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A Maid For MR CEO

A Maid For MR CEO




SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS Her life is in Shambles and she needs a job to Save her Dying Father. But she could never imagine working for the CEO that almost got her killed. He is a rude , handsome and Wealthy CEO. He lives a life of isolation and he never imagined he would need a Maid like her. But they both didn't know what awaits their life. She would have to watch herself Spend her life serving what looks like Eternity wrapping around a Triangle and the Hidden secret of The CEO. An Aging SECRET! Read on to Find out......



Abigail hurriedly took her bath and bounced out of the bathroom.

She wasn't even sure of what she was about doing but there was always this spirit of excitement whenever she heard that there was an opportunity though she always came back looking disappointed and very downcast of ever trying again.

She applied her cream within a second and put on the long sleeve white shirt with a pair of black jeans and quickly put her hair in a ponytail.

There was no expression on her face anymore as she stared at the mirror with all the memories of how her job hunting had gone from bad to worse.She heaved a long sigh and rested her hands on her hips taking another sigh.She took a step and picked her old handbag putting her phone which has always remained the only document she had,she couldn't go to any college at all so she didn't even have a single certificate to meet up to any of the collar job she had always dreamt and wanted.

Not to talk of her wants and dreams,nothing could meet up to a single job to fetch her the amount to cater for sick father and little brother.It left a strong stigma and sadness in her,she was yet to find herself.

Mr Tom's Assistant had given her a call about fifteen minutes ago updating her about the latest available job .He asked her to hurry to the office that there was an urgent need of a maid in Town.Thinking about it now,she doubted the possibility of her getting the Job.She was going to be disappointed just like every other one.

Walking to the door,she sluggishly walked down the old steps,her younger brother bumped into her ,obviously about to come up to her room.

''Abby ,I am ready for school,I need the textbook fee.You promised its won't pass today,Miss Mia won't let me enter the class ,so there is no need to go if you won't give me '',Sam voiced.

He stared into her eyes as she stared back pitifully losing the remaining confidence she had left.

Abigail was broken,she didn't even know what to do, she had no money at all with her ,she was really frustrated.

Just then the little money molly had borrowed her last night for buying her father's medication which has already finished flashed into her mind.If she gave it to her brother to pay for the books,that means their father wouldn't have any medication to continue on til she has to save up again which she didn't even know when and how.

She felt like crying as she walked to the TV and took out the money ,stretching it to Sam,he took it and ran out thankfully.She would have to beg the doctor again to sell her on credit .She was running into too much debts and she was getting really scared.

Sam was the only sibling she had left after her mother and elder brother died in a plane crash five years ago putting her father in a dilemma and two years after,he was diagnosed with cancer and lost his job .They had to move into a cheap old house and all their savings was spent on his chemotherapy which he had been on for a while .

Abigail was getting so scared of losing him as things were getting worse. With just a few part time jobs, babysitting people's babies and later being dismissed with little or nothing,She was so helpless and she couldn't look at her father struggling to bear with the pain and her younger brother being chased out of school for one fee or another.

She peeped into her father's room next door and he was still lying in bed ,she took out the food in the microwave and placed it properly then she walked out of the door locking it up.

She walked to Molly ,her friend and neighbor and handed the keys to her as usual,begging her to keep them for Sam,her brother.She waved down a cab and hopped in immediately.

When she arrived at Dano junction ,she quickly walked down to Mr Tom's office.There was a troop of Girls also waiting when she arrived ,she felt so upset within.

Mr Tom was a Job agent man and he found Jobs for many unemployed youth in the city,mostly house jobs that she doubted would pay up her bills.

She hissed and sat down waiting for her turn to sign a form and keep waiting for a call that might never come.

After more than 3 hours ,she finally went into Mr Tom's Office ,he stared at her immediately as if seeing through her clothes and gave her a seat.

''Sign here ,Abigail ,Trust me if you can't get this particular job ,it's better you stop coming to my Agency", Mr Tom said ,with no trace of a smile .

"Ah ! Mr Tom, why would you say a thing like this?Where else would I go if I shouldn't come here.You know how desperate I need this job.My Father is dying", I cried.

I was already shedding tears ,those words hurt me so much,my world would definitely end if i don't find a job as soon as possible.

" But ,that is completely not my business, Abigail. I have offered you a wonderful job countless times that would have gotten you out of this mess of a life by now if you had taken them but what did you do? You completely rejected them and still have the guts to keep coming here.Am done with you,go for an interview and fail,don't ever come here again or you will regret it".

"Mr Tom, I will never offer my body as a job, that is one thing I will never do, no matter how you put it. I will never accept those horrible opportunity", She grunted slowly with shaking mouths.

"We shall see then".

She swallowed hard and took the form ,she filled and handed it back , he asked her to leave then she stood and left bitterly.

She walked out and began to cry while walking home, suddenly regretting coming to the Agency in the first place.