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Shawn's Assistant 2

Shawn's Assistant 2



Realistic Urban

Part 2 of the story When she is hired to be shawn mendes assistant She leaves her family to go on tour with him Share the same room She sticks by his side and supports him Will they love each other or just keep it as " she's my assistant "

"lia baby calm down" Laura said

"fuck laurs I can't" I said as tears ran down my face

"babe calm down, look at me, you're going to be a mother" Laura said

"Do you hear yourself Laura? I'm going to be a mother! A fucking mother! And Shawn is the fucking dad!" I said

"Aren't you happy?.. with Shawn?" Laura asked

"I am! I love him so much! But I know he won't be happy with an Baby right now! He's on fucking tour! He's growing into a big celebrity" I said breaking down

"Lia, who said he wouldn't like it? Did you ever talk about this? Nope, stop crying" Laura said

"look babe, I'm here with you and I'm so happy for you, look you should tell him and if he didn't want it, me and your family will be there with you and we'll take care of the baby and love him" Laura said

"Get yourself together, call Shawn and tell him to meet you as soon as possible" Laura said as she helped me get up

I washed my face then go out

I grabbed my phone and called Shawn

"Yes?" An unfamiliar voice said

"Shawn?" I said

"no that's not Shawn" the guy said with as music and noise was heard

"Oh sorry wrong number I think" I Said

"no this is Shawn's phone, Wait" the guy said "SHAWN! YOUR PHONE!"

"Hello?" Shawn said

"hi" I said

"hey baby how are you?" He asked

"I'm good how about you?" I asked

"I'm great I miss you" Shawn said

"I miss you too" I Said "Shawn.." I said

"Yeah?" He Said

"You busy?" I asked

"No I'm just at a party, did something happen? Are you okay?" shawn Asked

"um.., yeah, I just wanna ask, when are you coming?" I asked

"I don't know maybe next month, something happened lia?" Shawn said

"no" I Said

"Babe tell me" he said

"Something happened, I just wanna see you" I Said

"do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked

"It can't be said over the phone, I'll just tell you when I see you" I Said

"Baby, i can take a flight now and be there" shawn said

"No! No Shawn, you have a show tomorrow, we'll talk when I see you and don't get drunk cause we don't want a singing Shawn with a headache at the concert" I Said

"Baby, month is a bit way too far, you know that all I'd be doing is thinking about you and being worried" Shawn said

"Babe, it can wait, nothing too important so don't worry please"

"Okay, babe are you sure?" He Said Again

"Yeah baby, don't worry" I Said

"I love you so much, and if you need anything just give me a call "Shawn said

" I love you too and sure, bye " i Said before closing the call

" Lia, I reserved an appointment next week" Laura said entering my room

"What happened with Shawn?" She asked

"He'll be here the next month" I Said

Laura hugged me

"You're gonna be alright momma bear" she said

"thanks for being here" I Said


A week passed and today I had an appointment to check if I was really pregnant

"Amelia johns" a nurse called again after I took some DNA Test and many things

"Yes" I Said standing up with beside me

"The doctor is ready to see you" she said before me and Laura entered the doctors room

"Amelia" he said


"You took the test and now the results are ready" the doctor said

"And?" Laura said

"Congratulations Amelia, you're having a baby" the doctor said with a smile

"Really?" I Said happily

"No I was just joking" the doctor said "yes really! You're going to be a mother, you're 3 months pregnant " he said

"3 months?! How?" I Said

"Look, some people may not have the pregnancy synonyms on the first months but it comes later and I guess this happened to you" he said

"Ohmygod!" Laura said pulling me into a hug

"That's why I'm getting fat!" I Said making Laura and the doctor laugh

"do you want to see your baby? Or with the baby's father?" He asked and I looked at Laura

"She'll come with the baby's father" Laura said

"Just give us a call and We'll book you an appointment, be carful, don't bend, jump or do any of this crazy stuff, avoid caffeine and alcohol, make sure you eat healthy food, and if morning sickness comes, just visit us and I'll write you some pills" he said

"Okay, Thankyou doctor" I said shaking hands with him

"Thankyou!" Laura said

"Just doing my job, and again congrats" he said

We gave him a smile before going out and Laura instantly pulled me into a hug

"I'm gonna be an auntie!" she said

"I have a baby laurs, here in my tummy" I said putting my hands on my stomach

"I'm so happy, I can't wait when you tell your family!" She said

"Tell my family? I don't think so" I Said

"What! You know nate would be mad at me if he knew that I knew and didn't tell him" she said with a frown

"What if they tell Shawn?" I asked

"You do realize that he is your boyfriend and the father of the baby" Laura said

"fuck laurs, I don't know what to do" I Said

"I think you should tell Shawn, try to talk with him" Laura said

"you think so? Would he be happy?" I asked

"I don't know that but we have to see and if anything you know we're with you!" Laura said before we headed home