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Billion Dollar Lady

Billion Dollar Lady

Author:Author choi



Talking of wealth, classy and beauty Juliana Rodriguez had it. she's a spoilt brat and very of the youngest richest popstar in America,a singer, songwriter and model love is not in her own world,just use and dump But everything change When she find herself getting attract to one person.......Bryan Reyes.A guy who is way out of her league.....

Billion dollar lady

Episode one

*Juliana p.o.v

"you know I don't like repeating a word,so just leave.your service is not more are fire"I yell at my bodyguard.who doesn't he think he is, ditching me at the party last night and come back this morning with the excuses that he received a urgent call from the hospital that her dying mother want to see him but I don't give a damn shit.

"I'm so sorry man,I know I make a very big mistake for not informing you before leaving that because my mind had been occupied by my mum illness recently.i'm sorry"He bowed

I didn't even give a ear to his plead."Elena,tell Kelvin to stop begging and leave my sight now"I face Elena,my personal assistant and childhood bestie.with a sad face,Elena looked at Kelvin who is now on his knee with teary face.

"Kelvin just get up and wipe away your tears.don't worry I will talk to her, she's definitely calling you leave now before she go crazy". Elena said and Kelvin slowly rolled up,he bowed at me before walking out of the sitting room.i faced Elena, thank God she's my friend I could have show her the stuff am made of for calling me crazy.

"Hey girl, thank your head that you are my bf your head could have be gone by now for calling me crazy,and for information I'm not calling him back.No one dare the city diva"I said my words proudly while she's was just laughing.

Sorry for the late introduction,My name is Juliana Rodriguez.the one and only heiress of the Del mudos hotels in all American.I'm the billion dollar lady cous with or without my parent wealth a billion is already flowing in my account.At the age of twenty three I'm already rich,a singer,dancer and a model,and who the hell don't know me all around America.I'm blessed with a angelic voice and a body of goddess with make men flow after just like isn't my plan now just used and dumped.i had overhead people around me said I'm bossy, proud and pushy and exactly who I'm i cous it make them fear me and I love it that way.Let stop here for now cous you gonna know about me along the way.

**Bryan p.o.v**

Arrrrrrggggghh.God I so much hate this sound".I said with my eyes closed trying to cover myself well with the duvet. I suddenly snapped my eyes opened and jerked up from the bed.i picked up my phone on the nightstand and checked the time,8:13 I'm a died man already.i am already late for my new job.I quickly dropped my phone on the bed and rushed to the bathroom and did my morning routine.I'm out within five minutes,I put on my skinny jean and a white Dior round neck,wore my sneaker.i picked my phone,earpod and withdraw my bike from the nightstand.i rushed out and locked the door

seat on my bike, plucked in my earpods and selected a song on my phone tittle "city light" by my crush and favorite singer Juliana.God I so much love And, she's a good singer and songwriter,her lyrics her always on point.i started my bike and put it on high speed.yeah I'm off to my new work.

my name is Bryan Reyes, twenty five years old.I'm a guy who doesn't care about the type of work I did,just wanna father passed away when I was eighteen years and since I am the first child I had taken up many jobs to kept i,mum and my twins siblings alive.At the of twenty, with the little money I saved up from different jobs I rented an apartment and moved out from my parent house.Right now i just got a new job as a delivery man from p and p restaurant"pizza and pastries"which I must resume by 8:00 and close by 5:00 and by 6:00 I will resume my second job at Emirates club where I work as barman.

I stopped the bike in front of the restaurant, looked up pastries and pizza was broadly written on top.i got down and removed my key, paused the song.l checked my phone God it 8:00.i pushed the glass door and the bell above ring,which always indicated a new person walk in . Kyle my best friend and manager of p and p, he's the one that got me this job, rushed to me.oh God hope I won't be fire on my first day.