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Alpha's Healer

Alpha's Healer

Author:S. Alexander



He's the SEXY alpha. I'm the girl who saves him... After the death of her mother and sister in a tragic accident that also claimed the life of their father, Alyssa is forced to leave everything she's ever known behind. Her family were rogues, cast away from their pack when Alyssa's wolf failed to come. She moves across state lines with nothing but what she can carry in a backpack --and an ancient amulet given to her by her mother. A friend of her family helps her secure a job at the house of a rich family in Jacksonville, Oregon. The house belongs to the Blackwood family--the most powerful pack of wolves in the region, led by Alpha Trey Blackwood himself and his Luna, Brynne. After some initial hostility on both sides, Alyssa settles into life as one of the pack's new members until she meets Trey's son, Adam, who seems determined to make it clear he doesn't want anything to do with her. Yet, he is strongly attracted to her. When Adam comes home one night, injured after being attacked by another rogue, Alyssa rushes to him and discovers something unexpected about herself...

Here I am... Jacksonville, Oregon. It's been three months already since my parents and little sister died in that stupid car crash. My family were rogues, castaway from their pack when my wolf failed to come. I left everything behind, my memories, my past... my life. All I have left is this backpack and the moon-shaped amulet my mother gave me when I was a little girl. I'm twenty years old and I'm still waiting for my wolf. But it seems like she never comes. And now here I stand, at the gate of the Blackwood mansion. That's the family that accepted me into their pack when none other would. I'll help around the house and stuff. Thanks uncle Mike... I owe you big time for putting a good word for me.

I approach the gates when a guy shows up with two dogs on leashes "Hey there" He says as he stops next to me "You must be the new kid?" He asks smiling "Yeah." I answer him not knowing what else to say. "I'm Alyssa Bailey. Mr. Blackwood is expecting me." He tells me his name before opening the gates letting us enter the property. The place looks huge. We walk through the garden and I can't believe how beautiful everything is. Flowers everywhere, trees, bushes, even small streams running down the hillsides.

We reach the main door to the mansion and I ring the bell, my stomach churning. I feel nervous but excited at the same time. What will they think about me? Will I fit in or should I run away back home where everyone knows who I really am? I take a deep breath and step forward knocking once more. The door opens and I see the man standing in front of me. He looks familiar somehow, but I can't remember why.

"Hi!" The man smiles warmly showing off his perfect white teeth "Come inside. You're expected." He steps aside allowing me to pass. Once again I follow him feeling self-conscious because of all eyes following me. The house is huge. I guess the only way to describe it is elegant. Everything is clean, neat, organized. There are paintings hanging on the walls, statues, vases, candles. I stop for a moment staring at them. They look expensive.

"Who the hell are you?" A young man shouts angrily coming out of nowhere. I jump startled by his sudden outburst. I turn towards him and find myself looking straight into face. His green eyes seem angry and hurt. "Excuse me?" I ask confused. Why does he sound so hostile?

He takes a step closer to me narrowing his eyes menacingly "Are you deaf or something? Didn't your mother teach you manners? How dare you just barge in without asking! Do you know who I am?!" He yells raising his voice. Everyone starts whispering loudly while others start walking away leaving us alone in the middle of the room.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to barge in. I was let inside. Alpha Trey Blackwood is expecting me. I'm Alyssa Bailey," I tell him trying to keep my calm. "Well, if you don't know who I am then I suggest you get lost right now or I'll rip your head off," He growls stepping forward threateningly.

"Should I know you?" I reply taking a step backwards.

"Of course you should..." He smirks arrogantly "Trey Blackwood, alpha of the largest pack in this area... the Blackwood Pack"

"Oh... So... who are you then? Are you related to him?" I question him wondering what kind of relationship he has with Trey.

"Yes... I'm Adam Blackwood, his son... the future Alpha." He snarls glaring at me.

"The future... Alpha... huh..." I mumble looking at him thinking maybe I shouldn't have said that. Now he might attack me just to prove a point or worse...

"Don't worry; we won't kill you." He chuckles "But I'd love to rip your throat open." He grins evilly making me shiver.

"Okay... Adam Blackwood... nice meeting you... I guess," I mutter turning around toward the guy who let me in. "Can I see Alpha Trey?"

"Follow me," the man says.

I nod and follow him until we reach the top floor of the house. He leads me into an office where I meet another man sitting behind a large desk reading papers. When he sees me, his eyebrows rise in surprise before he stands up and walks over to greet me.

"Hello, I'm Trey Blackwood, welcome to our home." He extends his hand and I shake it nervously. "It's very good to finally meet you. I've heard many things about you from Mike. Please sit down. Have some coffee, relax, and enjoy yourself." He gestures toward a chair opposite his.

I smile politely and take a seat. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry about your parents," he says after a few moments of silence between us.

"They died in a car accident three months ago," I explain.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But I understand how hard it must be for you," Trey replies sympathetically. "How old are you?" He asks curiously.

"Twenty years," I answer.

"My son is just two years older. You'll meet him soon," Trey explains.

How can I tell Alpha Trey that I've already met his son, Adam, and I think he's the biggest jerk I've ever met? No matter how much I try not to judge people based on their first impressions, Adam had made sure I couldn't help but hate him.

I glance around the office seeing pictures of Adam as a child playing baseball and other sports. There is also a picture of Adam when he graduated high school. In one photo, he looks like a typical jock. Another shows him wearing a black tuxedo with a bow tie. I can't deny he looks hot.

"What do you want with my father?" Adam suddenly interrupts us startling me. I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of his voice.

Trey sighs exasperatedly. "Adam, please go downstairs and wait for me there."

"I'm sorry, Alyssa," the Alpha says looking straight into my eyes. "My son can be a little rude sometimes."

"It's okay," I say shaking my head.

"Alice!" Mr. Blackwood shout from the door. A woman in her thirties appears. She is beautiful with long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. Her blue eyes sparkle and she smiles warmly at me.

"Welcome Alyssa. We're so glad you could join us today," Alice greets me kindly.

"Alice will show you to you room. Alice works for us too. Your job is to help her in the kitchen and whatever else she needs help with," Alpha Trey informs me.

"Sure thing." I smile nodding my head.

"If you need anything, please ask either of them. They'll come to find me if they can't help you." He tells me smiling.

"Thanks," I reply feeling nervous all over again.

"Come along now," Alice chirps leading me through a corridor and opening a wooden door revealing a small bedroom. It was neat and tidy with white walls and a plain bed with a floral patterned comforter. The curtains match the sheets while the carpet underneath my feet feels soft.

"This way," she says ushering me inside.

"Do you know how to cook?" Alice questions me.

"No... not really." I laugh nervously.

"Well, I hope you don't mind doing dishes every day because that's basically what your job entails. Oh! And laundry," Alice adds quickly.

"Oh... well, yeah I guess that makes sense."

"Just remember to keep this place clean and tidy. If you have any problems, just knock on my door or call me. Okay?" Alice says smiling brightly.

"Yes. Thank you." I smile gratefully.

"Good luck," Alice says giving me a hug before leaving, closing the door behind her.

I walk slowly around the room trying to get used to everything. I look out of the window overlooking the forest. My stomach growls reminding me I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday morning. I sigh, thinking of my life until now. How did I end up here? What am I supposed to do next?