
Let’s Read The Word

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The Maverick Medic

The Maverick Medic



By chance, I have fused the memories of the Future Soldier King and the bizarre life of intern doctor Lin Hao has officially begun. Stepping out of the mountains is just the beginning. The future is unimaginable. Watch how Lin Hao wanders through the Flower City, moves among beautiful women, and achieves the ultimate medical path.

"What is that object in the sky?" Lin Hao, using his internship days off to supplement his family income, was picking honeysuckle in the mountains.

As Lin Hao was mulling over this, a beam of white light suddenly appeared in the sky, as if pinpointing a target, darting straight towards him. Its speed was so great that Lin Hao had only time for a pitiful scream before he was knocked to the ground.

But Lin Hao was not unconscious, being stronger than the average person due to his childhood spent doing farm work, even though he temporarily lost the ability to move.

Lin Hao saw a humanoid shape bathed in white light, wearing green military attire and holding a transparent object that looked somewhat like a modern tablet. His fingers were rapidly tapping on the surface.

Then, a bizarre sight ensued. The figure from the sky began to fade little by little.

He is from the future, assigned with a mission. But it seems that because he doesn't belong to this era, he has become an entity repelled by it, his body gradually dispersing.

The figure, Long Teng, produced an item that looked similar to a syringe, pricking it into his own temple and drawing out a substance that glowed blue.

Under Lin Hao's horrified gaze, Long Teng inserted the syringe-like object into Lin Hao's temple, injecting the blue luminous substance into Lin Hao's head. Lin Hao's vision gradually blurred, and he subsequently lost consciousness...

Who knows how much time had passed when Lin Hao finally awoke. After surveying his surroundings and finding nothing unusual, he quickly picked up his basket and left the mountain, a lingering fright within him.

For the three days since returning to Zhongdong City, Lin Hao had been working at the First People's Hospital of Zhongdong City as if nothing had happened.

Over these days, because of an excessive patient loads, Lin Hao was working as if he were multiple people, laboring for more than fourteen hours every day.

Today, while carrying medical supplies to a ward and about to administer medication to a patient, Lin Hao suddenly collapsed.

"Hey! Can you help him onto that bed? Seems like he's overworked." The nurse in the ward immediately called out.

Lin Hao's body was shaking uncontrollably, cold sweat poured from his forehead, as if he were trapped in a nightmare.

To the family member in the ward, the nurse said, "Could you please watch him for a bit? I'll go call the doctor."

"No problem, I'll look after him for you," replied the patient's relative.

Seeing the relative's consent, the nurse hurriedly left the ward to call Dr. Lin Hao.

At this moment, Lin Hao seemed to be in a dream. In the dream, the man who fell from the sky three days ago was standing before him.

"When you see me, I guess I have disappeared from this world. My name is Long Teng, the future captain of the Chinese Dragon Stab special forces."

"I have transferred all my memories to your mind, and also the martial arts technique just developed in future China for enhancing human potential, which is also the beginning of chaos. It has also been transferred to your mind. I hope you can strengthen our China."

Long Teng's voice echoed in Lin Hao's mind, becoming fainter and fainter. His figure was also slowly disappearing. It was not until Long Teng's figure had completely disappeared that Lin Hao slowly opened his eyes, revealing confusion.

Everything in the dream had already become memories, completely integrated into Lin Hao's mind.

In particular, all the details about "Dragon Jue" were incredibly specific.

Dragon Jue is a martial arts technique for harnessing human potential. The human body has a total of 720 acupoints, including 108 critical points.

The Dragon Jue is to stimulate these 108 critical points, thereby developing human potential and becoming overwhelmingly powerful.

The Dragon Jue is divided into twelve realms. Every time nine critical points are developed, strength will increase dramatically. When all 108 critical points are developed, one will acquire the ability to move heaven and earth!

Just when Lin Hao was entirely focused on 'Dragon Jue,' the nurse brought Dr. He.

"Doctor He, this is him. He's a hospital intern this semester. I don't know what happened, but he suddenly fainted on the ground," a very pleasant voice said, causing Lin Hao to involuntarily turn his head.

Lin Hao looked up and down at the nurse in front of the sickbed, his eyes scrutinizing every detail.

The nurse was wearing flesh-colored silk stockings and a short skirt covering her lower body. However, this only caught Lin Hao's attention for a moment.

What really stunned Lin Hao was the nurse's striking beauty.

The nurse's eyebrows were as fine as threads, composed and steady. A single glance was enough for Lin Hao to discern that she was a virgin!

Of course, his acute judgment could be attributed to the countless textbooks about the differences between women and girls that he had perused in class.

The girl's pair of phoenix-shaped eyes, bereft of any adornment, caused a flutter in Lin Hao’s heart. Her pure gaze was rather endearing.

Her high-bridged nose, coupled with her cherry lips that were neither too thick nor too thin, were akin to God's most perfect creation!

"Nurse, I'm fine now. Thank you for bringing the doctor over," said Lin Hao, slightly apologetic.

"Whether you're fine or not, since the doctor is already here, let him have a look," the nurse responded, ignoring Lin Hao's words.

Overpowered by the beautiful nurse, Lin Hao had no choice but to let the doctor check his condition. However, Doctor He said, "So, you called me here just because this intern fainted?"

"That's right, Doctor He," the nurse replied.

"I am the head of the hospital, an overseas doctorate in medicine. He isn't worth my attention. Next time, be sure to disclose the patient's identity and don't call me for every trivial matter. I'm not at leisure, I'm quite busy."

"Do you understand?"

Having said that, Doctor He unexpectedly decided not to check Lin Hao, turned around to leave the ward. This arrogant demeanor caused Lin Hao to frown slightly. He was about to question Doctor He on the type of patient he would treat when a young man in the ward suddenly shouted: "Dad! What's wrong? Doctor! My dad's not okay!"

Doctor He turned towards the patient on the bed and quickly said, "Step aside, let me check on Mayor Liu."

The young man moved away, allowing Doctor He to examine Mayor Liu's condition.

Dr. He urgently spoke, "Nurse Lin, hurry up! Have someone bring the defibrillator over! Quick!"

The beautiful nurse, also known as Lin Yiting, upon hearing these words, responded and hurriedly left the patient's room.

Lin Hao watched the patient in his critical condition with worry in his heart. However, as he continued to observe, an oddly familiar feeling arose in his heart.

For some reason, Lin Hao felt that he was somewhat familiar with the symptoms of the patient’s current condition.

His familiarity came from the information provided in the book, "Dragon's Secrets." The novel had given him an understanding of human anatomy. Now, he was able to discern that the patient lying on the hospital bed was suffering from a heart condition.

Moreover, the patient's current affliction wasn't just heart disease, but also another concurrent illness known as angina.

An episode of heart disease alone could potentially lead to the patient's death. If both diseases strike together, the odds of death would be multiplied by 10 times compared to a single outbreak of heart disease!