
Let’s Read The Word

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The Human Luna

The Human Luna

Author:Sidra Rothnia



I, Layla Heliotrope, never saw my life ending up where it did. Never imagined that this would be the path I walked. From a young age, I always knew that somehow I was different than the other kids around me. Knew that I was meant to be more than I was. My parents called it teenage angst. Most humans felt that way, didn’t they? Special in ways that no other person could describe. I guess being human and having that feeling was normal. I also guess that’s why my parents never felt that way. Because they weren’t human. Not that I had known. Not that I wanted to know now. And I was special, special in ways that were extremely dangerous to my werewolf parents. Not human. Not wolf. Just a threat to everything they had built. So, when my life was thrust into danger and my parents could no longer keep me safe, I found comfort in the most unlikely of places. In the arms of a Beta. Or an Alpha. Whatever the title was, it was new and foreign to me. The feelings were as well. Both were thrilling and exciting. Until they weren’t and the only thing that kept me around was his piercing eyes… And his thirst for seeking revenge on the people who had wronged me.

Layla’s Point of View

As I stepped out of the medical building the town of Sable Crescent seemed a lot brighter today. Busier. Perhaps that had nothing to do with the town in and of itself but with me.

When my parents had suggested therapy, I had thought they were crazy, at best. Now that I had gone to a few sessions, maybe the two old farts had a point to it.

Doctor Lidia had done wonders for me thus far and it has been well over a month since coming to this new town.

But here we were and ever so slowly, I was warming up to this place. Warming up altogether, considering what I had gone through back at college.

To see your best friend being mauled by a wolf right in your own living room would fuck anyone up psychologically.

“You look particularly cheerful today,” Jordan called from across the street. His handsome face was split into a large grin. “Did the good doctor finally convert you into joining her cult or something?”

In his hands, he held a large bouquet, like he always did since he volunteered to pick me up from my appointments two weeks ago. Not that I minded. With his roughish shoulder-length dark hair and a shit-eating grin.

The only thing that still threw me off slightly was his unnerving neon blue eyes. No matter how many times he tried to explain it was a genetic thing, they always caught me off-guard.

Strutting across the road, I smiled back at him. Gave a small but sheepish wave as I rounded his car. “I’m finally getting somewhere. The nightmare about the wolf stalking me is also fading away. Doctor Lidia is calling it progress. So, I’m taking the win.”

As with every time I mentioned the horrid nightmare I always had about the wolf, Jordan stiffened ever so slightly. Hesitation crept into his eyes. But the smile he had on his lips remained firmly in place.

“That’s good, isn’t it? And here your parents were just complaining to me the other day that you weren’t making any progress,” He mused and reached out for my hair.

Thick, long fingers planted themselves on the crown of my head and rubbed, mussing up whatever lame style I was trying to rock today.

“I take it these are for me,” I asked, pointing at the bouquet.

Jordan gave a deep nod and extended the flowers towards me. Lilies, mainly. Each session was a different flower.

“As always. Another one will be heading your way on Thursday as well.” He said with a wink.

Rolling my eyes, I opened the passenger door and slid inside. He closed the door and rounded the car, getting in as well.

This was our ritual every week. He came and collected me at home whilst my parents hovered in the door each time I left. I pour my heart out to Doctor Lidia. Jordan buys the flowers and meets me back outside.

Banter came easy with him. Felt normal. Natural. So many emotions that I had long since stopped feeling.

Ever since…

The whiplash into the old memory caused electricity to crawl up my neck. Made my palms instantly sweaty.

Lingering on the topic of my best friend’s death always brought this on. It was something that couldn’t be helped. I was plunged right back into that living room, the smell of blood thick in my nose.

And those sharp, predatory eyes of the animal standing over her, covered in blood.

Jordan noticed. He always noticed when I was thrown back into my past. Into the most unpleasant situations.

And as always, he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. Squeezed the sore muscles, urging me to come back to him. To get back in the car. Breathe.

When the air returned to my lungs and the world faded into the correct view again, I smiled. “Thank you.” I breathed, unable to catch my racing heart just yet.

Although I was on the track to wellness, it was going to take a long time for me to be fine. To not see the bloodied wolf standing over my best friend’s body.

It was going to take this utterly human heart longer than I wanted it to.

“It’s always my pleasure, Lala. Just know that I am here whenever you need someone to talk to, okay?”

That’s why I had Lidia. No one else could ever fully know what I saw that night. The intelligence I found behind the wolf’s eyes. How human he seemed for the briefest of seconds.

Right before he lunged for me.

They would all think I was crazier than they already thought I was.

Wolves didn’t have intelligence. They didn’t have that spark in their eyes that humans had. They were animals.

Forcing another pleasant smile on my face, I reached for the safety belt and clipped it into place. When I looked back at Jordan, he was studying me curiously. Those blue eyes of his penetrating right down to the bone.

“What? Do I look funny or something? Is there something in my hair?” I asked, fumbling a hand through the locks.

He shook his head. Pressed the start button of the car and faced the road. “No. Not at all. Just wanted to take a moment to admire how stunning you are.” He replied.

Scoffing, I rolled my eyes and stared out of the car window as we drove.

There was no denying that he was a charmer. That he was every girl’s dream guy. The only question I kept asking myself was, why me? Why was he always trying to woo me?

I was broken and there was no hiding it. Jordan could see that but he still tried his best to woo me of all people.

Maybe he needed to see Dr. Lidia as much as I did.

Half an hour later, I was sitting alone at home. No parents. No Jordan.

Good. This was good.

Sometimes a lack of company was needed.

Although Jordan had been more than reluctant to leave, even if he had work to go and do.

The TV was blaring some show I had put on to distract myself. Something about nature that I wasn’t fully listening to for the last two hours.

With a warm blanket wrapped firmly around my shoulders and a steaming cup of hot chocolate in front of me, the world started getting fuzzy.

Until I heard a sound coming from outside. Distinct. Predatory. It raised every hair on my arms. Caused my spine to snap straight.

It was a sound I heard often enough. Knew that it was a sure sign that something terrible was to come.

Maybe I was stupid for getting up. Maybe I was looking for trouble. But I did just that. Stood up from my comfortable position on the couch and traversed to the front door.

When peeking out of the peephole proved useless, I moved to the window. Pushed the curtains aside just enough that I could look out into the front yard.

All of the street lamps were on, casting everything else in a dull glow.

Right in front of me stood a wolf the color of rust. His snout came up to my face. Eyes pierced through my head. A snarl on his lips.

The very same wolf that had been haunting me all these nights. The same one I saw rip into my best friend. The one that haunted me even when I was awake.

So much for progress.

A scream formed and died in my throat.

With the menacing way its eyes glowed and the slight twitch of his lips, I was sure he knew exactly the amount of fear that I felt. Knew that he had me where he wanted me.

Only, animals weren’t supposed to think that way. They weren’t supposed to think at all.

“It’s just a hallucination, Layla. You are fine. You are here and now. Nothing and no one can hurt you. You are seeing things. This is just your mind responding to the therapy.”

The wolf’s jaw clacked against itself, skittering an unpleasant sound into my ears.

Fear, thick and hot, bubbled into my stomach. Slickened it to the point I was sure I might vomit.

Those eyes remained on me. Staring. Taunting. More intelligent than any animal had the right to be.

So I vomited. Right into the glass pane in front of me.