
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Jemmie Meem



A little hate draws the maze...long and fueled by what is mistaken for love. Hailey's been taunted and used all her life, broken, hurt, traumatised. She stops believing in people, in the world and herself...then along comes Xavier, the good looking middle aged professor, her heart beats for him and his for her.....but they find themselves in a world, where even the purest of roses are cursed with thorns.

Multicolored lights danced off the mantelpiece of the spacious living room, the polished floor radiated different colors like rays of sunshine passing through numerous crystals. Silk green curtains rose and fell in sync with the gentle evening breeze that stirred up the smell of lavender, on both sides of the large TV there stood two statues of golden lionesses baring very sharp and pointy teeth, similar statues guarded the entrance of the living room, tall silver giraffes encaved the corridors while artificial vines of flowers hugged the staircase railings like a snake would it's prey. It was sickening to see how much of his house was screaming 'Liz'. She had affected and taken over every part of him and his life. It's easier for a woman to change than it is for a man to accept a womans ways, for this reason the couple always found themselves debating over every little thing, what to have for breakfast, what air freshener was more romantic, what interior design was best for a newly married couple and so many other topics. Liz was domineering and Xavier was un-yeilding. His mind went over how his brother, Kyle, and best friend Steve, hung their mouths open in disbelief the first time they visited.

“Dude you practically live in a greenhouse“Steve laughed.

“I expect that soon your bedroom will be decorated with beach sand and monkeys from the Amazon“Kyle commented.

Steven Hulk, born and raised on one of the Hawaiian islands was very gay and down to earth. They both graduated from the same University in Europe, while Xavier was retained by the institution and there his first work experience began as a part-time lecturer. Steve on the other hand chose architecture after studying technical education in the university. He met his wife, Grace at a teacher's college in Mexico during one of his various travels, they fell in love and got married in the year 2000.

His brother, Alexander Kyle was the only remaining family, the only one he knew. Their relationship started like this:

The sun was very hot that afternoon but Xavier felt cold, he tried to open his eyes but rued the attempt, the sun's brightness rekindled the pain at the back of his head and as he opened his mouth salty water stung his tongue. He realized he was on on the bridge between land and sea, clotted blood protected the wound on his head. Injured, weak, and washed up on a beach, he knew not what happened or where he was. Xavier could not even remember his name. Kyle found a 22 year old Xavier and accepted him as his own. He gave him a name, a home and a purpose, Kyle gave him a new life and set him up in Los Angeles after sending him to school.

An architect, husband and father of three, his wife, Zelda was like a mother to Xavier and after Liz passed on she sent one of her trusted housekeepers, Mary, to help him keep the house in order as well as prepare his meals. Kyle hardly ever came to Los Angeles as his family was based in Sacramento, Their most used means of communication was postal service or calls, which came in handy only when there was something important to talk about. Both men collectively acted as the glue keeping his wretched life together, Kyle from Sacramento, and and Steve in L.A¹

Mary dropped a tray of home-made orange juice on the center table and poured him a glass.

“Here you go master Xavier“ she said handing him the glass, Xavier smiled warmly at the elderly woman as he took it from her.

“Thank you Mary“ she curtseyed slightly and left. He let the drink rollover in His mouth before swallowing to savour its taste, just then Steve walked in and cast a look in Xaviers' direction.

“Hey man, what's up?“

“Fine I guess, hows Grace?“ Xavier asked as he sat on the recliner with him

“She's been in the theater for an hour now I think, the suspense of waiting outside that door is fucking me up Xavier, when Beth arrived she urged me to go out for a while. I'm terrified man, what if she doesn't get out alive?“ Steve lamented, and just then Xavier saw how tired his friend was, comforting him and keeping himself and his home in one piece was too tedious a task for a man who never thought he'd even get married or have a child. Steve was aging, and the lines under his eyes were becoming more visible, it broke Xavier's heart.

“Trust me you do not want to find yourself in the shitty state I'm in, so don't talk like that. Grace is one of the most stubborn women I've ever known, she's strong, and in a few hours she'll be kicking your balls for leaving her side because she and your baby will make it out alive“

“Thanks“ Steve smiled, and noticed the drink on the table for the first time since he came in.

“You never liked oranges, not to mention a drink made from one“ He commented quirking a full dark eyebrow.

“Let's say I just realized how reviving citrus can be, it turns out the sour taste is heavenly“ Xavier said airily, raising his glass in a mock toast and taking a long gulp. Steve regarded him thoughtfully.

“Maybe it's time you leave the house a bit, I was thinking of dinner at Johnny's, you need a whole lot of fresh air“ with that Steve rose, gently taking the glass out of his hand as he pulled him up with a lot of effort, one could tell by the strained look on his face.

“Steve you should be at the hospital, Grace needs you there, she'll be coming out of the theater soon and..“

“Grace will understand, she would've personally asked me to leave and be with you if not for those anesthetics and sleeping drugs. Besides, Beth's there with her“

“She's your wife and she's carrying your child, you should be there“ Xavier insisted, pulling his hands out of his friends grasp. Steve simply folded his muscular arms and regarded him with a hint of playfulness in his eyes. Shooting him a look that spelt "see who's talking".

“Liz and I were a different issue and you know that better than anybody else“ he stated while Steve just continued to scrutinize him. Xavier let his head fall in defeat and walked up the stairs, Light footsteps could be heard as they found the bedroom. It reeked of loneliness and an unhappy marriage, the wide kings size bed, dressed and without a wrinkle, looked pressed on one side. Xavier recalled sleeping on his side of the bed after staying awake for hours, sitting on a single seat opposite the large wall clock. Its ticking sounds being the only form of life in the house, had kept him company each night he waited for Liz to return home. Sometimes she did and he'd meet her before retiring for bed, most times she didn't. Growing up he had always dreamt of a woman, warm at heart, sparkling eyes, stubborn yet obedient and considerate, beautiful and understanding just like Zelda, but that sunny day on the aisle, when he and Liz exchanged their vows, a sick feeling grew In the pit of his stomach, screaming in his ears that he made the wrong choice. That feeling was confirmed on their wedding night, when she firmly insisted he use protection because a baby would jeopardise her career. “Who wants a bloated accountant?“ She remarked with a shudder. Xavier always gave his happiness for hers, to her he believed he was just another trophy husband,

The drive to Johnny's was a silent one, Steve's car refused to start at first, he got a small red toolbox from the trunk, lifted the hood and got to work.

“And since when do you know how to fix a car?“Xavier asked him

“Since I took an extra course in engineering“He replied still quite occupied doing things Xavier could not understand.

“Really, I never knew that. You know I could just call my mechanic, unless you're sure of whatever it is you're doing“ Steve did not reply. Within a few minutes he started the car again and it came back to life.

“Ye of little faith“ he said with a chuckle as Xavier strapped himself in.

The fast food restaurant was owned by an old friend of Steve, he received them warmly and personally took their orders. That was always his manner but on this occasion Xavier could not help but feel it was out of sympathy.

“Venice“ said Steve, with a mouthful of hamburger


“We're going to Venice“


“it's sunny and beautiful. Just what you need“ he said and Xavier shifted in his seat

“Steve you guys may have to leave without me, I wife just died and I need to at least mourn her“

Steve placed a calloused hand on his arm. “ Liz would want you to go out there and get a life, it's been two months already, what, you wanna mourn her forever?“. Xavier weighed his thoughts and words but both did not balance, His head was screaming 'hurray!' But it was only natural to hesitate.

“What would Alice think?“ He blurted out and Steve gave him the 'are you kidding me' look.

“You're not living for anyone anymore Xavier, those days are over. She knows you loved her sister, their mother would understand too.“ He paused and sighed withdrawing his arm.

"Alice might understand, but their mother! Anne would hang me" Xavier said, uncertainly.

“Just say yes already, I've got tickets to book“.