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She Walks The Night

She Walks The Night

Author:Whisper 5531



I knew that my VP and his family was moving in next door. I also knew that he had a sister and she doesn't talk. My VP is Norman, He is 25 years old and his sister is 19. He has 4 other brothers older than their sister but younger then he is. Norman did not say much about his sister other then she will not come to the club unless she has to be there and that she has PTSD. Norman's sister's name is Kathy and she is not comfortable around men she does not know. But don't let her fool you. She will fight if she has too. She is also a street fighter and she hates men. She rides a bike and she is a badass, and not afraid to tell you to shove it when she is pissed. And she hates to be called a Bitch or whore. So be warned. You never know what Kathy is going to do. She loves her family and will kick ass to protect them.

It was around three in the morning and I just pulled up into the club compound. I got off my bike and walked around to the door when I looked across the yard. Who is that I wondered? All I could see was the back of a woman. She had dark hair. Dark as the night. I saw a boxer and a German Shepherd walking with her. I watched as she walked toward the tree in the back yard and she sat down on the swing. I watched as she looked up at the night sky. That must be my VP, Norman's little sister. I walked into the club and told Norman. I think I saw your sister outside.

You probably did. She walks the night he said. What do you mean "she walks the night?" She doesn't sleep at night. So she walks or she swings and watches the stars. While everyone sleeps she guards us. We have tried to get her to sleep but since she was rescued three years ago she doesn't sleep at night. So she basically does guard duty. Take my advice. Do not walk in the yard at night. She set's traps so that no one can get in the house or around her. She knows where to walk and not walk.

Come on I will introduce you to her. But remember. She won't talk. We walked out the back door over to Kathy. Kathy looked up at me. I want you to meet my President. This is Rider. He is the president of the Hell Rider MC. I looked over at Rider and nodded my head. Well hell, I had hoped to see her face but it was wrapped with a soft scarf. All I could see was were her eyes. She had beautiful green eyes. There was no spark in her eyes. She had sad eyes. I told her I was pleased to meet her and invited her over to the club BBQ this weekend. She smiled but shook her head no. Then she signed to her brother. She said. Thank you, for inviting her but she could not accept it. Maybe you will change your mind? I don't think so she said to Norman.

Before we turned he said do not be out all night. I watched as she looked at him. Then she signed something to him. As we walked away I asked what did she sign to you? That she will go in when the sky starts to light up. I heard him sigh. She is special and she can sometimes be a handful. We walked over and a prospect stopped Norman and asked: " did I see you signing to your sister?" Yes, you did. I too know sign language. My sister does not talk in front of strangers or people she is not comfortable with I said. My sister is the same way. Maybe they could become friends. Maybe someday we can introduce them. Maybe he said and walked away.

I watched my brother walk away with his president. I know that it upsets him when I sign instead of talk but I can't do it. I don't have the confidence yet to speak out unless I get angry. I continued to swing and watch the stars. I love the stars. They are beautiful. I love how they shine and are so fresh and free. I heard Greta and Spike growl. I stood up and pulled my gun from behind me. I hid behind the tree and looked at where the dogs were looking and growling.

I did not know who the man was but he was sneaking through the back yard of my brother's club. I walked up silently behind him and put the gun to his head. I shoved him toward the clubhouse. Once we got to the back door I kicked it in and threw him across the floor. It got quiet and the men stared at me. Norman signed to me and I put my gun in my holster behind my back. I signed back about his sneaking through the yard. I then turned and walked out of the club back over to the swing and sat back down.

Who the hell was she they asked and why didn't she talk? She is your VP's sister and she did talk. She talked with her hands. Why does she wear a scarf so that you can only see her eyes? She does not want others to see what she looks like. No, before you ask. There is nothing wrong with her face. She, in fact, is beautiful. She has her reasons for doing it. You will see her often sitting outside at night until morning. She walks the night. She does not sleep at night.