
Let’s Read The Word

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Shades Of Purple

Shades Of Purple




Never in my life had i ever seen those color eyes except in my daughter . But now here I am staring at a woman who has them and her son's are identical to mine . Pov " woman I'm here to claim what's mine ."

The shadow of that woman.

Christina Mac.

I was struggling when Grandmother suffered a heart attack and needed to be hospitalized . I couldn't afford to pay her bills . When I went to a club searching for a bartending job . With only a few weeks of work I met a man who told me he'd solve all my problems if only I where to give him a son or a daughter . At first I refused to sell my body until my grandmother's condition became worse. That's when I agreed. I was taken to a place I didn't know where I eventually spent nine months of my pregnancy . Within that nine months my grandmother had her surgery and was well . After nine months I gave birth to a baby girl . Immediately after I gave birth to that baby girl she was taken away from me . That was when the doctors realized there was still another child . To whom I gave birth to and was left alone.

Seven years later .

Until this day I still live off the money that man gave me . I started a business and bought myself a house in the city . I'm always grateful to that man he gave me my handsome genius son and the life I have .

Eddison Grey.

Seven years ago a woman gave birth my darling daughter . I often wander who that woman is because when I see my daughter . Savannah is what I could call ruthless . At the age of seven she beats up people twice her age and does her things for herself she has a no nonsense policy and a very light temper . My mother always says what Savannah wants , what Savannah needs and what Savannah must get. So I got her everything . She has the potential to become a great business woman . I know she takes after me but there's something more about her that she gets from that woman and what's more is that she has a dragon birthmark on her shoulder and a rare color of eyes and hair . Her eyes are green a light one and her hair is flaming red . I remember the first time I she opened her eyes she scared me and when she start growing her hair . That woman still intrigues me even in her absence. Women when never a problem for me because with the money I have women could queue from the city gates all the way to the slums. But none ever intrigued me . I come across all sorts of beautiful young ladies but they have no effect on me it's as if they were other man . But that one woman still haunts me the way she smelt still lingers In my nose the feel of her skin . I dream of her every night . I gave up the thought of searching for her as it would be searching for a needle in a haystack. But If I'm ever going to find her I want to keep her by my side for life because she was the only woman who made me feel that way a deep yearning for someone . It's as if she left a deep void in my heart . I still don't know how she was able to assert her dominance over me . It's as if she is my life force.

I don't even understand how I can miss someone who I don't even know. I set there thinking deep when I got a call from my assistant saying that it was time for me to go pick up my daughter.


It's been a week since I arrived in Sky city and I've enrolled Christian my son into school today and I went to pick him up from school when I found him teaming up with a girl to help beat up a bunch of teenagers . After I had spoken to his teachers that was when he introduced me to his friend. " Mommy this is my friend Savannah she is a warrior like me can you imagine." I knew I couldn't say anything I could just say to him . I listened to him as he kept on rumbling with his friend when I told him that we had to go . When he had complained about leaving his friend.alone so we waited for her father to come . As we waited I realized indeed this kid was much like Chris and the way they bonded over a few days was rather shocking for me as Chris had always had issues making friends with other kids. We waited to what seemed like an hour and a half before his friend's father came to pick her up by then both kids had tired out of all the jumping and the presentations they were making for me and were now sleeping on my lap. I had never seen my son this happy playing with another kid. But. It wasn't just him within minutes of watching her I too seemed to have bonded with her as she had bonded with me. I had long been busy on my laptop at the school lobby when the little girl sleeping on my shoulder began to slowly whisper mommy in a way that seemed rather desperate . There was nothing I could do but coax her back to sleep . That was when her father came to get her . There was something that triggered me when she opened her big watery eyes they were green . The same green I had it only that Chris had deep ocean blue eyes . I had never seen anything like them. I remember when Savannah's father came i was rather impressed by how sweet and loving he was . He seemed like a good man.


" Daddy I like Chris's mom she's lovely ." Said Savannah as she watched Christina's car reverse out of the parking lot." What's that supposed to mean ? " Eddison questioned his daughter as he watched the way she focused on the car that was leaving the parking lot." I mean everyone else has a mommy why don't I have one ?" Savannah said as she sulked whilst staring out the window. " Because your father is too young to get you a mother , right sweetie I thought we talked about this before . " Eddison Grey replied as he made his way around the street as he now was headed out to town to his villa. When he saw the familiar looking car

Christina's pull infront of a small looking apartment building. As he watched the mother and son duo offloading groceries as he drove past . For some reason he continued to watch them on his rare view mirror. Until he could not see the clustered apartments and was now it the billionaire's compound . Soon after they arrived at thei r villa and Savannah only got of and sped to her room where confined herself. And eddison retreated to his home office wondering what had happened to Savannah. Not once had she ever like any woman she barely ever spoke to her grandmother as she was always indifferent to her as much as the rest of the nannies I had hired for her. I was long lost in thoughts when I heard the clicking of forks and knives. I supposed it was dinner already and went downstairs where Savannah sat having her dinner .

On the other side the family of two savoured the meal they made laughingly as they watched the romance dating show while picking sides on who would be married to a billionaire . Right after dinner the show ended and the mother and son duo did the dishes updating each other on what to do next and with their weekend . Before retreating to bed where they shared their small but comfortable bed .

Next morning.

I was in a hurry getting Christian into the car so that I can get him to school . I was fixing my hair whilst looking at the mirrors on the car as I applied my lipgloss. " Sweetie tell me I look pretty ." Christian sized me up and replied " yes mommy you always do . " I looked at him then smiled as I jumped into the car and drove off speeding .

In a different car the two sat in silence as they approached the cluster of apartments and happened to see the loving scene of the mother and son.

Soon both parties had arrived at the school . Christina Walked with her son into the gate when Savannah and her father were also approaching . " Mommy you said you had a big meeting today right ." Christian asked curiously ," yes sweetie I'm going to a company called the AM company they want me to design a new brand label for them. " On the other side Eddison also happened to hear this exchange as well . And realized that this woman may have been the designer who was coming here to Sky city but my team failed to get in touch with her in order to get her to work for us but we then realized she was already working for another group. " So mommy do they pay you enough for us to survive here or will we go back to live with Uncle Zack." Christian asked ," well they pay enough for us to stay fed and to pay the bills and nothing else , Chris my son you have to remember that we can't keep depending on your uncle Zack can we ." Christina replied , " but uncle Zack was the dad I never had ." Christian complained out loud . Behind them on the pathway to the classrooms Eddison smacked a single mom huh interesting. Eddison continued to say " Christian you also know that your uncle Zack is young so he'll need to get married right ." Christian stopped and looked at his mother for a moment then said " but mommy is young too doesn't she need to get married ?" Christina didn't think for a second before repling " who needs a man I have you and you're more than enough for me." And that marked the end of the conversation as they got to the classrooms . When Christina squatted down to kiss her son in the face before he naughtily saying " mommy if you keep kissing my face Ill have hickeys by the time I get to class ." Christina could only look at her son with evident shook before smacking his bum and then reprimanding him for insisting on watching too many dating shows . And hearing laugh out ouch. At this moment even Eddison who had been secretly listening couldn't help but chuckle. He simply continued to watch how she handled him . Slowly he started feeling his daughter's continuously trying to slip out of his grasp so he let her go and she ran calling out Christian auntie mac and crashing into the mom and son who soon took her into a hug too . " Morning auntie mac you look pretty today , " Savannah spoke sweetly as she giggled to the lady . " Morning nana you look pretty too ." She said as she started fixing the folds on Savannah's dress. " I hear you have art class today please be good okay and don't pick any fights both of you okay ." The woman reprimanded . Before telling them to go to class . That was when she stood straight and began to walk to her car when she saw me still standing there. Truth be told I had been lost in thought watching her then Savannah then back to her it was kinda a busy thing to do as well as processing everything being said Into useful information . " Kids huh ." She said making me snap out of my thoughts. " Yeah right . " You're Savannah's father right ." She said . " Yes although I prefer being called Eddison ." I watched her closely as she pursued her lips to day something but only managed to mouth O. " You must be Savannah's aunty Mac ," I extended my hand to her and she took it ." It's actually Christina. " Nice to meet you . I acknowledged as I scanned her until my eyes landed on her familiar looking eyes. They were green Savannah's kinda green . It's impossible the doctors said that those green eyes can only be inherited from a specialkind of gene. But what about her hair . I looked at her a little more closely realizing that her hair was dyed to black . " We should keep in touch , " I said ," yeah sure ." We exchanged our numbers and we chat accounts and I noticed that she was on several other social media apps that I noted to myself that I should be on. Before I watched her sway into her car and drive away. I then drove to my company . I was looking at her WeChat posts most of them where of her and her son her professional life , traveling and few dedications to some Zack Miller and an Audrey Mason. Probably the uncle Zack the boy had mentioned. I continued to scroll downwards as I noticed she had dyed her hair several times to different colors and shades and then I got to a part I found rather shocking for someone who seemed to post rather often there was a time gap of a year and a month then there was a post that said sorry y'all I had ghosted I was off having the time of my life meet my baby boy he's one month today. I checked the date it was exactly a month after Savannah was born too. Could this be coincidence . Looked further and saw several other post where I could see her flaming red