
Let’s Read The Word

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Beyond Suits And Pencil Skirts

Beyond Suits And Pencil Skirts




This is a story about the rivalry between two successful business owners who will stop at nothing to see the other suffering, The animosity between the two goes beyond suits and pencil skirts, it is something they inherited from the reign of their grandparents and it was fueled when her mother was murdered before her eyes and as retribution she took the one person who loved him more than anything his Nonna.

"Good Morning Ms Anderson" I looked up from my computer to see Walter with a wooden tray which held a white mug on its center with both of his hands holding the tray in place and a brown envelope underneath his chin. Walter has been my personal assistant for two years , I watched as he set down the white mug of steaming black coffee on my table then he took the tray holding it with his left hand and took the envelope from his chin with his free hand placing it on top of my dark grey Bubiga wooden table.

"I brought your coffee mam, this envelope was delivered for you also Mr Cetini called he requested that you call him as soon as you can" He said in one breath.

"Who is this from ?" I asked as I took the brown envelope from my desk to see it was from Ava a close friend of mine.

"Call Mr Cetini tell him I'm busy, take the message" I told him before he can respond as I set the envelope aside continuing to go through this month's report on my computer.

" I will do that now mam" he said as he turned around to leave closing the door behind him.

I could not help but think why would Mr Cetini call when our next meeting is scheduled for next week Wednesday, and we have already went through the terms of our agreement furthermore we were both content with the terms of the contract all that is left is to sign the contract validating the agreement.  

I continued going through the reports, the company is undoubtedly doing well. Securing the Turkish deal will guarantee the company more wealth, I was disturbed by a low knock on the door.

"Come in"  I said as Walter came in looking a bit apprehensive, he kept looking all around as if it was his first time entering my office I cleared my throat to grab his attention as I arched my eyebrow questioning his sudden behaviour.

" I called Mr Cetini, his personal assistant says they are withdrawing from the agreement they will now be signing with Giovanni" he said as he heaved a sigh of relief.

What a coward, he does not even have balls to tell me this face to face out all people he is signing with Giovanni. God damn Giovanni!! If he now wants to take my clients then he has another thing coming for him if he thinks I will just sit back and watch him steal my clients.  I took my phone from my table as I stood up walking towards the big window on the right looking down at the crowded streets of New York while pulling my black pencil skirt down.

"Close the door on your way out and cancel all my meeting for the rest of the day" I said without looking back. After he left I dialed Ava's number which she responded after two rings.

"Hey I was just on my way to your office, did you receive the the copy of the Turkey agreement ?" she asked.

"Oh yeah I did... I need to talk to you about that" I said

"Sounds serious I will be there in 30 minutes" she said 

I ended the call  and went on to sit in my black leather chair dragging it towards my desk. I could not help but think of how delighted Mr Cetini was with our agreement.  I need to talk to him urgently, with that thought I rose up from the chair took my car keys and purse walking towards the door when it suddenly opened.

" And where are you off to?" Ava asked looking at the car keys and the purse in my hand 

"Come I will explain in the car" I replied

"Oh...kay" she said following me to my private elevator I pressed in the ground floor on the elevator.

"Mr Cetini is with drawing he signing with Giovanni" I said looking at the closed doors of the elevator.

"What ? Giovanni out of all people?" She questioned with a look of utter incredulity.

"I can bet a million Giovanni has something on him, there is no way he will switch up on me" I said as the elevator doors opened with a ping and we walked out towards my parking.

" Of course Giovanni will go to such lengths" she said as I pressed the remote on my hand opening my black 2021 BMW X4.

"You sound so Surprised" I pointed out as I got in the drivers sit fastening my sit belt

"I mean I thought you guys were staying out of each others way" she said as I pulled out of the parking.

"Well you thought wrong. He clearly wants me to reacts he knew I will not take this lying down, and somehow he knows how big this deal is for the company" I said stopping at the red lights.

"So what are we going to now?" she asked as I drove past the red lights.

"Will give Giovanna what he wants but first I need an explanation from Mr Cetini" I said.

After 15 minutes we reached the Anderson hotel where Mr Cetini stays. I parked the car and got out of the car and walked straight to the reception. 

" I need Mr Cetini's room number" I demanded to the receptionist who looked extremely surprised to see me.

"Miss Anderson.... We were not expecting you mam" she said strengthening up.

"The room number" I repeated as she quickly perused through the computer.

"20... Room 209 mam" she said as we walked to the elevator.

"Press in the room number" I told Ava which she did

When we reached his floor we walked straight to his room and knocked twice on the door and there was no response. Ava was about to knock again when  a middle aged women who I assumed to be a maid judging from her attire opened the door.

"Good Afternoon we are looking for Mr Cetini" Ava said

"Mr Cetini is taking a bath and he does not wish to be disturbed" She said

"Tell him Ms Anderson wants to see him now or I can go call him myself if that will be a problem for you" I responded while inviting myself in standing next to the big brown couch, the maid looked at me in distaste but right now I couldn't Careless.

"I will go call him for you" She said 

"That would be great, Thank you" Ava said standing next to me

The maid disappeared into the hall way to call his boss, after a minute she came back with her boss who was wrapped in a navy blue bath robe showing off his big belly with his hairy chest. Looking at his face he looked as if he was seeing a ghost or something.

" I'm guessing you were not expecting to see me, were you ?" I asked walking slowly towards him.

"Ms Anderson?" he said

"You didn't even have the guts to tell me you were withdrawing face to face, what happened you were so eager to sign with Anderson corporation on Friday and today I had to find out from your secretary that you are signing with Giovanni?" I wondered out loud

"What did he make a better proposition?" Ava piqued.

"You don't strike me as someone who can be easily bought, which is why I agreed to get in business with you" I said

"UMH... Ms Anderson I was not happy with the terms of the agreement" He fumbled

"Rubbish you were content with the terms off the agreement on Friday, humor me Mr Cetini... which terms were you not happy with?" I asked searching his eyes to find the truth.

"Everything" he voiced out.

"Oh everything? I see...   Now let's quit fooling around what does Giovanni have on you?" I probed as his eyes widened in surprise.

"No...Nothing, Giovanni does not have anything on me" He replied

"And I'm suppose to believe this! If you expect me to believe you should at least try harder than this" I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm telling the truth Ms Anderson" he argued.

"Very well then  Mr Cetini, have a serene night " I said turning a round walking towards the door with Ava on my heels. we walked out and closed the door.

"So what now?" Ava enquired.

"Now we find out what Giovanni has on him? I still have my inside contact let me call him" I said as I continue walking.

" Why are we still walking? shouldn't you be calling ?" she asked following me to the elevator.

"I can't call him using my mobile number, I will use the burner phone in my Car" I said

As soon as we got out of the elevator we went straight to my car, we got in and secure our belts and I started the car while Ava took out the burner phone from my purse and gave it to me. I quickly dialed Luca's number at the red lights, he responded on the third ring.

"Ms Anderson, I was expecting your call" he answered, from the way he answered I already knew he had something for me.

"What does Giovanni have on Mr Cetini?" I asked as I continue to drive

"Yesterday  Andrew gave him a USB in a brown envelope, the USB contains a clip of Mr Cetini in a gay orgy, so Mr Giovanni is threatening to tell his wife and leak the clip to the press" He said

"Get me that clip, I need it as in yesterday" I said cutting the call 

"So ?" Ava asked

"As predicted Giovanni is blackmailing him, he is using his extramarital affairs" I said

With that we drove to Anderson Corporation to get my computer and Ava's car. From there I drove straight to my house, I really need a long bath but first I need to eat. I received a message on the burner phone, I checked the message and it was a video from Luca Great.  If I can't have the Turkey deal neither will Giovanni.