
Let’s Read The Word

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Destined To Meet You

Destined To Meet You




He is a powerful billionaire lawyer. She is a simple housewife. He is aloof. She is approachable. He is cold hearted, egotistic and arrogant devil. She is sweet, innocent and kind hearted girl. He is a dark world. She is a light in dark. He hates to love. She loves to love. He has money and power which every man out there wanted. She has nothing but a heart full of love. They are from two different world BUT both of them has one thing in common. They both are BROKEN. They were not supposed to meet each other but destiny has some other plans for them. One night, two different world collide with each other. What happens after that? Are they going to heal each other or are they going to break their already broken selves. "I said leave me alone. Please, please, Leave me alone" Iza said sobbing badly. "Sorry darling. That's not going to happen." Annuel said devilishly. "Why?" Iza whispered in shock unable to believe what is happening. Annuel smirked at her devilishly "because you are MINE."

  The sky is looking so beautiful...

  It's the time of sun set. The way colours had spread in the sky feels like fire is flaming and anytime it will burn the world with its beauty.

  A girl with very beautiful big black watery eyes is admiring this scene in front of her. Her eyes are brimming with amusement and hope...

  Her shoulder length slightly curved black hair is shining and flowing freely. Her olive toned glassy skin has that beautiful glow which is making her look like a goddess. Looks like God has taken his sweet time to create her.

  She is standing in the Saguaro National Park, Arizona. Enjoying the beauty of nature with open heart. For how long she is standing there she couldn't even tell. But it doesn't matter, she just want to enjoy it without thinking of anything...

  Buzzz.. Buzz..

  Suddenly her phone buzzed. She frowned looking at the caller ID.

  "Why is she calling now. Didn't I already tell her I couldn't attend to her stupid parties?"

  Her phone is still ringing it looks like the other person is not going to give up.


  She let out a frustrated growl and picked it up. "Hello".

  "HEY, why you take so long to pick up a simple phone call?" Disappointed sound came from the other side.

  "Oh , umm I was busy. Sorry Renaey."

  "Yeah whatever. Let me tell you one thing I don't want to listen any of your stupid excuses. You are coming and that's final. Or else I will go to your place and drag you with me for sure." Renaey said sternly...

  "Come on rens, you know I don't like this kind of parties. These things are not for me. I am socially awkward and you will be despised for me... So why taking risk!! It's your day... So, you should just enjoy and be happy."

  "Iza, do you really think of me as your friend?" There is a slight doubt and disappointment mixed in Renaey's voice.

  Hearing her tone Iza get scared she only has one friend and she cannot afford to lose her...

  "Yes yes yes, of course Rens what are you talking about. It's just um... you know me right." Iza tried to convince her with her pleading tone...

  But Renaey is more stubborn and this time she is determined...

  "No, I am not going to listen to you this time. You are coming New York and attending my party... And I also want Zachary too attend to this party... Can he come?"

  Hearing Zachary's name Iza's face darkened. She also want Zachary with her but that is not possible and Iza knows it very well. She got lost in her thoughts...

  Suddenly Renaey's voice come from other side...

  "Hello, Iza? Are you still there?"

  Iza jerked out from her thoughts... "Oh! y..yes, I am here."

  "Okay, I was asking can Zachary come too?"

  "No, he cannot. I mean I don't think so.. As you know he is a very busy man and he also needs to attend to his business meetings time to time. So, i don't think it's possible for him to attend."

  "Okay, fine but you are coming for sure."

  Iza sighed helplessly... "Okay... I will be there."

  After a moment of silence Renaey asked hesitatingly... "Umm Iza, Can I ask you something?"

  "Sure, what is it?"

  "uh-umm is everything alright between you and Zachary?"

  Iza stiffened with her words. She doesn't know how to reply it. She fell into silence.

  "Iza, are you there?" Comes Renaey's voice.

  Iza somehow regains her voice... "Y..yes, I am here."

  "Are you okay, Iza?" Renaey ask concerned...

  "Yes, I am fine. Why you ask?"

  "No, it's nothing. I am just worried about you... Every time I ask about Zachary you told that he is in business meetings. I am just concerned about your life. After all you are my best friend Iza..."

  Iza somehow manages to mask her emotions and tried to reply in a cheerful tone... "Oh! Yes, ofcourse everything is fine between us. It's just that he is needed in office so very much but whenever he gets time he loves to dot on me. Haha..."

  "Well, if that it is than I am relieved. I just wish that you live a good life Iza. But if anything happens and I mean ANYTHING just remember that you have me and I am only a call away, okay?"

  Iza smiled at her words indeed she is her best friend...

  "I know.. I know you are my one and only best friend and just a call away. But don't only focus on me now, focus on Ethan he needs you more than me. And now I remember how is he?"

  "He is fine. Busy with work and me ofcourse. Well, I need to go now we are going for wedding dress and card selection. And see you next week bestie. Bye-bye take care. Love ya..."

  "Okay, take care. Love you too." With that Iza hung up the phone...

  Iza looked up at the sky. It's dark now. Soon she start walking towards her home...

  Though she doesn't like to call it a home it's just a shelter for her. If you see her life from outside it will seem perfect but if you went deeper you will see it's reality. The deeper you will go the more darkness you will see. Walking towards her home she started thinking about her life.

  Zachary Emanuel Hudson is none other than her husband and also her deepest and darkest secret of her life.

  Iza belongs from a very poor family. They were 5 members in family and her father works very hard and mother is a housewife. She has 2 younger siblings. As an eldest child of the family she wanted to do something for her family and become an idol for her siblings...

  She wanted to complete her studies and become independent. But after graduating from school she has to stop her study because of her father's mountain size debt. He couldn't afford further educational expenses. Than she started doing odd jobs to support her family.

  Suddenly one day, when she went home from her work she found that her father's boss Mr. Arold Hudson whom his father is working as a guard came for marriage proposal for his son with her.

  She doesn't wanted to get married but seeing her parents so happy she couldn't deny. After all she is an obedient kid and also didn't want to disappoint her parents.

  Before marriage she met once with Zachary and he asked her few formal questions but she didn't ask anything. How could she! She was a shy girl after all and those things were all new for her and she never even dated before. The only thing she came to know that he lives in Arizona and work in his father's company and will take over after marriage.

  At the age of 18 she got married with a man who is 15 years older than her and knew nothing. She thought everything will be good but much to her dismay nothing happened the way she wanted.

  Her parents lives in Mississippi but Zachary lived in Arizona . So, after marriage she has to move in Arizona. At the first day of her wedding when they went home and tried to enter in the bedroom he stopped her and told her she couldn't get in because she doesn't belong here. It's only for his lover.

  She was shocked and dumbfounded. When she asked him what does he mean and after that what he said to her is still fresh and echoes in her mind every singls time.

  He said " listen you dumb shit. You are nothing but a worthless whore a slut. You only know money and nothing else that's why when my father offered some money to your father he sold you to my father."

  "My stupid father wanted me to get married otherwise he will not make the properties on my name but the love of my life wanted to make her career and cannot get married now. So, I have to marry a worthless gold digger bitch like you. And now you are going to act like an obedient wife and don't dare to tell anything about this because if you dared to tell anyone than I will destroy you and your whole family and that time your father won't have any choice to sell your those worthless siblings and your shit of a mother. And don't think my father will help because he can't do anything now he already transferred everything on my name."

  "Now get up with your bloddy things and move to that store room. You are going to do all house chores from now on." With that he went to his room and shut the door on her face.

  She somehow manage to gather her things and went to the storeroom next to the guestroom. She cried the whole night. From that day she is a maid for that house. She didn't tell anything her father about what he did but from that day she despised him whole heartedly. She cannot tell anyone about her misery.

  Though there is one thing she is happy about that Zachary never touches or even glance at her. So, she is still pure. But no one knows it.

  He never stayed at home at night and went to vacations every month with his girlfriend.

  His father lives in New Orleans because his wife's memory.

  That old man loves her dearly and she also respects him. After all it's not his fault that her father sold her..