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Summer Love Poetry

Summer Love Poetry




Strangers to friends to deep Lovers for the Summer Vibes The two strangers became lover and strangely moved in together to live a life together as an engaged couple, yet they seek the best of their relationship with their friends and family and found the opportunity to one marry one another to become one for eternity.

Another Beautiful Story from AngelHeart


“From strangers, to friends with weird Moments turning into Summer Love Moments for a Lover’s Poetry”

Once upon a time there was man named Tyler Jones; he was a gentleman that lived across the street of a house with a new family which moved in a month ago.

The family across the street moved from New York to here in Pretoria of South Africa; the family accounted of Four MR. & MRS. Smith, Scarlet Smith and Rose Smith.

Tyler was a single young man who lived by himself in his own flat just across the street from the Smith Family; Tyler was always the type of guy who would chill by himself or just goes for a drive in his Black 1969 Dodge Challenger SRT.

Sometimes there’s a party going on in the Smith family house but only when MR. & MRS. Smith leave the house for long hours of work.

Scarlet Smith has her friends over which always tend to lead to a loud party of a high school class in the house; they party so loud and hard that sometimes it irritates Rose as she tries to do some sketches or Song writing.

The Party started getting rough that a few people were drunk and they ended breaking some glasses in the kitchen; Rose got so irritated that she had a grunt expression on her face as she got off her chair and walked down stairs to speak to her Sister to calm it down.

In a rush Rose ran down the stairs and was trying to get through the crowd of people in the lounge and the rest of the house; Rose finally approached her sister “Scarlet!” Rose shouted but it wasn’t loud enough to get Scarlet’s attention.

Scarlet was so in tuned with her friends that she seemed to avoid her sister; Rose got so frustrated that she decided to walk back up the stairs to her room.

Rose decides to slams her door and gets so frustrated she slips out her window in her Hoodie and running shoes; heading down the street with earphones in her ears.

At the time Rose was climbing out her window and starts to jog down the street Tyler was putting garbage in the Garbage drum; the way Tyler was looking at Rose he has never seen such an outgoing lady.

At the time she was already down the street Tyler looks back her house as the party was going crazy, Tyler had a thought come to mind “Where she going?” Tyler tries to see if Rose was not too far down the street but she was already at the second block.

All of a sudden Tyler decides to get his car keys and rushes to get in his car,

Car starts

Tyler does a U turn to drive after Rose, his tire’s screech as he puts his foot down to catch up with Rose; as Tyler was catching up with Rose he was slowly driving next to her as he tried to catch her attention.

Tyler opens his window and tries to signal Rose but she had her earphones in with a cap under her hoodie covering her face; Tyler didn’t want to give up so he decided to put his foot down and drove fast pasted Rose to get ahead of her.

Down the road Tyler does a drift to turn around and eventually that got Rose’s attention as Tyler stops fast right in front of Rose.

Rose suddenly takes her earphones out her ears as Tyler starts talking to her “Hi there, I saw you ran away from home; are you okay?” Tyler asks rose through his car window

Rose suddenly approaches Tyler at his Car “Yeah I’m okay, just going for a quick jog” Rose replies to Tyler

“Is it got to do with your sister’s party?” Tyler asks Rose

“Actually Yeah, how did figured it out?” Rose replies to Tyler

“Why don’t you get in my car and we can have a talk about it on the way back home?” Tyler mentions to Rose

“Okay, sure why not” Rose replies to Tyler as she walks to the passenger side and gets in

Rose eventually gets comfortable in Tyler’s car, “Hi btw” Rose says to Tyler

“Hi I’m Tyler” Tyler introduces himself to Rose

“It’s nice to meet you Tyler, I’m Rose” Rose says to Tyler as she introduces herself too

“Well I can say you have a beautiful Name” Tyler says as he smiles small looking at Rose

“Um Thanks” Rose replies to Tyler

“You’re welcome” Tyler Replies

“Do you do this with every girl you meet, if you don’t me asking?” Rose asks Tyler

Tyler just smiles making Rose more curious; “Nah you are the only girl I’ve met so far” Tyler Says to Rose

Rose smiles with a little bit of a blush on her beautiful cheeks; “What made you ask me that?” Tyler asks Rose as they reach the second last block from their street they both stay in.

“Well by your Good looks and your car of course” Rose says to Tyler

“Oh so you think I’m good looking” Tyler says to Rose with a smile

Rose just smiles trying to have the courage to tell Tyler why she meant about Tyler being good looking but in an odd way her words couldn’t come out.

Tyler and Rose reached the same street they both live in and Tyler decided to drop Rose off by her place; Tyler stops the car by the Smith Family’s driveway.

Tyler and Rose look at each other for a few seconds when suddenly Rose looks away “Um it was nice meeting you Tyler, I better get going” Rose says to Tyler as she opens the door and walks in her house.

Tyler just looks at her as Rose walks into her house; with a smile Rose walks into her house straight to her bedroom.

Everyone left from the party 20min before Tyler dropped off Rose.

Scarlet was lying on the couch at the time that Rose walked up to her room, Scarlet comes to Rose’s bedroom after she saw her sister smiling with red cheeks.

“Knock” Scarlet knocks on Rose’s bedroom door

“Come in” Rose replies to scarlet knocking at the door

“What was that all about?” Scarlet asks Rose

“I don’t know what you talking about” Rose replies to her sister as she plonks on her bed

“Well I don’t care then” Scarlet replies to as she walks out the bedroom slamming Rose’s door

Rose wasn’t bothered by her sister’s actions and kept thinking about Tyler; Rose was thinking of Tyler when suddenly a Poem came to mind for her to send Tyler.

Tyler was doing his house duties to get ready for bed when he had the urge to look out his lounge window to try getting a glimpse of Rose; Tyler was looking out his window looking towards Rose’s bedroom window.

Tyler saw Rose’s bedroom light was on and in a few seconds difference Rose stops to look out her window to do what Tyler tried to do but as Rose looked Tyler already closed his curtain.

Tyler was already heading to bed when Rose closed her curtains as her Parent’s arrived home; MR. & MRS. Smith walks in to the house “We are home girls” MR. Smith says out loud as he walks through to the kitchen.

The Smith family house was quiet as MR. & MRS. Smith walked in; MR. Smith walks up the stairs with MR.S Smith following.

MR. Smith walks towards Scarlet’s Bedroom opening the door seeing her asleep with a different scent going around in her room, but MR. Smith was more concerned if she was okay.

MRS. Smith walks to Rose’s bedroom opening the door seeing her daughter lying asleep on her table and not in bed; MRS. Smith tries to wake up Rose but she was so fast asleep she didn’t wake up.