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Ariadne Meet Her Destined Wolf

Ariadne Meet Her Destined Wolf




Too cloudy at the entire ground which was attached to the wall, including an awesome sound which urged Ariadne to trudge the plain ground. However, she did not see any person except the image of Wolf who attractively stared at her eyes. Her heart personally did not like that animal, which she believed that would be the reason why she had not met her dreams yet. In the night, Merry, her mommy, who kept on encouraging to find her soulmate before she would be dying, believed that after this year her spirit may live on another planet. She did not have enough time to live the world without her husband, though she was not reconciling their misunderstanding, but her heart was still fresh to love him. Ariadne closed her eyes in the bed; meanwhile, the door kept on pulling, then many waves reached her hands. Her incredible mind didn’t believe it as true, but the door kept disturbing her night. So, she opened the door quickly; there was an attractive guy who touched her hands,” hello Ariadne, my name is Nathaniel, it’s been one million year to wait for your heart, but you were blind in front of my dreams.” A shocked voice,” what! I haven’t seen your image since I was teenager,” she said. Meanwhile, a flawless guy had dragged his alluring shadow exclusively for her. That would be the reason why Ariadne couldn’t slip back down her path where she has been taken for. Her mind always imagined how lucky she was!

That night, Michael brought her to the Golden's bar where he wished to court, abuse, and get her virginity, since Cecille, his flawless sweetheart, was secretly marrying to her boss. His intention, express his anger to that girl; hence, his hatred might have turned into love.

Mc Johnson, a Golden’s bar owner, hardworking, intelligent, and single, his family could give whatever he wanted to buy. However, his heart got inspired to build such a business, in preparation for building his family. So far, he hasn’t seen a perfect woman who might be the right girl for him. That night, he unintentionally trudged to the second floor, his ears loudly hearing it,” mommy, please save my life, I can't skip the pain which pushed out my nerves to the calvary,” To that, the company owner got nervous hearing such a voice.

When he turned his feet to the right side; his eyes clearly saw a shadow coming from the room. He quickly opened the door; unexpectedly, a hot guy who kept on pushing his belt to the enchanting girl. His heart felt pity for the bloody girl; hence, his face displayed such anger for him.

A loud voice,” excuse me sir, could you please stop abusing her?” he asked heartedly, though the guy angrily stared at him,” don’t intervene in my action, you’re just the owner of this hotel, I can pay how much the amount you want me to pay for.”

A pellucid voice,” I don’t need such money, what I want you to be good for her,” he said. That moment, Nathaniel pushed his brave hands to him; hence, Johnson collapsed his body to the floor,” don’t pull his head, Nathaniel,” Ariadne said.

Aloud responded,” don’t pull out my heart baby because I am not satisfied to abuse you,” he said. Interruptedly,” please leave this room Ariadne,” Johnson requested. In a slow, Ariadne trudged above her blood to the gate. On the other hand, Wolf Mick, handsome, matured, serious, and loyal, stayed beside the purple moon. His body would be handsome during the night; this would be opposite during the day. That would be the reason why he didn’t like to be human beings because the enchanting girl who freshly haunted his heart kept on bullying his face. He wished to meet Ariadne who gave unlimited inspiration why he still existed on the earth. After a while, he genuinely saw the bloody girl who was trolling on the ground,” would I touch her?”

Inside the bar, Nathaniel got too exhausted to push his belt to Johnson’s body, so he went out of the room, just to look for Ariadne. Nevertheless, his nose could no longer smell the beautiful girl.

Johnson loudly heard the cry above his head. His eyes quickly wiped her tears,” Ariadne, are you still with me?” Unfortunately, nobody answered his question anymore, so he swiftly went to his car, just to go back to his mansion, while driving, there was a shadow which reached to his heart. He felt too romantic sitting in the chair, it seemed like a hot girl romantically clutched his arms.

When Johnson safely arrived at the mansion, his feet wouldn't like to get out of his car,” why should I like to stay inside the car?” He forced his feet to proceed to the room, just to take his relaxation, a honeyed wind reached to his noise. And then, there was a shining shadow which kept on walking the floor. He attempted to hold it, however such shadow has gone.

As Johnson arrived the car, unexpectedly his eyes found much blood. His mind casted back what he saw in the bar; he went back to his cool room; to get the alcohol to clean up his car.

His hands confidently pushed the door; his eyes unexpectedly gazed at a beautiful girl who was lying on his bed,” is this you Ariadne?” It took several minutes, such an image turned into salt.

Where did Ariadne go?

In the window, the blue light pulled the salt into the sea, it took three minutes, the light turned into a pretty guy. His name was Huxley, he placed the salt into the water. Hence, the salt converted into Ariadne’s image,” nice to meet you girl, do you still remember the guy who abused your heart?”

An awkward response,” no, I haven’t slipped back everything,” she said.

An awesome voice,” since I am the reason for your existence, could you accept my feelings for you?” he asked pleasantly.

Immediately responded,” can’t disregard your request, I would be sitting over the moon to accept it, Huxley,” that time, Huxley craved to take their date, but he dreamt to give roses for her,” will we meet tomorrow at the London bridge?”

A slow voice,” sure baby,” she responded. Then, she went back to the house. That time, Wolf Mick transparently saw Huxley, he craved to reveal the truth that Huxley had already a sweetheart. But too much darkness clutched the land.

When the sun began to appear in the sky; Ariadne excitedly trudged to the London bridge, her heart felt clumsy to view the object far from her eyes.

As she finally arrived at the venue; sadly, Huxley sweetly hugged Zerah, a beautiful girl who gave a perfect night and day to her sweetheart. Her heart was still loyal to him even though Huxley was not really proud of her diamond love.

That time, Ariadne just passed at the back of their shoulders,” is that your sweetheart, Huxley?” Then, she quickly left, just to erase her feelings for him. Can't deny the fact that her heart really loves him.

Such day, Ariadne pledged herself not to fall in love again whoever will court her heart; she will definitely reject it, indeed, she wore a black t-shirt until the end of her life.

Her eyes still staring at the clouds. After a while, Merry wished to bring her daughter to the sea, where she would recommend a rich guy who can’t wait to marry her daughter.

A loud voice,” mommy, I don’t have a plan to mingle my heart, I’m glad to stay with you,” she said.

A serious voice,” really? Why are you downcast?” she clarified. That time,” mommy, please give me time to meditate on my life,” she said. After an hour, she dreamt that someone would marry her. She thought that her dreams wouldn't happen in reality. On the other hand, Huxley got sick because his heart was unable to ask for an apology; what he did to Ariadne. When Zera saw his worse situation, she lost her interest to give her warm love for him, believing that Huxley won’t bring her body to heaven.

Johson didn’t have the energy to saunter, but when the full moon appeared the window strongly appeared. His image converted into a cute wolf; he craved to go back to his original life, as his eyes largely gazed at the honeyed shadow. He liked to be a wind; just to search for Ariadne who was still alive in his heart. He explored the whole country, just to touch her shoulder.

Ariadne sat below the star apple tree, her body clearly reflected the moon. With that light, her heart aggressively craved to be loved again. Meanwhile, there was a nice song which played loudly. Her eyes craved to know the image of such a person, but there was a simple wolf who stared at her.

Too romantic looking at him, it seemed like, her heart valuably considered the wolf as her heaven. That moment, Zera got green envy to gaze at them; her mouth constructed a statement that the wolf has been abusing her since she was 20 years old. Personally, she fell in love with the sweet wolf, her heart yearning to be loved by his heart, not only that but also to bring her body above the star.

That time, Wolf Mick seriously stared at the tree, but his eyes found Ariadne together with the wolf. His tears automatically fall down to the ocean. To that, Zera wiped it using her cool hands, however his heart didn’t have an interest to court her but exclusively to Ariadne.

Would Ariadne give Mick Wolf a chance to haunt her heart?

When Wolf Johnson slightly saw the other wolf; his mouth uttered,” can I hug you Ariadne?”

A romantic response,” sure,” she tolerated whatever the wolf did. To that, Wolf Johnson thought that his heart already found a cool girl who would be his destiny. But Zera won’t allow the darkness to take over the sun, unless Wolf Johnson would choose her heart.

If Ariadne would know that Johnson had abused her body, would she continue to love the wolf?

Would Wolf Johnson prove Ariadne as his destiny?