
Let’s Read The Word

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Sword & Shield From District 13

Sword & Shield From District 13




“Yeah! We made it in time!” said Will to Tony after entering the school. “In time my ass! Come here, how dare both of you climb the school gate!” Middle age man running toward both of them carrying a broomstick. Both of them run immediately after see Mr Lu trying to catch them. BOOM! Someone kick the classroom door! Everyone silent. It’s Tony and Will! No one dare to speak a single word. “Hmm, Let’s see where should I seat today.” Will smiling with nasty face on him.

  It’s already 10.14 p.m. Tony rush trough the door and grab his bike after receive a call from his brother Will. His little brother Mark stunned with his action. “What’s going on with that dude?” He asked his elder brother Jack.

  “He’s going to the playground again, to clean up some trash.” said Jack. He knew Tony and Will must be going on rampage again.

  Meanwhile, “All of you are going to hell tonight!” Tony threw his bike and pull his bat. “Hahaha! Only 1 dog came to back you up? You’ve gotta be kidding.” said Roger while staring at Will.

  Will already take down 22 men earlier before Tony arrived. He’s exhausted but still manage to stand.

  Will didn’t even look or say a single words at him and just snapping his fingers.

  Few seconds later…




  There’s 47 men laying down screaming and suffering from broken arm, leg and ribs. None of them able to stand up. Nobody seen those attack coming. Its like a flash of the thunder.

  “W.. what happen?!” Who are these people? All of his 69 men like nothing compare to these two. Roger look at his men. His leg is trembling. All his man has already beaten! He’s out of words. He can feel the murderous aura rush trough him. He’s almost wet his pants. I’m doomed! I’m doomed! He said to himself.

  Without a word, Tony smash him like smashing a stray dog. He grab Will shoulder and then walk away with evil smile on both of their face. “How does it feels to be beaten by dog?” after that both of them start laughing out loud.

  Roger and his man just arrived at District 13 city for few days with a hope to take control of this town underground section in future. But unfortunately they already beaten to pulp by these two high school boy in no time.

  Everyone in District 13 underground section know how ferocious and powerful these two boys are. They like sword and shield to the city.

  Tony face frowning and said “Will, why didn’t you call me earlier?”

  Will smiling with filthy look on his face “I want to know how many trash that I could take down.”


  “Are you kidding? Stop dreaming.” Tony can’t help himself from laugh. Even if they sparing, his strength only a quarter compare to Tony. But, he know Will defense is beyond imagine.


  Next day at high school.

  “Yeah! We made it in time!” said Will to Tony after entering the school.

  “In time my ass! Come here, how dare both of you climb the school gate!” Middle age man running toward both of them carrying a broomstick.

  Both of them run immediately after see Mr Lu trying to catch them.


  Someone kick the classroom door! Everyone silent.

  It’s Tony and Will! No one dare to speak a single word. “Hmm, Let’s see where should I seat today.” Will smiling with nasty face on him.

  Tony shudder his head and walk to his own seat.

  “Will! Stop teasing the others!” Anne trying to slap his face but he could see it. Will grab her hand and pull her to his chest.

  “Will you be my girlfriend?”

  Anne heart start beating fast and her face was blush. She froze and don’t know what to do. It’s her first time to hear someone confessed to her. She know that he is one of the most troublesome student in school, but he’s quite handsome and pretty tall too.

  Everyone whispering, “Did you hear that?” “Oh, finally our flawless beauty gonna have a boyfriend” “It looks like we don’t have chance anymore.” “So romantic.”

  Will stare at her eyes. “Hahaha! Did you just fell for it?”

  Then he walk to his own seat next to Tony at the rear and sleep.

  “Humph! There’s no way I would fall in love with those scumbag, pervert, lazy bum!” Said Anne to herself.

  Suddenly someone whisper, “Miss Lim is coming!” Everyone rush to their own seat.

  Few hours later.

  “Ok, that’s all for today, class dismissed.” then their teacher head out from the class.

  Suddenly Tony phone vibrating inside his pocket.

  “Yes? Now? Ok we’ll be there.”


  “Big Daddy’s home, let’s go.”

  Will suddenly fired up after heard what Tony said. It’s been three years since Big Daddy travelling.

  On their way back, outside of the school gate was crowded by a bunch of students.


  The girl was slapped by her boyfriend! Everyone shocked. Ashley is the prettiest girl in their school. She’s 6 feet tall and her skin is white as snow. She was crying. Finger mark can be seen clearly on her bright and flawless cheek.

  “Hey Tony, they’re shooting some drama here huh? Why don’t we join them?” Will stare at Tony.

  Tony didn’t say anything. In his mind is to head home as soon as possible because their ‘Big Daddy’ is home.

  Then he spoke, “One minute.”

  Will immediately dash to the boy. Within few seconds the boy was rolling and struggling on the ground like a worm. All of the crowd can’t believe their own eyes. Only one kick and it’s fast like a bullet. It’s Will! One of the most troublesome student here!

  “I don’t know what she had done to you but, I can’t forgive anyone who’s dare to hit a girl!”

  After saying that word, Will was dragged by Tony to stop him from going any further.

  Everyone including Ashley was still stunned by his action. After that the crowd start scattered.

  At the Jade Mountain Villa, there’s a late 60’s big fat old man sitting on his couch. “Where is all of my precious sons?” He asked the man in black suits that standing beside him.

  The man in black suits reply “ They on their way.”


  The black suits man walk to the door and open the door. It’s Jack, Mark, Tony and Will.

  All of them stood in front of the old man and bow 90 degree. “What’s your order Big Daddy?!”

  “It’s have been three year since I’m not here. All of you are doing good.” Big Daddy smile and cross his leg.

  “Start from today, this city is all yours.” He stare at Jack.

  All four of them stare at each other and feel confused. What does it means? What’s going on?

  Then the black suits man gave a pile of contract to Jack and said “Since you’re the oldest and already 22, it’s your responsibility to take over now, and when their time have come, make sure to share with your brothers.”

  Jack nodded but still confused. “Daddy, are you retired? Why? These are too much for me to handle.”

  Big Daddy shudder his head and sigh. “Even thought all of you’re adopted, but I still treasure all of you as my real child. I’m already old. It’s time for me to retire and relax. Jack, only you are the most suitable person to manage this now.”

  Big Daddy is the most successful business man. He’s involved in both illegal and legal business. Total all of his assets are worth 80 trillion dollars. He’s the top two richest man on earth. But, 20 years ago, he lost both of his precious wife and son due to a plane crash. Few years later, he adopted these four homeless child.

  After heard what Big Daddy words, Jack can’t refuse his offer and start signing all of the contract.

  “Tomorrow, all of you don’t have to hide your identity anymore. For Tony, Will and Mark, the three of you are going to St Martin High School.” said Big Daddy.

  All three of them shocked. It’s school for rich kid. It’s 1st class school. After that, the three of them only can nodded their head. There’s no way they can disobey to Big Daddy words.