
Let’s Read The Word

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The Me.

The Me.

Author:The Me.



A Penny for your thoughts? Dream. Believe and Die. Later. Those words are always sinking in my mind.Maybe I'm just too misfortune for such an unlucky girl who's seeking and longing to search for everything? Well, I can't blame myself for I have the reasons too? Or maybe It's my curiosity who just drives me to search for that everything so? Months and years passed by, still counting and still searching for everything. Seeking, finding and keep on searching.My whole long journey took me to keep on searching till I turned 22, it fade away hopelessly. I decided to stop. I'm tired.. I was persecuted by the people around me,saying I got low self-esteem and will never and will not progress anymore. A lot of triumphs and challenges I coped with just to find the answer for searching everything.I tried to talk to Him to seek for help for finding the answer.... Days goes by, I was about to buy something when a convenience store got my attention to look at the glass mirror. I walk a little bit closer to see the familiar face I'm looking about. A reflection of myself caught me. I wonder how am I. I wonder what's always keep bothering me to fine for that everything.. I did not bother to those people who keep on gossiping me as I stay stood there and look at myself in the mirror. It hits me. And without knowing a one drop of tear came out to my eyes. I smiled and look up into the sky "Thank you for giving me the time to search for that everything.I already find the answer. It's Me... It's Me whom I search for a long long time... The Me of yesterday, The Me of today, and The Me of tomorrow.... Every last one of them is ME. Now those Penny thoughts before have been replaced by these words I have been writing right now. Dream. Believe and Live for the Better.

A Penny for your thoughts?

Dream. Believe and Die. Later.

Those words are always sinking in my mind.Maybe I'm just too misfortune for such an unlucky girl who's seeking and longing to search for everything? Well, I can't blame myself for I have the reasons too? Or maybe It's my curiosity who just drives me to search for that everything so?

Months and years passed by, still counting and still searching for everything. Seeking, finding and keep on searching.My whole long journey took me to keep on searching till I turned 22, it fade away hopelessly. I decided to stop. I'm tired.. I was persecuted by the people around me,saying I got low self-esteem and will never and will not progress anymore. A lot of triumphs and challenges I coped with just to find the answer for searching everything.I tried to talk to Him to seek for help for finding the answer....

Days goes by, I was about to buy something when a convenience store got my attention to look at the glass mirror.

I walk a little bit closer to see the familiar face I'm looking about. A reflection of myself caught me.

I wonder how am I. I wonder what's always keep bothering me to find for that everything.. I did not bother to look for those people who keep on gossiping me as I stay stood there and look at myself in the mirror. It hits me. And without knowing a one drop of tear came out to my eyes. I smiled and look up into the sky, "Thank you for giving me the time to search for that everything.I already find the answer.

It's Me... It's Me whom I search for a long long time... The Me of yesterday, The Me of today, and The Me of tomorrow....

Every last one of them is ME.

Now those Penny thoughts before have been replaced by these words I have been writing right now.

Dream. Believe and Live for the Better........

Chapter 1: Finding for Myself

As I was to walk about to buy some food for real, A guy who's wearing a school uniform handed me some one of their brochure,I think it's a kind of some marketing for the School campaign, I look at him and ask for what is the brochure for and guess what?

He works for a entertainment company. It's their uniform for their work for human sake...I even thought him as a student lol. So as a feedback I get the brochure and give him a positive smile and then leave... As I leave, I look at the guy again and then I laugh. Poor me. How can an employee become a Student because he just wear like a school uniform like other student do... I think I have to make some schedule to go to the doctor for an eye check up.