
Let’s Read The Word

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Erotic Sex

Erotic Sex



Steamy Stories

WARNING: The following are erotic short stories. If you're offended by explicit sex, this isn't for you... and I'm not sorry in the slightest if that's your reaction. This one was a lot of fun to write (and re-write) because it allowed me to really let loose with some naughty stuff! Enjoy. :)

You're going to ruin it," a woman's voice said. "It was perfect."

I opened my eyes and found myself face-to-face with a very large, very naked woman. I had no idea what she meant by that, but I didn't like the fact that her hands were reaching toward me for one reason or another. As soon as I took a step back, however, my legs hit something hard and immovable. The woman grabbed my wrist and twisted it behind my back in an effort to hold me down.

This time, when I tried to move away from the chair, there was nowhere to go. My legs simply stopped working, and I fell forward onto my stomach. It felt as if someone had put a block of cement between them.

The woman straddled my hips and began pulling at my arms again, but this time, instead of trying to pin my wrists together, she pulled them up into the air so they lay flat on my back. She then leaned over me to grab a handful of hair at the top of my head.

"What are you doing?" I asked, even though it was obvious.

She looked down at me and smiled widely before saying, "I'm about to show you why men say women are the devil's playthings."

"And what makes you think I'll enjoy it?"

She laughed loudly before putting the palm of her hand against my forehead. Then she shoved her knee between mine and pushed upward until my back made contact with the chair. When my body was locked securely in place, she reached over to the table next to me and picked up the black leather paddle.

"Do you know how much trouble your kind causes for our people? You've brought so many problems to us, yet we have done nothing to stop you. There is no justice in that."

She swung the paddle across my ass with enough force to make me cry out. Once again, she did not pause to let me catch my breath, but continued to beat the same spot over and over again. Her efforts left me crying uncontrollably, sobbing as loud as I could, begging her to please stop, all while trying to keep my position on the chair.

After several long minutes passed, she removed the paddle from my ass. Instead, she grabbed the back of my neck and forced my head forward until my mouth was just above my knees. She then pressed her lips against mine roughly, forcing my tongue to meet hers.

Her kiss tasted like blood, and although I wanted to pull away, I couldn't find the strength to do anything more than close my eyes tightly shut. I could feel the warmth of her saliva leaking into my mouth, but I also knew that she wouldn't stop until I gave her what she wanted.

When she finally released me, I opened my eyes and saw that she had positioned herself directly in front of me. At first, I thought she was going to continue what she had started earlier, but then she turned around and bent over the arm of the chair.

There was no way I could miss the sight of her enormous breasts swaying with each movement. They looked soft and pliable, and I wondered how they would feel if I touched them.

She grabbed the back of my head with both hands and pulled me towards her. My lips met hers again, and I could taste my own blood, along with something else that I wasn't sure belonged there. This time, when she pulled away, she wiped her mouth on my cheek.

I swallowed hard and looked up into her eyes. She was smiling, and I noticed that she had a small cut on her lip.

"Get undressed," she ordered.

I hesitated for only a second before I began unbuttoning my shirt. When I finished, I stood up, grabbed my pants, and slipped them off. Next I pulled my underwear down and tossed them aside.

The woman walked over to a pair of handcuffs hanging on the wall, placed a padlock over a sturdy chain, and snapped it closed. I then heard the sound of a gun being cocked.

"Undress me," she commanded.

I glanced up and found her staring at me with a look of disgust. "How dare you question me! Do you really think you can fuck me and get away with this?"

I shook my head. "No."

"I don't believe you. I'm going to take care of you right now, and you will be begging me for mercy. Is that clear?"

I nodded. "Yes, Mistress."

"Good boy. Now, start undressing me. Slowly, of course. Don't forget to leave my panties on."

I reached out and began undoing the buttons along the front of her blouse. Her skin was pale, and she had a light dusting of freckles across her nose. As I worked my way through the buttons, her breasts slowly came into view.

As I was removing the last button, I heard a sharp click and a stinging pain shot through my chest. I immediately looked down to see that the woman had pointed the gun directly at my heart.

"If you look away, I swear I'll kill you where you stand," she said calmly. "Now continue."

I looked down at her chest. Her nipples were hard and standing straight up, making them easy to locate. I then moved my gaze downward, taking in the rest of her body.

"Take off my skirt," she demanded.

I quickly pulled it over her hips and let it drop to the floor. She stepped out of it and stepped back to admire herself in the mirror.

"Very nice. Now turn around and remove my bra."

I quickly undid the clasp and dropped the garment to the ground. She turned back to the mirror to check her appearance, then turned to face me once again. "Turn your back to me."

I did as she asked and waited for her to tell me to come forward again. Instead, I heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down followed by the sound of fabric ripping. I looked over my shoulder to see that she had taken off her skirt and was now wearing only a pair of black lace panties.

I watched her run her hands across her stomach, feeling her breasts. Then she slid her hands down to her thighs and held them open wide. I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly dry.

"Now it's your turn to admire me," she said.

I wasn't sure if she was referring to her body or her eyes, but I looked anyway.

She was beautiful, but I was still not aroused. The whole ordeal had been too surreal, and my mind was struggling to process what was happening.

"Take my panties off."

I reached out and pulled the waistband down. The material tore easily and dropped to the floor.

"That wasn't very sexy," she complained. "I want you to lick me until I cum, then I'm going to fuck you."

My cock twitched slightly at that statement. "Do you really expect me to do that?"

"Yes. I own you, remember?"

Again, my cock twitched, and I tried to hide it behind my leg. The woman must have noticed because she slapped my thigh lightly.

"Stop it! Look me in the eye when I speak to you!"

I lifted my eyes and found that she was glaring at me angrily. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect you. I just... well..."

"Just what?"

"I can't help it. I'm not gay. It's just the situation; I mean, you've got me handcuffed to a chair and everything."

She sighed loudly. "I know it doesn't seem like it, but I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not going to rape you or anything like that. I just want to see if I can get you excited enough to perform a sexual act, any type of sex act."

I looked over at her body again, mesmerized by the smoothness of her skin, and I realized that I was staring at her pussy. I quickly looked away.

"Tell me what you see," she said.

"Your breasts," I replied.

"What else?"

"Your thighs."


"I don't know. Your vulva, maybe."

She chuckled and shook her head. "You're such a little boy sometimes." She then turned around and faced me again. "Take off my panties."

I reached out and pulled them down to her ankles, and she kicked them away.

"Now take my shoes off," she told me.

I did as she asked and handed her the shoes after removing them from her feet.

"Now kneel back down and look me in the eyes."

I knelt back down, looking directly into her eyes. "Are you ready for this?"

"I'm ready," she replied. "But I'm going to give you one warning. If you try to touch me, I'll shoot you dead where you stand."

"Understood," I replied.

She paused for a moment and stared at me intently. Then she reached out and placed her hand on my cheek. "I'm going to take a good look at you now. Take off your clothes."

I quickly began unbuckling my belt. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead," she replied.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I can. Why else? And what difference does it make?"

"I don't understand."

She smiled. "Let's just say that I've always had a thing for submissive men. And you are definitely submissive, aren't you?"

"I guess so."

"So, am I correct in assuming that you are sexually attracted to me?"

I nodded. "Yes, I suppose you are."

"And are you turned on right now? Are you getting an erection?"

"I think so, yes."

"Well, in that case, I suggest that you remove your shorts and get on your knees. That way, we can both enjoy the moment together."

I took off my shorts and stood up. Then I knelt down in front of her and began stroking myself. I felt ashamed because it was obvious that I had become aroused, but I also knew that I would never have done this willingly.

The woman looked at my cock and nodded. "Very nice. Now, put your hand inside me."

I moved the tip of my finger into her pussy and pushed it deep inside. "It's wet already," I told her.

"Good. Now stroke yourself faster. Be careful though. I'm still wearing the bullet, and you don't want to lose control."

I nodded.

A minute later, I was approaching orgasm. I watched in fascination as my cock throbbed and pulsated, filling the room with a thick white mist. I leaned closer to her mouth and kissed her gently.

"I'm almost there," I whispered.

"Are you touching my breast?" she asked.


"Then you're almost there."

As soon as I spoke those words, I erupted. My first spurt hit her chest and landed on her left nipple. Then another shot flew past her and landed on her lip. A third shot went past me and splattered against the wall behind her head.

Finally, I collapsed backwards onto her bed. There was a thud as she fell forward and landed on top of me.

"Were you enjoying that?" she asked.

"Very much," I replied. "You're a really good teacher."

She sat up, straddling me, and grabbed hold of my cock. "I hope so. You seemed to have enjoyed yourself."

"I have to admit, I did enjoy it."

She smiled. "So, did you learn anything new today?"

"Yes," I replied. "I learned that I'm not a homosexual."

"I figured that out long ago. But what else did you learn?"

"That I'm not a rapist. I never wanted to hurt you."

The woman smiled. "Thank you. Now, go clean up the mess while I prepare dinner."

I jumped up and started pulling up my shorts and t-shirt. "Where are my pants?"

"Why bother with them? You can wear the ones you pulled off. They're right next to the door."

I opened the door to find my pants lying on the floor. I picked them up and headed back into the bedroom to grab a towel to clean up the puddle of cum on the floor.

"Don't forget to clean your underwear," she called out.

I turned around and saw that she was sitting on the edge of the bed watching me. She was dressed in her robe, and her hair was still wet from the shower.

"What? Did you think that I'd be mad at you for shooting your load all over my face?"

I nodded.

"Didn't think so," she laughed. "Come here."

I walked over to her and knelt before her. "I'm sorry," I apologized. "I couldn't help it."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I actually enjoyed it. I think you missed me."

She pulled my face close to hers and gave me a kiss on the lips. I could feel her warm tongue pressing against mine, and it sent shivers down my spine. Then she pulled back and smiled. "How do you like the taste of my pussy?"

"It tastes very good," I replied.

"Good. Now get to work cleaning it up."