
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:authoress Rita mercy



It's Claire James first day of college and it comes with excitement,new people,and an unexpected reunion with her high school nemesis whose name is Victoria claves. Read as they turn to best of friends and lovers, and how Claire fall in love.

The first day of college claire saw Alex, the teaching assistant, her heart was racing. She was awestruck by his breath taking good looks and reeled in by his irresistible charm.

Claire took it as a sigh that campus life was going to turn out great. when suddenly,enter Victoria claves,her high school nemesis.

Claire recalled back in high school.they were the biggest rival,and when they graduate. she was finally out of her life......

But then,in the middle of Claire first lecture,Victoria showed up and it look like Claire was gonna be struck with her for a while.....

Little did Claire know that her nemesis was keeping secret.big secret that were about to change everything.....

"Mom,i can't find the matching socks.she reacted to her as she couldn't find her socks. But her mom said "have you check the drawer?;"of course i check my drawer,it is not there;she replied.her mom went to the drawer not minding her response,and she saw the socks.Claire was surprise and at the same time she was happy seeing it.she praise her mom for being able to see the socks,even when she has scattered her room when searching for it.

Claire dress and packed all clothes and compulsory college equipment inside a big bag which will be useful for her since she is going to start living in the college campus.

When Claire was ready to go ,her parent prayed and advise her.when they are through,they drove her to college premises and left.

Claire walked round the college hostel checking her room number.

She found her room on the last building of the hostel. She walked toward her room doorstep and meet a dark lady"oh!hi! you must be my roommate.I'm Tina; Claire replied "hi! I'm Claire.

"Welcome to our humble abode! let me help you with your stuff. Tina helped Claire to carry some of her luggage and they both enter the room. They both complement the room upon seeing how beautiful it is!, saying it was very beautiful.

After arranging Claire luggage in the room, they both continued to discuss about themselves and how Tina is going to study mechanical engineering.while Claire will be studying vegetarian medicine. Claire smile and told how she love animals since she was a kid. "though i still eat eat them occasionally. Don't judge!she chuckle."same here.animals are great,plus i've been a second hand vegetarian.hey! my stomach's groaning.would you like to grab a bite at the cafeteria?Tina yawn as she is feeling hungry.Claire replied her that she is not really hungry at the moment,but Tina convince her till she gave in to her request.they both went to the cafeteria to full their stomach and have fun together.

The next day is officially Claire first day of college lecture.she wore a slay outfit and set for lecture. On gotting to lecture,Claire was shy seeing lot of eye candie around.....unlike in her high school.she was busy wondering why the professor is not yet to come when suddenly,Alex the teaching assistant came in...