
Let’s Read The Word

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An Autumn Love

An Autumn Love

Author:Positivum Questae



Alexandra Rosie Mcwayne is a young lady who loves helping others. Whenever someone needs any kind of help, she is always here to land a hand. It is because of this wonderful nature of hers that she has won the hearts of many people. Yet she has some secrets and doubts that she doesn't let anyone know except her best friend. Yes, you got that right, it's her Mom.

  Have you ever wondered what is it is like to feel in love? To have someone by your side. Someone, with whom you can just be boogie and spooky? Well, same for me too. I wonder where my perfect man is, my soulmate as some will call it. I know for sure, I will meet him soon, my instincts tell me I will have an emotional support system soon; not that I need a man to support me but I want someone with whom I can be best friends with. That kind of person who will not judge me for who I am and for my kindness. Yeah for my kindness. I know this may sound altruistic but that is just the way I am.

  Lost in my cloud of thoughts, I did not hear my phone ringing until my mom came in my room.

  "Love, where are you lost? Your phone rang five times consecutively." She says hurriedly.

  "Just lost in my thoughts. I have a question for you Mom."

  Mom: "I'm all ears"


  "How did you know Dad was the right one for you? I mean you know; I know things have been difficult so far, but I need to know how I'm an adult now." I say on a serious but calm note.

  Mom: "Yeah, it's been a long time since he left. We have to move on, we cannot keep on waiting. He is gone. He will never come back but one thing I can assure you, baby, when you are in love you just cannot make the difference between good and bad because everything feels good in a way; Although you may know it's not good your heart will contradict the thoughts of your mind. So, always be careful love. I am sure you will find your man soon.

  Otherwise, an arranged marriage is always good right.



  "That's not even funny mom. I told you, I will never marry a stranger. I know I have been single for twenty-two years, but this does not mean I will be forever single. Well, who cares I'm an independent woman and a proud mama of my beautiful Aussie"

  "Oh yeah, Kendall is a good boy," Mom says while shuffling his fur.

  On an honest note, Kendall is the love of my life. I have always wanted an Aussie puppy. They are of great company and wonderful emotional support. On another hand, I brought him because mom always gets worried about my anxiety. In this way, she will be less worried.

  After this little mom and daughter discussion, I went to take a fresh bath. It's at 8 O'clock. In 45 minutes, I have a conference talk with a bunch of students.

  ~•~ 35 Minutes Later ~•~

  Thankfully, yesterday I took out my outfit. Everything looks so perfect. Even the pretty heel shoes that mom gave me for my last birthday is matching with my dress. Dad words suddenly echoed in my head,

  "The first impression is the last impression."

  I took my bag and files and headed downstairs for breakfast."My God, what a beautiful darling you are." Carla exclaimed in Happiness.

  "Aww, nonna thank you."

  Carla has been with us since Mom's divorce. She is taking great care of us. Especially to mom, she is a great friend and counsellor. My aim is to find mom a boyfriend because she needs one to cheer her up. Well, Mission will be accomplished once my conference will be over.

  At 9 O'clock exactly I reached Beverley High school. Just in time. Quickly I ran through the stairs and made my way inside, suddenly, I brush against someone. I think whoever was holding a coffee and it fell.

  "I'm so sorry," A gorgeous soothing voice said. I look up and find those gorgeous greyish blue eyes staring down my face. With a single move, he brushes my dangling hair behind my ear. That very moment feels magical. As if everything changed, the breeze tingling my skin, I can feel his warm breath on my neck, giving me goosebumps.

  Suddenly, everything becomes blurry I find myself in a tornado. Screaming, I open my eyes all of a sudden to find a staring François. I quickly snuggle to him whispering, "I love you so much. I will always love you. You are my first love and I am grateful to have you in my life. Without you, I do not know what would have happened to me. You are a life saviour." I broke out my tears.

  François: "You dream of our first meeting again. Aww, my love, I told you a million times I will never forsake you. You are my strength and I am very proud to have you. No wonder, we met on that beautiful Autumn. I still remember the confused look on your face. So beautiful and innocent. Alexandra, you are my first and last woman. I love you with all my soul."

  "I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you so much. I'm sure, our baby will adore you too."

  "Yes, our little bear." He says while kissing my tummy.

  We have been married for three years now. Our baby is due in two months. We are all so excited to meet our little junior.