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Hate To Love Forced Marriage To A Billionaire Son.

Hate To Love Forced Marriage To A Billionaire Son.




"Make sure you get married to her" those words from his father really meant a lot to Leonardo, he felt that he'll finally be approved by his father after many years hiding, Leo started staying with his father, ever since his mother died, and since then his father has never talked to him. And he has kept him hidden from the press, no one has seen him, cause his father refuses to acknowledge him, Leonardo was Soo excited when he got the order from his dad, that he immediately took action and kidnapped the bride, Leo wanted to get married in order to gain his father's approval. "Save the family please. Emily hated those words badly, she became Soo angry when she heard them, she never imagined she'd be getting married to a stranger, an unknown man, the son of Mr. Roberto who was known to the notorious, how would his son be, he must take after his father surely. Emily felt all that happened was her fault she caused everything, the scandal with her ex-boyfriend made her lose everything her spotlight and everything and now her family is about to go bankrupt cause of her, Emily didn't care and still wanted to leave the country, but lack of money held her back, but she was later kidnapped by Leonardo, with a gun on her head, Emily signed the marriage papers in tears. Would this marriage between Emily and Leonardo last? Would Leo be acknowledged by his father?

Emily sat on her bed looking at the celling and tears almost flowing from her eyes, but she held it in.

What went wrong?

Why did he do that to me? How could he betray me? I loved him. Many thoughts ran through her mind as she laid on the bed.

Emily checked through her phone and her heart started pounding really fast.

All the money in my account is gone and now my father's company is suffering for my mistake, if only I didn't date him, if only... Shit! She threw her phone in anger.

The ringtone of her phone brought her out of her thoughts, the caller ID was Lucas Emily's ex-boyfriend the betrayer.

Why was he calling me. Emily ignored the call. And buried her head on the duvet.

"What do we do now? She could hear her mom's voice faintly from her room, she seemed really hurt.

The wailing started, she wondered who had died, but she was confused, what is really going on? Is my dad going to really lose his company? she knew she made a mistake but...Suddenly the sounds stopped, and she couldn't hear anything again, she got scared again, so she stood up from my bed and walked to unlock the door, but then she heard a knock instead, she immediately rushed and sat down on her bed.

"Miss Emily, your parents sent for you. One of the maids in the mansion uttered, bowed and left.

As Emily walked down to meet her parents many thoughts ran through her mind

Why did my mom suddenly start and stop crying?

What are they scheming?

Emily finally walked towards them, and she saw a man in his late fifties seated.

Who's this man? Many thoughts ran through her mind again, a second glare made her realize that he is Mr. Roberto the richest man in USA, but what is he doing here, he is known to be a dirty man and all that, he even has a son out of wedlock.

What if? It can't be.

"Meet my daughter. Mr. Brooks Emily's father introduced her to the man.

The smile on the man's face was creepy, that she had a bad feeling about it.

"Emily, we're saved, we won't go bankrupt again. Mr. Brooks said happily and smiled to me, but she couldn't bring myself to smile, she just wanted to know what it's all about.

"What is happening Dad and Mom? Emily asked in a calm voice.

"This is Mr. Roberto, your husband to be father. Mr. Brooks said and Emily's whole world came crumbling down in an instant, this can't be the only solution, marriage can't be my only redemption.

"What! Emily uttered faintly and was speechless.

What do you mean? She could hear her voice faintly.

Roberto is the most mysterious and known to be a devil too, I know is married, but the other one is a mysterious guy, no one has ever seen or heard of him.

"I'm never getting married to him!. Emily finally blurted out and they all stared at her in awe, even Mr. Roberto was surprised.

"If you don't get married to him, then see me Dead. Mr. Brooks uttered but as a stubborn child Emily ignored him and was leaving

"I like her. Emily could hear Mr. Roberto utter as he walked past her while touching her by the shoulder and he was out of the house.

"Honey!" Emily heard her mom's scream, and she rushed back, her dad was already on the floor.

"It's all your fault. Emily's Mom cried and hit her, " take. Emily's Mom said and gave me Brooks his medication which he took.

"Do you have money? If you have save yourself, you caused this anyways,it's all your fault. Emily's Mom cried out.

Emily has been doing different modeling jobs and so on, but due to the rumors with her ex-boyfriend she lost all her endorsement, and she also had to pay lawsuit also, so she's flat broke.

Emily rushed out of the house and through the streets in tears, as the thought of getting married to a monster made her Soo enraged, suddenly a car came rushing towards her and nearly hitting her, but she fainted suddenly

"Are you alright miss. Emily could faintly hear a man's voice

Emily woke up in the hospital

"Are you awake, I'm off, do you have any guardian?. A guy asked , Emily looked up and saw an extraordinary cute Guy.

He's Soo hot.

"Who are you? And why I'm I here?. Emily asked him, but he ignored her.

"Are you rich? Do you have lot of money?. Emily found herself asking a complete stranger, he just looked at her in awe.

"Why?. He finally asked

"I like you, I want to get married to you. Emily uttered and felt shy, " please get married to me. Emily pleaded with the stranger and grabbed him by the hand, but he felt uncomfortable and looked at her like she was a crazy woman.

"I'm off. He finally broke my heart with his words and he left swiftly

If only I could get a rich man to get married to me, I will be saved. Emily sighed and broke out in tears

"What Is going on? Why are you here?. Mara Emily's best friend asked as she rushed to her in my hospital

"My parents wants me to get married to the mysterious guy, can you imagine that!.

"What! Why!

"My father's business will go under if I don't get married, cause his father said he'll help only if I get married to his son, what do I do?" Emily found her self shedding tears, she's never cried before this is the first.

Mara saw her in tears and immediately hugged Emily and they both cried.

" I will help you escape" Mara utter and Emily looked up happily

"Really!. Emily asked happily

"You'd have to leave town and start afresh,but do you have money? You've spent all your money on your lastest car,why don't you sell it and help your father's company". Mara asked and Emily stared at her angrily

"No way! But I won't get married to him, I can't sell my new baby, that's like the only property I have right now, I lost everything already, what will people think of me, my friends and fans, no way" Emily scoffed

"You're of no help really! Did you come to lecture me or help me?. Emily yelled and left the hospital.

Even with all the mess , Emily drove her latest Mercedes Benz and pulled up in front of the club

When ever she's sad, she always go clubbing to have fun.

Emily stepped into the club and started dancing dirty and all that.

She had a lot of drinks.

She woke up in the morning only to find herself naked on a bed in a hotel,

"What have I done!

Emily stood up and saw a piece of written paper


"Ooh no! I had sex with a stranger, bad!

She stepped out of the hotel unnoticed, but suddenly I heard some foot step behind, she tried to run but she was kidnapped.

She woke up and saw herself on a wedding dress

"What is happening! Emily panicked and tried to run but the door was locked.

Some people entered and escorted her to a man, and she looked around and saw that they were in a kind of house, shabby house.

She looked and saw that he had mask on

"Ooh no! So I'm finally getting married to the masked man.

Emily was in a panicked State.

"I hope this is a dream, I can't get married to him.

Emily took a step back and wanted to run, but as she reached the gate, she heard gun shot, she turned and it was the masked man, he had a gun on him, he walked to her, and pointed the gun to her head.

"Go on and sign those papers now! Or else I'll blow off your head. He uttered and she suddenly felt cold in her body.

"What do I do now! If I don't sign, my head will be blown off, he is really a beast.