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Bringing Her Back

Bringing Her Back




Miriam and Michael have been married for years now. While the love was very sweet at the beginning, things went soar over the years. Michael is to inherit his father's assets when he's no more, but his old man gave him only one condition. Both must reconnect and remarry, or he'll will his assets to an NGO. Will Michael conquer Miriam's love again, or will they stay apart and lose everything? To know more, follow me every day live on

In front of the courtroom, Michael is echoing his sentiment. “ Miriam, I’ve been waiting for over two hours, do you think I don’t have a better place to go than standing here for this long?” Please, Michael, let’s give ourselves some time and think about this. We can still ….” “ Still do nothing. “ Michael cuts in. “I have been thinking about this and I don’t want this marriage anymore. The judge is waiting.”

Michael knocks on the door on which is written Judge K. K Lyonga. “Come in, please be seated.” “Thank you sir” says Michael as they both sit on the couch.

“Mr Nfor Michael and Mrs Nfor Miriam, you are here to respond to this court’s decision to divorce you. Sincerely I hope you both give yourselves time to reflect on your actions since your file shows no tangible reason to separate the two of you.” Miriam tries to agree with the judge, but Michael cuts in. “Sir, I appreciate you trying to help, but it’s been decided.”

30 minutes later, the couple moves out with each holding a copy of the divorce agreement. Michael wishes Miriam good luck ahead and kicks off in his Mercedes.

Miriam stands for a while in the pool of her tears then decides to go to the nearest bar. She orders a bottle of wine and gulps down a couple of glasses. She then takes out her phone and calls her sister, Meekness, who picks up the call after two rings and shouts in excitement, “Mrs Nfor Miriam, you should know I’m in the office now. Why are you…? She stops in her tracks as she hears sobbing on the other side of the phone. She jumps out of her seat and asks “who dares to make you cry? Mimi, just tell me now, where are you?” The sobbing increased on the other side, making Meekness more anxious. She quickly picks up her car key and handbag while asking loudly, “where are you girl? I’m on my way.” In between her sobbing, she gives her location to Meekness. “Friendship bar”.

20 minutes later, Meekness rushed into the bar, looking at every corner of the bar. She sees Miriam with her head on the table. Rushing towards her, she called out to her. “Mimi, Mimi, what’s going on? Still with her head down, she lifts her copy of the divorce agreement and her sister takes it. Her mouth became wide open as she read through the document. This surprise was genuine because she had never heard nor seen anything wrong with her sister’s marriage for over the years she’d been married. In fact, she had secretly been envying her sister and wished she too find true love with whoever would marry her. There was absolute silence in the bar at the time because it was in the afternoon and everyone was still busy with work.

Quickly, 5 minutes had passed in total silence, then she came back to her senses and asked quietly, “Mimi, what happened?” Miriam tried to talk but burst into tears again. Meekness hugs her tightly and asks to take her home. She says she has no home to go back to. Meekness insisted, but Miriam sunk into the wine, kept repeating the same words over and over. “No husband, no children, no home.” Not knowing what else to do, she called their mother. “Mom, what do I do?” “Bring your sister home.”

An hour later, the sisters entered the family mansion on the east side of Douala. Mrs Nche quickly called her husband and asked him to come home because there was an emergency. Dr Nche David is the director of the Douala General Hospital. He called his PA and gave some instructions, then took off.

Miriam had taken too much wine and couldn’t find words when her father got home. Meekness showed him the divorce document. He took it into his studies and called Mr Nfor Wilson, Nfor Michael’s father, to ask if he was aware that they were no longer in laws. Surprisingly, he knew nothing about the divorce. He pleaded with Dr Nche David to give him an hour to figure out what was happening to his son.

Michael had joined his friends at the car club. They were drinking and laughing when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and frowned.” Why is dad calling me now?” He murmured to himself. As he pressed the answer call button, he heard a voice roaring, “I give you 5 minutes to stand in front of me and explain this divorce I’m hearing. Before Michael could say anything, he heard the phone beeping signaling the call ended. Michael sighed and excused himself from his friends and drove as fast as he could.

Michael’s mom, Brenda, was sitting in the garden when he came close with a smile, but his mother only pointed at the house, saying “your dad is waiting for you in the study.” He stopped at his track and turned towards the door. He knocked on the door and went inside. His dad pointed out a seat next to the window and said “You can sit.”

The old man went on to ask, ”how old are you young man?” “Dad, I know I didn’t…….” the old man slammed the table and said, “I asked you a question, and you should be giving an answer to the question.” After some seconds of silence, Michael said, “I’m 35 dad.” “What are your plans for the future when I’m no more?”

The room was quiet for a while, then the old man stood up and said, “When I was 35, you were five years old. You were married for five years and I don’t know why you don’t have a child yet. I heard you divorced your wife. Is that true? “Dad, I had to tell you about it but …..” “Answer me yes or no”, his father snapped. “Yes dad” he answered. “Have you had another woman in mind?” The old man went on. “No dad.” Michael responded. “How do you intend to have children then?” His father asked. Michael sat quiet and the old man slammed the table and said “I’m still waiting for your answer young man. “ “I will have children as soon as I can, dad.” The old man frowned but said nothing. The room was silent for over ten minutes, then his father stood up and said, “you have six months to conquer your wife again, marry her, and get her pregnant. If you fail to do so, I’ll hand over all my assets and wealth to any N.G.O of my choice. You will be removed as the heir to this family if you fail.”

Michael couldn’t believe his ears were actually hearing all that. He tried to explain, but his father shot him up and continued speaking. “Effective immediately, you are no longer the director of EST NFOR AUTO. You can apply for a position in the company and if you qualify, the HR will hire you as per the requirements.