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Billionaire's Personal Stylist

Billionaire's Personal Stylist




Gemima Logan commonly known as Gemmy is a young lady and a designer of 23 years and she just opened her first fashion house known as ' Gemmy's World '. She's so excited as she can now own her own fashion house like others. At the beginning, Gemmy gets a lot of costomers in her fashion house. And she gets so excited with the fact that so many people who are appreciate her work , it gives her the motivation to continue and keep on working harder. After some time, Gemmy starts experiencing a shot down in her business as things are no longer moving the way she had expected. The proprietor of her fashion house keeps on tormenting her cause she owes rents. The Prince of Dombad, Prince Dominick is in front of her fashion house, admiring her work and needs someone to design his outfit for the banquet he's organizing that month. While admiring Gemmy's work from outside, he hears her conversation with the proprietor since her voice was so loud. He enters and falls on Gemmy's favorite male design and falls in love with it.

"Congratulations! Gemmy, " said Meghan and Flora excited about Gemmy opening her first fashion house known as 'Gemmy's world'. They are all excited as they drink and shout up and down around the parlor.

My name is Gemima Logan, commonly known as Gemmy, the only child of my parents. Am 23 years old and am a self-made woman. Am a fashion designer by profession. I leave alone in my little apartment. It has a big parlor, two bedrooms, a kitchen and two toilets, one toilet each in the two rooms.

I have shared my sitting room into two parts. I use a part of my living room to carry out my daily activities of designing. Now, unlike before when I use to use my parlor to do all my work, I now own my first fashion house. It's a very exciting thing cause I'll now be in my shop like others. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Am a Slim young lady with perfect curves, fitting itself perfectly where they belong. I am light-dark is completion. I have a tiny waist fitting itself perfectly on my hips and a flat tummy. I have a round head fitting itself in my small neck and my hair is brown and very long too. My round blue eyes shine spontaneously as it adds more beauty to my face. My nose as well as a pointed nose and my cute thick lips found themselves beneath it.

Meghan and Flora are my best friends. Flora happens to be the oldest of us all. Meghan just like me is twenty-three too, while Flora is twenty-four.

Meghan happens to be the tallest of us all. She has a small round head sitting on top of her neck. She has dark eyeballs which are very active. A long nose on top of her thick lips. All these make her very pretty. She also has the perfect curves fitting themselves in their respective places.

Flora is the oldest of us all and she's a slim young lady like me. She has green eyeballs which are very portraying to the view of everyone. Her pink lips which are so attractive to everyone that sees it. She's been created with the perfect curves. Her character is stunning. We can say for certain that the mould that was used to create her was immediately destroyed cause there's no one like her.

All these attributes are to show how well mannered she is.

I, Meghan, and Flora have always been together since childhood, we spend a lot of time together and tell each other everything. I can say our bond is so strong. We share almost everything together and when one of us is in pain, we all feel the pain.

My parents leave in Beckshap town, my home town. It's been 5 years since I left them to be on my own and I can say for certain now that to leave alone is not an easy task. My dad is a mechanic and my mom works at a restaurant. I love them so much cause they've always been giving me all the love I need.

I hardly visit them cause my designing job stresses me out sometimes and I often have a lot of work to do. But I do create time for them as I visit them once in a while and always come back home for Christmas. This gives me joy as I am very happy spending such an adorable and pleasant time with them cause we don't get to see it every day.

Am so excited cause it's my first fashion house. I immediately informed my parents about the good news and they are all excited as well. They all pray for me to make it big in life and I know these are the prayers that are manifesting.

I'll be starting work in my first fashion house tomorrow morning. I'm so excited and can't wait. It is now even, Meghan and Flora have returned to their apartments. Am now left alone. There's a very huge smile on my face reflecting all that was parading in my heart as words can't explain the kind of joy I am feeling right now.

At first, I use to do my designing in my apartment. This brings the atmosphere to be so busy all the time as I have limited time to relax and go out with friends cause I nee

I can't even sleep, this night seems to be so longer than others as I couldn't think of anything but the fact that I now own a fashion house on my own.

I can't stop looking at the clock to see if time is running fast or not. My eyes became so dry and pale as I haven't rest the whole of that day and I needed rest at that time. By the time I fell asleep, I didn't even notice it, but all I know Is that I just slept for only two hours.

It was only left one hour to Midnight and I was so upset as it was not yet midnight cause I knew that if midnight arrives, then it means it's already a new day. I also kind of knew that it's cause I slept very early than the way I use to in the previous nights.

While waiting for the clock to tick midnight, I decided to put down some of the designs that just came into my head. If I don't put down these new designs that just came into my head I might end up forgetting them.

when I got finish putting down the designs, I wasn't happy seeing that what I expected did not yet manifest. After some time, I realize that the clock is about to tick midnight. I am so excited as I look at the clock with so much anxiety and my eyes are broadening while Stating at the clock. Now it's with 1 minute for the clock to tick midnight.