
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Kia Coelho



Living a double life sounds hard, doesn't it? But for Ira, living a double life is survival; survival from herself. To everyone's eyes, Ira Hartwell's life is the definition of monotonous, she is your typical 18-year-old college girl with good grades, great friends, and big dreams. She has certain expectations from herself, yet none from life. And to make sure she reaches her full potential and remains focused she sets three golden rules for herself. One: Keep your priorities straight and focus on them and them alone. Two: Never stand out in a crowd. Three: Stay away from drama and trouble. But when the epitome of trouble; Nathan Edwin storms into her life, things start to change. Intrigued by the new girl whom he comes to call Phoenix, he is hell bend on breaking down her walls and getting to know the real her. The mystery swirling in his emerald orbits draws her closer to him, but the fear of revealing her deepest secret pushes her away. Caught between a tug of war of emotions, w

It's said that you only truly know a person when you know their most treasured secrets.

Everyone has their own sets of secrets, whether big or small, we all have something to hide; something we want to share with only someone 'special'.

And sometimes these secrets may just be life—changing...


With her eyes glued to the clock hanging on the wall before her, she taps her foot impatiently waiting for the few minutes holding her captive here to pass by and free her from the doldrums she is in during most of his shift.

Thankfully for her, there isn't much buzz in the boutique today. The only people in the shop are the ones helping in the preparation of the upcoming fashion show featuring the 'Hartwell Boutique'.

This made Ira's job a lot easier in comparison. She didn't have to spend her day behind a counter with a fake smile pasted on her face and tending to the needs of a dozen rich snobs. She hates her job yet she doesn't have the luxury to quit.

She patiently waits as the hands of the clock proceed towards the number six, indicating that it's 8:30 PM. She had to do an extra shift today due to the show being held tomorrow night resulting in her having to work for an extra two hours which drained her physically and mentally. This show is her responsibility and she could not afford any mistakes.

As soon as the clock struck 8:30, her eyes lit up in animation, she gathered her things in a rush, clearing the counter she headed for the backroom to change.

Changing out of her uncomfortable uniform which consisted of a tight knee—length black pencil skirt and a white button—up with a blazer bearing the boutique's logo, she scurried out of there to find her aunt.

Susan, her aunt, and Alana, Susan's daughter stood side—by—side near a rack of dresses inspecting them comprehensively. She mentally said a dozen prayers to heaven above, sincerely hoping that her aunt lets her go without raising a butt—load of question.

Once she reaches within an arm's distance from them she gains their attention, putting a stop to the ongoing conversation between mother and daughter. They looked at her in anticipation as she stands rooted in her place with apprehension bubbling in her heart and exhaustion screaming from her body language.

"It's 8:30 Aunt Susan. May I leave for the day?" She asked in a very timid and polite tone with a fake smile pasted on her face masking her actual emotions.

"What's the hurry, Ira? Can't you see there is so much work left to be done and the fashion show is tomorrow night! This may not be a big deal for you but it's extremely important for me." Alana exclaims in her usual high pitch tone with a hint of exaggeration, while her aunt stood silently in the background with her brow still raised.

"There isn't much left Alana, most of the arrangements are done. I've personally checked it and whatever else is left, I'll have it done in the morning," sweet but the fake smile still pasted on her face hiding the irritation she felt.

Silence took over the room for a few moments. "You may go but you better be here first tomorrow." Ira mentally sighed at her aunt's words and nodded before heading for the door.

"And remember you work for us and not the other way round. We may be related but that's outside the workplace, so keep that in mind the next time you talk to my daughter in that tone," Susan warns, causing Ira to halt in her path towards the exit abruptly.

Rage and irritation took over her face at her words, but she managed to calm herself down not wanting to cause any drama that could delay her even more. Turning to face Susan, now with a calm façade, she gave her a small nod. Alana smirks at her state but doesn't say a word.

"Of course ma'am. It won't happen again," she says through clenched teeth yet in a timid tone, trying her best to prevent her eyes from glaring at the duo.

'It's not like I had a choice when it came to working here, now did I?'

Hurrying out of the boutique, she made her way to the back where her car was parked. A silver 2012 Ford Focus greeted her and a relieved sigh left her lips. 'Just few more years of this torture. I've survived this long, what's another four years?'

Pushing those thoughts aside, she jumps into her car and drives off towards her apartment complex. Even when she was on the road, her eyes kept glancing at her wristwatch occasionally, wishing that somehow the time just slows down.

But it seemed like fate had other plans this evening, the signal turned a deep cursed red just as she neared it. This earned an irritated huff from Ira.

'Just what I needed!', slamming her palm against the steering wheel in pure vexation she cried out in despair.