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Beautiful CEO's Warrior Bodyguard

Beautiful CEO's Warrior Bodyguard


Realistic Urban

He is Hua Xia's strongest military king, Also known as "Dragon Stinger", a name that sends shivers down mercenaries' spines Born into a mysterious unit, he chose to lay down his armor and return to the city in the end! With his military dagger, no one could rival him in this bustling world. With his iron fists, he stands proud and undefeated in all the lands! I am the king of military kings; in this city, I am the ruler. The stunning female CEO: "Lin Feng, you bastard! Give me a full body massage before you start bragging here!"

Under the night sky, in Jianghai City.

"Jianghai City, I, Lin Feng, am finally home!"

An excited yell echoed outside the ordinary exit of Tianlong Airport in Jianghai City, attracting disdainful glances from the surrounding people.

"Is this guy mental? Why is he yelling like that?"

"Exactly, exactly! He just came back, what's the fuss about…"

"Must have escaped from some mental hospital, look at that raggedy outfit!"


Sounds of dissatisfaction filled the air, all directed at the camouflage-clad man standing not far away on the steps.

He had a tall and thin build, fair skin, distinctively chiseled features, and the pair of bright eyes under his eyebrows gave off a sharp and profound impression.

However, his outfit seemed a bit dated – an almost faded, old camouflage suit, and the old-fashioned military backpack he was carrying decreased his overall appeal significantly.

But Lin Feng didn't get angry with the strange looks around him. Instead, he grinned, and confidently strode down the steps.

"Driver, how much to Yulin Cemetery?"

Lin Feng approached a taxi, he opened the passenger's door and plonked himself in.

"You sure about going to Yulin Cemetery? That's in the suburbs, quite far, that'll be a hundred for one trip."

The taxi driver was a chubby middle-aged man, he glanced at the ragged Lin Feng and spoke impatiently.

From his furrowed brows, it was clear he looked down on Lin Feng, who had just gotten into his car. However, he wasn't in the position to kick him out and could only adopt an indifferent demeanor.

"Oh, a hundred then! That's alright, please take me there."

Without thinking, Lin Feng immediately agreed.

"Are you sure you have money to pay for the cab?"

The middle-aged man didn't start the car but instead took another look at Lin Feng, unconcernedly saying this. He didn't believe this seemingly poor guy in front of him could afford it.

"Money? Will this do?"

Lin Feng clearly understood what he meant, thus he pulled out a muddy wallet from his pocket, took out a bill, and handed it over.

“Dollar...US Dollars!” The middle-aged man's eyes obviously widened, disbelief written all over his face. He recognized US dollars, and the bill in Lin Feng's hand was undoubtedly genuine.

"Will this do? If so, please start moving, I don't have much time."

Lin Feng furrowed his brows lightly. It was already dark outside, and he had something to deal with soon.

"Haha! No problem, young lad, you better be seated well. We’re heading out!"

At the sight of the US dollar, the middle-aged man instantly put on a broad grin, tossing the half-smoked cigarette out of his hand, and quickly drove into the busy traffic.

He sure had hit the jackpot this time! The middle-aged man thought to himself, grotesquely smiling internally.

On the road, the taxi sped up, overtaking many premium cars.

While driving, the middle-aged man's attitude towards Lin Feng changed dramatically due to the US dollars and he tried to engage in a conversation, but realizing Lin Feng had no mood to chat, he wisely zipped his lip and concentrated on his driving.

An hour later, the taxi came to a halt. Lin Feng opened his eyes and realized they had arrived at their destination.

Subsequently, Lin Feng told the driver to wait for him, assuring he would return soon and further offered to pay extra, which the middle-aged driver readily agreed upon.

The sky was gradually darkening, and the flickering lights at the cemetery gate were quite eerie under the pervading silence.

Without a second thought, Lin Feng strode in, scoured through the graves, and after a short while, his gaze fixed on a gravestone.

Etched on it was: The tomb of Lin Changxuan.

Suddenly, a pang of sadness hit Lin Feng. He briskly moved forward and knelt down before the grave with a thud.

"Dad, your unfilial son has come to see you!"

At that moment, Lin Feng was choking on his words, his eyes brimming with tears as his right hand gently caressed the gravestone.

He still remembered that fourteen years ago, as an eleven-year-old, he had grievously wounded a gang leader when he tried to save his neighbor's younger sister. He was forced to flee due to the incident.