
Let’s Read The Word

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Avery Rosewood is the crown princess of England. A well kept secret of the Royal family could either bring them ruins or peace. The Royal family came from a long line of powerful witches, but they were cursed to only have one daughter. But there are more of their kind outside the walls of the palace, a whole society of them, lurking in the shadows of humans. Avery has been homeschooled her whole life, due to her position in being the next and only heir to the throne, she was watched very closely. When she finally gets the chance to be enrolled into a proper school, how could she refuse? But with a catch, she could go on two conditions- never to step foot outside of her school and two keep her identity a secret. All was fine, until tragedy struck. What happens when all of her mother’s past comes back to haunt Avery? She will soon discover the real reason why she was kept locked up in the palace like a bird in a cage, and when she was finally set free, she was still tied to the metal.

So, I came to the conclusion that I officially hate homeschooling. There were so many limited books I could read, and so much time wasted just waiting for them to arrive at the palace. I sat next to my bedroom window peacefully reading- the same book I have read for the fifth time this week. I know it s ridiculous but this is my go to book to read when it s raining, I read it so many times I could practically recite any paragraph from that book, and many others I have stacked up in the corner of my room. Giving up, I closed the book shut, gently placing the old book on my nightstand, I listened to the lightning scattered sky as silver droplets of rain fell to the ground and the fresh smell of petrichor. My window wide open letting in the fresh breeze that blew some of my paper to the ground but I didn t care, I always loved rainy days, especially when there was thunder. It was always so calming, and it took my mind off the stress from school and the duty of crown princess.

Knock, Knock

" Come in," I said in a soft voice, it was almost impossible to hear me through the heavy thunderstorms.

One of the guards came in, his metal sword shifted as he leaned his weight onto one side, he swallowed two times before he manages to say, " Princess Avery, her majesty has requested for you," I gave him a grateful smile, I have never seen him before, maybe he was new? That explained his nervousness.

" Thank you," I said, he bowed closing the door behind him, "Here we go," I sighed, closing the window, as I slid out the wand knotted into my black hair, " ventois," I whispered, the white candles scattered throughout my room extinguished with one blow, leaving me standing in the dark, flashing of light shone through the window once in a while. Satisfied I knotted my hair into a bun atop my head once again, I checked myself in the mirror, because I know for a fact that if my hair was messy or something off with my make-up mother would make a big fuss about it, and it would cause her to be stressed out even more. My long black hair tied back into a knotted bun with my wand securing the hair, perfect eyeliner around my green eyes were drawn perfectly as ever by my stylist, the color on the apple of my cheeks flushed as ever, repealing some lipstick then headed into my closet. I changed my outfit into a slightly more formal navy blue dress, its bodice threaded with metallic gold, cinching my waist with a simple belt making it look more flattering because I couldn t meet the queen, in a simple crop top and sweatpants, can I? Lastly, I threw on simple black heels and went out of my room.

Walking to my mother s study in the west wing wasn t a struggle, but the people walking in the hallways, bowing and trying to start a conversation with me were delaying the meeting with my mum. Today s particularly crowded in the palace, I wonder why? The palace was divided into four wings as a normal palace would be. My bedroom, my parents' bedroom and the private kitchen along with our personal handpicked servants all lived in the east wing along with all of the guest rooms- A bit unnecessary I think, but their majesty insisted. My parents' study and the art room along with some galleries and rooms we could use for random meetings are all in the west wing. The huge ballroom, throne room, are in the south, and the gardens and the kitchen- that guests and servants could use are all in the north wing.

The halls filled with lively chatter as the clinking of my heels followed me like a shadow, cracking thunderstorms rumbled every now and then. Not long after I reached the big wooden door that opened to my mother s study. Dismissing the guards following me like lost puppies, I didn t get the reason why guards would have to post by every corner and every door of the castle, even though on days where no one was permitted to enter the castle without a personal invitation from the royals. I just think it's so ridiculous, why would I need guards following me around in my own home, but I get that my parents are just trying to protect me, so I don t make a big thing about it and try to be friends with them.

Taking a nice, long deep breath to calm the nerves, every time when mother asks to meet I m always nervous for no reason, and most of the time she just wants to talk. I exhaled then knocked the door three times, before I heard my mother said "Enter," Pushing the wooden door open, I was greeted, with my mothers bright and neat study, with piles of papers and documents stacked high next to her,

" You asked for me, Mother," I said not a question,

"Yes, come, sit" she ordered, I took a seat on the opposite end of the dark oak desk, the beautiful dark bookshelf stood tall behind her, books with mysterious titles lined behind her, plants and crystals occupied the window, while the wall painted dark green hung with portraits of the royal family. Then in front of me my mother, she still looks as beautiful as ever, except for the eye bags and little wrinkles on them, she still looks as young, her like brown curls hung on her shoulders, styled to perfection, we had the same emerald green eyes, her nose pinched high along with sharp cheekbones, she wore a formal work attire- a white blouse and black pencil skirt, along with matching gold jewellery.

"Take your wand out of your hair, Avery! It makes you look unseemly," she scolded without even looking up from her papers,

"Sorry, Mother," I apologies, pulling out my wand, placing it on the top of my lap, tidying my hair a little before my mother said," It seems that

you have received letters," finally looking up from the documents. That was strange normally my page Amber would bring me my mail,

" Oh?' I questioned,

"Not just any letters," she said with excitement, handing me two opposite color envelopes, one bright blue with a golden peacock wax seal, and the other was a plain washed brown envelope with a red wax seal stamped with an initial H. I just stared at the letters gawking, of course, I knew who these letters are from but it was too good to be true.

"Go on then, open it," The queen in front of me rushed, and I obliged.

I opened the blue one first, hastily ripping off the seal, and expectantly it was from The Wican Academy of Magic, the cream paper stamped with the elegant school's coat of arms- two golden wands crossed over one another, each shooting three stars.

Reading through the letter as fast as I can, soaking up every word on the letter, it had written that I had been accepted into the school and the terms start in the middle of August and they await my answer two weeks before the start of term. I looked back up at my mom, she had the biggest smile on her face, of course, she would know that.

" Didn't you attend the Wican Academy, Mother?"

"Yes, yes I did, now read the next letter," she said in a hurry, with a wide smile on her face,

I set the letter on the table, and ripped off the red seal. The letter inside was a dark brown paper, and the school crest confirmed my suspicion that it was indeed from Hevaguard. It was a school for the elites and gifted. Not many people could even get accepted into the school when they were 11, so I certainly couldn t possibly get in. Reading through the second letter, made my eyes lit up, it was practically a dream, and the letter literally came 4 years too late. But the important part is that I got accepted into two of the top wizarding schools in the world.

But I realized there was a slight error in the letters, it wasn t addressed to me, I mean the name says Avery, but the last name was Horsans. How did I not notice it before! It was literally at the start of the letter. I cursed at how stupid and naive I was how did I think that I even would get accepted into two elite schools.

I guess it was always too good to be true.....