the throne in which they were handed.

Her father was a man-whoring asshole, whom would flirt with so many women in their castle and kingdom. Who knew how many bastards he had gone around siring, because he couldn't keep it in his pants. Of course her mother feigned ignorance to his raunchy affairs, telling Icecess once his affairs were none of her business and her father did as he pleased. Icecess had been fed up with her entire family, she knew she had what it took to rule the kingdom.

Just no one would give her the chance. The day soon passed into night, dinner time arose as she walked down the castle steps to head into the dining hall. Her mother, brothers and sisters had already taken their places. Her father at the head of the table, gruffly he spoke as she sat down.

"You are late again! Why can't you be on time like the rest of the family, you should show the proper respect that comes from being a princess to your mother and myself." A scoff left her lips, as she did not speak. She learned to take the criticism, outwardly that is. Inside every piece made her blood boil, oh how she wished she could be rid of them forever. She let it go for the night, she sat in silence eating her meal. She didn't want to show that she was any kinds of upset.

Tomorrow had been the annual fighting competition between Leviathan's kingdom and one of the neighboring kingdoms. Her skills ranked at the top for combat, she was to enter the competition and show her father just what kind of grit she was made of, despite being a princess. After dinner Icecess stepped out onto the terrace of her room to get some fresh air, she wasn't even nervous about the fights, she was excited.

A chance for her to prove herself in the face of bloodshed or battle. Wondering back in from the terrace, she made her way to the closet. Changing clothes for bed, she hopped into bed closing her eyes as she covered up. Rolling from one side to the other, finding it difficult to sleep. Restless she was, excited for the next day. Finally drifting off to sleep, awakening to birds chirping outside and the sounds of music outside the castle.

Today was the day, those crimson eyes flung open widely. Rushing to get out of bed, she went to her closet once more like the night before. There was a perfect outfit she had been saving for this occasion, rummaging through clothes and dresses she saw it. Pulling it from the closet, she proceeded to get dressed. Slipping feet in, arms in and strapping knots tightly. A fashioned leather outfit of sorts, almost looking like a tight fitted dress. Being a dress nonetheless it hung kind of loosely, as for better movement.

The middle of her breasts exposed as the top came around her neck to fasten. The lesther bound to her flesh like flesh on an animal, the dress came to slit on either side of her hips. A bit revealing for a fighting outfit her parents would scold her for sure, but she cared for not. A flap of leather hung in front of her down to her ankles, as did one in the back. A set of long brown boots up to her knees adorned her legs and feet. To complete the outfit, a set of long brown leather gloves that came to her elbows.

As well as a sword that rested behind her form on her brim of her hips. Rotating her neck around to loosen it up, she headed down the main stairs. Her family was quite shocked at breakfast time, to see her in such am outfit. Her mother almost fainted from the shock, her brothers all had their mouth agaped from how tight the outfit looked on her. Her sisters sighed in disgust, her father was too shocked for words almost. Until he came back to his senses.

"Icecess, what are you wearing?! If you are going out, I forbid you to wear that outfit! Go upstairs to your room and change this instant!"

Icecess shot him a cold glare, something she was rather known for before she offed her opponents. That sort of sadistic glare, that one could tell she has taken lives before. She scoffed at him, turning on her heels. Her back now facing her families faces. She didn't care for them, much less their asinine rules. Those ruby red lips parted to speak, as if she were a coiled snake ready to strike.

"Don't be a fool father, I have no intention or intrest in being like my sisters. You know this, I am going to join the fighting competition today, and you will not dare try to stop me. If you send my brothers to retrieve me.. I'll slit them open where they stand. You know they've never beaten me in fight."

Once she said her piece her form faded from the room, the only sound that could be heard was her heels clicking on the floor as she walked away. As she left, it was time to enter the competition. Moving outside the castle, she took to the mediators and the sign-up sheet. Writing her name down, the mediators looked shocked as well. Who knew from the royal family a princess of all things would be okay with subjecting herself to the horrors of battle. These battles were no holds barred type of fights, you either fought to kill your opponents or they killed you.

That's how these fights always have always been, being a princess wouldn't matter in this fighting arena. Her father couldn't seek vengeance if someone killed her either. Icecess overheard two men talking amongst themselves about her, she didn't really care. Not that anyone from the neighboring Kingdom could best her in a fight anyways, she went into this as she did everything else. Half cocked, she sat in the participating area as the first fight was called up.

"Mael versus Grim! Take your places in the arena! This is a no holds barred fight, meaning any and all means are permitted to win. As long as you don't go out of the arena. Torture is also acceptable, prepare your weapons gentlemen! And.... Fight!"

Icecess watched as the first fight began, it looked so intense. To some degree she was a bit nervous, but to others she was excited to see how the fights would go. How she would do in the heat of battle. Mael and Grim were circling one another, each waiting for their chance to strike. Neither making a move, like a stalemate. Both men stared intensely into each others eyes, keeping a close watch for any changes in their body.

Mael suddenly stopped circling, he was the first to make a move. Pulling from behind him a solid leather whip, he smirked. With a swift motion of his left arm, he sent the whip toward Grim. A loud 'Crack' echoed through the audience. Grim came prepared, he made a quick motion and moved to the left of the whip. Taking from his hip, brandishing a solid steel sword. As he stood there, the whip came back to Mael. Mael once again sent the whip out with a thunderous 'Crack', Grim was ready this time. Holding onto his sword with both hands, he raised it high above. He didn't even try to get out of the way from Mael's whip.

Bracing himself, Grim moved his arms towards the ground in one huge motion. As he brought the sword down, it sliced right through Mael's whip. Regaining his composure from the sword swing, Grim rushed toward Mael. Mael looked stunned that Grim sliced right through his whip, dropping what was left of the whip Mael reared back his fist to send it directly toward the right side of Grims jaw.

More than quick on his feet, Grim moved to the right, avoiding the punch by a narrow margin. He then spun himself around towards the back of Mael, no hesitation in his actions. Pulling his sword up, he sent a single slash down toward Mael's left shoulder. Afterwards, Grim ran off to the side of Mael. To make sure he wouldn't be caught off guard, in case Mael had some sort of attack up his sleeves.

It wasn't long before the one named Mael had blood squirting from his left shoulder area, something was different about Mael at this point.

His arm was missing, the crowd gasped in delight. His arm was some few feet from him, his shoulder gushing blood from the torn flesh and meat. Bone exposed at the shoulder, Mael screamed in agony. His right hand went to hold himself at the shoulder where his arm had been missing. Trying to stave off the blood that gushed from it, his bellowed screams echoed through the arena. It was time for Grim to take the advantage, not wishing to wasting a single moment.

He began charging at Mael, sword stead fast in front of him. A assault from the back was a cheap way to go, but these fights weren't about honor or rules. It was killed or be killed, there was no place for rules in a fight like this. Moving he closed the gap between him and Mael, with one large thrust he shoved his sword right through Mael's back. He sent the blade in flat, as to sever Mael's spinal cord. He had also pierced Mael's liver, lower intestines and stomach. If Grim removed the sword, Mael would bleed out.

Although he still wouldn't be able to move with a severed spinal cord. Soon Mael's body became limp and ragged, his death still came swiftly upon Grims blade still stuck through his gullet. Grim did Mael a disservice, as he placed his left foot onto Mael's back, yanking the sword from his lifeless body.

A quick fling threw off all Mael's blood from his sword. He moved to resheath his blade, turning his face towards the crowd in utter victory. He had won the first fight, although it wasn't over yet. He was just the first, the next contestants had to have their chance to fight to the death, sullying the arena with more blood..

End of Chapter 1 The firey red-Haired Princess