
Let’s Read The Word

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Allegedly Yours

Allegedly Yours

Author:Ariana Writes



She was a victim of his vicious allegation. An allegation that slaughtered her perfect self and murdered her heart. A cursed proclamation ruined her five years of life, when she was innocent in it and not the blameworthy person everyone thought she was. When she tried her best to save his beloved that fated night. .................................................................................................................................................................. Nyrah was an affluent, well-known in her college by every single soul, not only because she was backed by a rich family in the city but also because she was famed as one of those imperious stubborn girls who got anything with a flick of her finger but not him, Aston Archer, the academic topper with the reputation of being the only son of the most powerful man in the whole city, and there's no doubt that every man wants to be him and every girl wants to be with him, and no doubt Nyrah is one of them, but then an issue arises here: he's already committed to somebody nobody has any idea of except Nyrah. What will happen in these clashes of hearts? Who will win the war of love, or will they both crumble under the net of destiny vowed by fate? Welcome to this story of envy, hate, love, and heartbreak, and have a look at the story of Nyrah and Aston.

"You are a murderer," he yelled, gripping her shoulders tightly. "She's not alive anymore. You took her life for your own selfish reasons, didn't you?" His voice was so loud that droplets of saliva hit her face, the sound grating on her ears and his words piercing her heart.

The word 'murderer' cut through her soul. She knew she could be selfish, but she was not a murderer. The accusation was both incorrect and intolerable. She refused to accept it; she hadn't killed anyone, and she would prove it to the world—and to him. Just as she was about to speak and assert her innocence, he interrupted, delivering words that shattered her already bruised heart, consuming her soul like acid.

"You thought that by killing her, you could have me, but let me remind you: I will never love a murderer like you. You took Elena's life. I curse you—you will never find love." His proclamation made everything around her crumble; her head spun and her chest tightened.

She awoke with a shock , her smoldering gray eyes heavy with a myriad of emotions—shock and sadness most prominent—wiping the sweat from her forehead with the sleeve of her nightgown. She reflected again on the nightmare. The memories of that horrific incident from five years ago remained fresh. The nightmares never ceased, leaving scars so deep they never fully healed. Every night brought the same dream, and every morning the same emotions of sadness, guilt, regret, and fear. She felt so worn out, hollow inside.

The alarm sounded, rousing her from bed. It was Monday, and she had to go to work. She went through her morning routine and dressed in her formal attire.

As she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw both what she used to be and what she had become. Memories of the past, both sweet and bitter, hit her hard. She remembered him and the first time she felt infatuation.




It was the beginning of the last exam, marking the end of the first year. The examiner was ready to hand out the question papers as the bell rang, signaling the start of the exam. Meanwhile, Nyrah had just stepped out of her red Jaguar XF. In her rush to reach the exam hall, she chose the stairs over waiting for the elevator, running through the corridor when she suddenly collided with someone.

The impact nearly sent her tumbling to the floor, but she didn't fall. The person had caught her waist firmly, and the scent of his cologne—a blend of musk, spice, and smoke—overwhelmed her senses. She turned her head, her hair shifting to her right shoulder, to see who she had bumped into. Her eyes met his hazel ones, a spectrum of colors in the sunlight. She was so mesmerized by his eyes that she forgot about time and place. Her heart skipped a beat, and her breathing quickened—not from running, but from something entirely different. She had never seen a man as handsome as him.

"Are we going to stay like this forever?" Aston asked, his voice oddly seductive. His warm breath brushed her neck, sending butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She stepped back, whispering a small "sorry."

"Nyrah, don't you want to pass this year? You have an exam, right?" Narrowing his eyes slightly, he asked again, "Or are you planning to bribe the authorities to pass without taking the exam?" She didn't appreciate his comment, but it wasn't his fault; everyone thought that about her because of the company she kept.

"It's not what you think. I just got a little late—"

"Too late," he corrected.

She had stayed up late the previous night with zero preparation for the exam, which caused her to wake up late.

"I don't think they'll let me in now," she said doubtfully. He offered to help, "Where's your exam?"

"Second floor, last hall," she replied, and they headed there together.

As expected, the examiner initially refused to let her in. However, he intervened, and after a brief conversation, she was surprisingly allowed to enter.

Everyone knew him—not only was he the president of the student council and a brilliant student, but he was also the son of the city's wealthiest and most influential man. No one understood the extent of his power better than she did.

It was the first time they had spoken beyond seeing each other at parties and charity events. Now that they had talked, she couldn't get him out of her mind for the rest of the day. Her focus shifted from the exam to him. For the first time, her heart felt something strange for someone.


Thanks for reading.